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International peace gardeners arrested planting vines and fig trees

Thomas Helgeson | 05.08.2005 21:31 | Anti-militarism | South Coast

International peace gardeners arrested planting vines and fig trees
inside Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston

for immediate release
60th Anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

International peace gardeners arrested planting vines and fig trees
inside Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston

In the early hours of Friday 5th August, nine peace gardeners from Europe
and Australia planted vines and fig trees at the Atomic Weapons
Establishment at Aldermaston, UK. After five minutes Ministry of Defence
police arrived and arrested all nine of the planters within the base on
suspicion of criminal damage.

The previous day, Thursday 4th August, the gardeners had planted a vine and
a fig tree outside the main gate of AWE Aldermaston and informed the
authorities of their intention to return and continue the peaceful
conversion of the base.

The four women and five men are currently being held at Newbury police
station. They are: Sr Susan Clarkson (England), Per Herngren (Sweden), Mike
Hutchinson (England), Barbara Smedema (Netherlands), Treena Lenthall
(Australia), Martin Smedjeback (Sweden), Les Gibbon (England), Lizzie Jones
(England) and Stephen Hancock (England).

Calling themselves the Aldermaston Vine & Fig Tree Planters, the group
arrived at dawn, cut a gateway in the perimeter fence and entered carrying
spades, trowels, watering cans, four vines and five fig trees. Having
planted and watered the vines and fig trees, they offered their arresting
officers a choice of grapes, fig rolls, grape juice or wine.

In a joint statement given to both workers at AWE Aldermaston and their
arresting officers, the eleven say:
“On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the bombings of the people of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we come to the Atomic Weapons Establishment at
Aldermaston, UK, to plant vines and fig trees.

‘They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into
pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war anymore. Instead, everyone shall sit underneath their vine
and fig tree and none shall make them afraid.’ (Micah 4:3)

Disarmament, economic conversion and nonviolence are vital ingredients for
creating a just world in which everyone enjoys the earth's abundance.

In these fearful, suspicious times, we invite people all around the world to
transform military bases into gardens of peace in which beauty and life
shall flourish.”

Supporters are maintaining a presence outside Newbury station and are
available for interview.
Contact: Orla Cunningham on 07717 324 057
Photographs available:
Aldermaston MoD Police Station: 0118 982 6286

"and everyone shall live underneath their vine and fig tree and none shall
make them afraid..."
Micah 4:3
Vine & Fig Tree Planters:

Thomas Helgeson
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Hide the following 3 comments

Well done

06.08.2005 08:59

A beautiful and moving action, well done all those involved. - a fitting memorial on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. "Disarmament, economic conversion and nonviolence are vital ingredients for creating a just world in which everyone enjoys the earth's abundance" : the UK's government response to these noble sentiments is to exapnd AWE Aldermaston with new facilities that will enable the testing and building of the next generation of nuclear weapons. Let's hope that more acts of resistance will follow.

potential tree planter

Gardeners in Holland

06.08.2005 09:12

also gardeners in The Netherlands see:

feyko minkjan


06.08.2005 16:35

Vine and Figs
Vine and Figs

Figs and Forensics
Figs and Forensics

Vine and Arch
Vine and Arch

Nice one. We happened to be wandering around the fence at Aldermaston yesterday about 0830, saw lots of cops looking at something so we went to have a look. Couple of photos below.

For those who feel they´ve missed all the fun at Aldermaston - there´s a blockade on Monday! (

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