Picket of Tescos Cowley Road 6pm 4th July
richarddirecttv | 04.08.2005 16:40 | Workers' Movements | Oxford
Picket of Tescos Cowley Road, East Oxford at 6pm on Thursday 4th July.
Part of a national day of action in support of Polish agency workers exploited by Tescos in Ireland.
Part of a national day of action in support of Polish agency workers exploited by Tescos in Ireland.
Polish agency staff working for Tesco distribution in Ireland
have gone on strike, after two of them were fired for refusing to pick up over 130 crates in a day.
More info at http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=71189
and https://publish.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/08/320202.html
have gone on strike, after two of them were fired for refusing to pick up over 130 crates in a day.
More info at http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=71189
and https://publish.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/08/320202.html
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Report of picket
04.08.2005 19:02
Management had been informed that we were coming, and knew about all the protests happening around the country. Several workers from inside Tesco deied their boss to come and talk to us. We were told that in the UK, like in Ireland, Tesco try to exploit those who do not know their rights, recent immigrants from south Asia, was one example given.
Two radio interviews were done by Green Councillor Matt Sellwood, but the press failed to turn up on the day -- so no pictures, sorry.
Another person told of more horror stories -- care workers from East Europe, qualified nurses all, who are being paid a pittance, sleeping eight to a room, all controlled by gang masters who hold the nurses' passports
And one woman thought that the misspellings on the leaflet was me having a pop at the Irish!
And also in Hackney and beyond
05.08.2005 02:16
So did some folk did it 2 in Dublin
hmm... its gonna take us more than this to win...but i think we got more...
For background food for thought, see: http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=71189
Suma Us-came Out
Caveat emptor
06.08.2005 13:44
Don't Shut Up
08.08.2005 12:23
Stay if you like, go if you like, but don't keep quiet about what's wrong with how things are.