Video Letter to Tony Blair from Loackleaze Day Centre, Bristol
IMCvol | 04.08.2005 12:34 | Analysis | Social Struggles
video letter to Blair 15mb (quicktime)
- video/quicktime 15M
video letter to Blair 16mb (realmedia)
- RealMedia 16M
video letter to Blair 23mb (mpeg)
- video/mpeg 22M
daycare legal threat demo 9mb (quicktime)
- video/quicktime 8.5M
daycare leal threat demo 9mb (realmedia)
- RealMedia 10M
daycare legal threat demo 13mb (mpeg)
- video/mpeg 13M
Some of the participants in the video letter
An individual from the Campaign to Save Daycare in Bristol says "Bristol City Council overspent its budget by 11 million pounds last year, and as a result, F.A.C.S has meant the council has closed many Day Centres, cut places at the remaining day centres, denied the most vulnerable crucial care and services, and axed Meals on Wheels".
Bonus: previous action video
Also posted here is an action where the campaign and supporters took over the main street in Bristol in June, in response to a legal threat by Bristol City Council.
About the videos:
The videos are viewable in 3 formats: real media (rm), quicktime (.mov) or as a web mpeg (mpg).
Duration: 7mins 23 secs
Media players:
To view .mov files download quicktime media player:
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To contact the campaign: