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Al-Qaida's Terrorism Rooted In Anarchism

miss info | 06.08.2005 09:02 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Terror War

"For although it founds its ideology on religious references and speaks a language overwhelmed by religious symbols, al-Qaida falls largely within the modern tradition of revolutionary anarchists..."
writes Soumayya Ghannoushi, a researcher in the history of ideas at the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, in an opinion piece for Aljazeera.

The article. which is also published on the Muslim Association of Britain's and other Islamic websites, argues that the ideological motivation behind Al-Qaida's acts of terror comes not from Islam but anarchism's marxist (sic) nihilism

Ghannoushi explains to her readers that like modern anarchists, al- Qaida subscribes to an instrumentalist logic that recognises no distinction between the legitimate and illegitimate, thereby sanctioning acts of terror for the attainment of their ends.

Ghannoushi's expertise as a historian of ideas, based in the academically renowned SOAS department of the University of London, leads her to conclude that in relation to al-Qaida:

"Apart from the ideological justifications it takes recourse to, one would, indeed, be hard put to find much that distinguishes it from Latin American anarchist groups. Their acts share the same destructive ferocity, the same absurdity."

This article is being widely disseminated across the Muslim world. The orginal article can be found on:

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Real Roots Are In The USA

06.08.2005 19:08

However, in all reality, it's roots are in Capitalism, seeing as the group was created by the CIA for use as a Proxy Force against the Soviets in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and to this day in Chechnya.

"Islamic Extremism" is a creation of the US Government, who distributed textbooks in Afghanistan and throughout oil-rich, Arab regions, mixing military training/tactics/ideology, with manipulated readings of Islam.

Most of these groups did not understand their role in working for Uncle Sam, as the US hid its activities by using agencies such as Pakistan's ISI (Inter-service Intelligence Service) as a go-between for funds, weapons, logistical support, and training.

"Al Qaeda" = CIA/Mossad

Rooted in a less than holy text

06.08.2005 21:56

La Qaedfa's murder is rooted int the Quran.
Time to blame the Moslems insted of each of their vicitms

Quran: Mein Kampf for Moslems


06.08.2005 22:18

[of the linked article]

A reasonably good article expressing some fairly obvious ideas (G.Bush and Bin Laden) being reliant on one another and some other good points about the current situation on the middle east, but (as should be expected of jurnos really!) a total lack of understanding of the ideas of anarchism, a nice out-of-context- quote and the linking of anarchism with authorotarianist chaos and marxism.

I think the issue of the idiotic targets chosen by Al-Quaeda deserve more coverage, (i for one would have a lot more sympathy for their cause if they attacked military targets) but unfortunately this doesn't really bring anything more than a 'muslim liberal' POV. I'm suspicious too of practicing muslims commenting on these subjects, as i am of christians writing on the same subject.


Al Qaeda is NOT CIA/Mossad

06.08.2005 23:17

Yes, Islamic fundamentalism was a creation of the Cold War and Gladio. But rather like LSD, it escaped US intelligence and took on a life of its own.

Mossad's attempts at creating fake Al Qaeda cells have been exposed at least once, but that doesn't mean the real thing doesn't exist!

The fanatical foot soldiers are being manipulated by rich 'fundamentalists' whose interests lie more in oil rights than in Sharia law.

Dirty Kuffar
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mind control

07.08.2005 03:00

What causes people to kill and die for a 'cause'? Political mind control... ideology built from the British Empire and the USA's foreign interests

Jack Philby [father of double agent Kim Phlilby] was charged with helping create a new way of maximizing control over Saudi kingdom assets

This 'Empire' control mechanism is nothing new

one of these ways was the forming of a new version of Islamic religion using what is known as 'the process' involving cultic steering and identity control - Wahhabi Sharia-Sufi-Neobandi

Al Bana adored Hitler

The Grand mufti met with Hitler created a crack troops in Egypt to fight the Allies

The British Secret Service wanted to use the fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood to strike down the infant state of Israel in 1948

The Muslim brotherhood were co-opted pre- WWII by the British to contain the Israeli 'terror gangs'

One of these Egyptians was Yasser Arafat

This was a similar operation to the recruiting of the nazi remnants which happened as the Soviet BlocK became the new threat [The Gehlen Organisation]

This operation led to the NATO secret stay behind units [known as Gladio in Italy] to fund and fight Marxist / communist threats from dissidents via a secret mullti government US 'Marshall plan' agreemnent

The Saudi-Philby steered religion - bastardised Wahhabi, Sharia-Sufi-Neobandi [Taliban] was the basis for

the Mujahadeen which was trained and facilitated further by the CIA-Bush nexus and the Saudi-Royalty with the formation of Madrasses in Afghanistan...Pakistan, Uzbekistan

MAK - precursor to Al Queda

we know it now as Islamo-fascism

see the 'old man of the mountain' Hassan i Sabbah and the Hashish assassins, the silent warrior, The Art of War, Machievelli... legends influencing the Nazis of then and now...

The Nazi Scientists obtained via Operation Paperclip were experimenting with creating the perfect agent, killer, soldier...perfectly obedient

The CIA pushed the envelope further

many US Government agencies have been investing time and money over many years to perfect the 'assassination' technique MK [mind kontrolle] programs - Artichoke, Bluebird, Ultra, Delta

They are what you see now.

They are the 'lost' children who have been abused and indoctrinated dehumanised and rehumansised as 'the product'

These groups are an Ideology which sees it's roots realised in a similar manner to such cults as Charles Manson, The Process Church, Heavens gate see also the Jonestown Massacre see the moonies techniques, and Falon gong in China

and see lighter versions of cultic steering in

science fiction
Acid culture
New age
Maitreya [bastardised from Baha'i]
'anti capitalism'

name an ideology

neuro-linguistically programme the language - set the tone with an identity/image association

and you're nearly on your way to creating your own cult

in fact its not hard to see that this world, its inhabitants are being bombarded with programming constantly

our perception is being managed

and so are the 'terrorists'

paul c

Soumayya Ghannoushi fulla shit

07.08.2005 12:05

anarchy ballocks!

word meanligness in islam

more likely a blood feud

from the gates of vienna

and al-andalus

thosand year itch.

hiroshima them.

hilly mary

try harder next time

07.08.2005 14:20

Even a brief - say 15 minute - scan of literature dealing with anarchist communities which have sprung up around the work, would reveal that this assertion is at the very best, extremely tenuous.

And to claim that so-called-Al-Queda is influenced by anarchism more than some other ideology purely on the basis of supposedly similar tactics is simply not justifiable.

This is an absolutely rubbish piece of work from an academic. If I was marking this as an undergraduate paper I would probably give her a fail.


Pump The Fear

07.08.2005 19:21

I'd say this is just another attempt at pumping more fear into the Hard Right's trigger word - "Anarchism" - that they then apply to their entire Opposition, in order to keep people from thinking.

"Yes, Islamic fundamentalism was a creation of the Cold War and Gladio. But rather like LSD, it escaped US intelligence and took on a life of its own."

There is absolutely no evidence of this. The USA has supported these organizations as recently as Chechnya. Most often, these groups were unwitting stooges, not aware in the least that they were working for Uncle Sam. Why is today any different? They attack just when it is the most politically beneficial for the Neo-Fascists in the White House.

"Mossad's attempts at creating fake Al Qaeda cells have been exposed at least once, but that doesn't mean the real thing doesn't exist!"

No, it simply supports the argument ... You're reaching pretty hard in order to make the unproven claims of a gruop of proven LIARS and Sociopaths seem credible. Why is that?

"The fanatical foot soldiers are being manipulated by rich 'fundamentalists' whose interests lie more in oil rights than in Sharia law."

Indeed, and the most dangerous place to have these rich fundamentalists and extremists is in the seats of world power - like No. 10 and the White House.

Why Stretch? Follow the Evidence ...

Why Stretch?

09.08.2005 15:39

Your last point is obvious but well made - maybe I should have mentioned it in my comment above, but I thought Indymedia readers would be able to make that connection anyway.

As far as hidden agendas go - are you aware that a substantial proportion of Jihadists were in favour of the USA's illegal invasion of Iraq?
Maybe you should check out what Islamic militants say themselves on readily available internet forums, many in English. They're largely a bunch of intolerant, immature and nasty pricks and arguing with em is like talking to the Jehovah's Witnesses on your doorstep, you're onto a loser from the start. They do exist and they're not all CIA or Mossad agents...they're disaffected kids.

And no I don't know what to do about the fact that I am their enemy, when I don't support our politicians. Maybe all there is to do is try to keep tolerance, compassion and kindness in our thoughts and actions, and to keep communicating - or at least trying to.

Dirty Kuffar


09.08.2005 19:14

Can you point me to a source? Because these people are angry at the US/UK and say so online does not mean that they are "jihadists". Their views are pretty widespread.

Al Qaeda - CIA/Mossad

we're all dirty kuffars

09.08.2005 20:38

Try Google's cache of the now deleted forums at

Also see

Also Infovlad - just one of the many 'terror trackers' online who DON'T all toe the imperialist/Zionist line. (Some do)

I'd find it hard to believe that anyone could read up on this stuff and still believe that it's all a CIA/Mossad plot.

Anarchists/anti-globalists are still hugely underestimating the threat from Islamic fundamentalism to everything we strive and hope for...believe me, under sharia law we'd be first up against the wall.

Dirty Kuffar

As I Thought

10.08.2005 18:00

Luckily, the prevalence of US-created "Islamic Fundamentalism" is small and rather isolated from mainstream Muslim thought. Your rather ludicrous and unsupported Conspiracy Theory - spread by the people BEHIND the Iraq LIES and PNAC Neo-Fascism - is just that.

The only real threat here are the Neo-Fascists in DC, London, Tel Aviv, and the work their covert intelligence wings are putting into kick-srtaing a non-existent "war of civilizations".

Because these people are angry at the US/UK and say so online does not mean that they are "jihadists". Their views are pretty widespread.

You've Been Had

al-qaeda = fascism

10.08.2005 23:21

Just cos they're a minority in the Islamic world doesn't mean they're not a threat. And their virulent religious bile has very little to do with being anti-war. Do some more reading.

a kuffar
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