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Fascist Bastard Scum Brutally Murder 18 yr Old Male in Liverpool

D.I.R.T | 02.08.2005 23:01 | Anti-racism

Not a 'word' about the story on Indymedia .. ?

Hundreds of people have attended a vigil in memory of murdered black teenager Anthony Walker.
Members of Anthony's close family were among the crowd which gathered at St George's Hall in Liverpool city centre.

Anthony, 18, was attacked with an axe by a gang of white men in what police said was a racially-motivated incident.

Doreen Lawrence, the mother of Stephen Lawrence, who was stabbed to death in a racist attack in London in 1993, visited the scene of Friday's killing.

At the vigil on Tuesday evening, Anthony's mother, Gee, made her first public statement since her son's murder in Huyton, Merseyside.

She said she felt sorry for his attackers, but that they should not be allowed to walk the streets.

"I don't know where to start, I didn't come here to say anything," she said.

"When I look at the sea of faces, so many close friends, people I know, I was so overwhelmed I was not sorry that I came here.

"I am receiving letters from people I don't even know - from America, from Canada, phone calls from Ireland, you name it and letters of condolence."

She apologised for wearing sunglasses because of her swollen eyes which drew a round of applause from the 800-strong crowd.

Mrs Walker said: "I don't know how to thank you, I applaud all of you and thank you from my heart, other people have scripts, I have none.

"I have to tell you about Anthony, he was everybody's son.

"I am sure he is looking down at you all bouncing his basketball."

She said she had placed basketballs and teddy bears sent to her by the public into Anthony's coffin.

"I am sorry for the people that have done it and if you know anyone then come forward, they don't deserve to walk the streets," she said.

Anthony's older sister, Dominique, fought back tears as she issued a public appeal for help in catching her brother's killers.

She said: "I just want to say to the people that if anybody knows anything can they speak up.

"This is no joke, he is flesh and blood, my little brother, he was only 18.

"It is not over, you just don't know, you just don't know what you have done."

Earlier, at the scene of Anthony's death, Mrs Lawrence said she hoped his family would have justice.

"I'm only hoping that this time that justice will be done and seen to be done, because Stephen's killers are still walking free and I'm hoping that Anthony's killers will be brought to justice," she said.

"I think he deserved that; his family deserve that."

Footballer's appeal

Earlier on Tuesday, Manchester City footballer Joey Barton appealed for his brother to contact police investigating the murder.

He said: "You must do this because you know it's right."

Eighteen-year-old Michael Barton and Paul Taylor, 20, are wanted for questioning by detectives who think the pair could have left the country.

Joey Barton said the murder was "horrific" and "senseless", adding those responsible "must be brought to justice".

Police said on Tuesday a 29-year-old man arrested in connection with the axe attack had been released on police bail.

A 17-year-old who was also being questioned had earlier been released on police bail.

A 26-year-old man remains in custody.

The Walker family said in a statement they were "helping police as much as we possibly can" and did not want to say "anything that might prejudice the investigation".

"We are not willing to make any comment or judgment about the people police are questioning in connection with Anthony's death or about those people who they would like to trace to help them with the inquiry."




Hide the following 23 comments

In response to your post scumbag etc

02.08.2005 23:52

This was a brutal murder,sickening and so on...this particular murder moved me more in the fact that i come from this particular estate where it took place...i grew up playing in the park he was murdered in.

Heck when i heard the news,the family name of the possable culprit sprang to mind immediatly.
And this was before the name was released in the paper.This particular family have always been violent,even when i was a child growing up there.The likely murderers father was an agressive bully also,the whole family where and are.

I draw the line in making it a purely racial murder though,this comes from the press who wont even cover the obvious lies from the blair government ehos sole objective seems to cause a cultural clash amongst humans in general......

The reason why i say not purely a racist attack is because i have known this scumbags family over the years.It could have been a white guy murdered that night,coz these scumbags dont care what colour you are,they are just brainless psychos.......

Last time i was back visiting this estate, i actually saw Anthony bouncing his basket ball with his younger brother along our road,although i didnt know him as i no longer live there.i know it was him....

My father said he was a pleasant lad,and he always called my dad sir.....Nice day today isnt it sir....

My mother is upset at this young mans death,as is my father....

it wasnt a racist attack,for what is racism but a label,a candy floss jacket,which covers ignorance and psychopathy.........

My thoughts are with the family,and it my hope that this scumbag as you rightly call him is caught quickly and given life and have the key thrown away.


stick your so-called anti-racism

03.08.2005 05:57

We don't need any more of this attempt to stir up race as a major issue with the shit posted by "Anti-racism". There has also been a murder on a bus by someone throwing chips. Is this a racist murder too? Guess it could be. Either way, I don't want to hear about it. This shit only feeds the BNP.

Keep racism out of everything! And that includes IMC!!!


In response to hamlet..

03.08.2005 09:14

This news made me feel physically sick. Like Hamlet, I want to see whoever did this locked up. But - and I hate to say this - you can't say completely for sure that this was the guy/family that did it. Not yet. He/they have to have a fair trial. Otherwise we lower ourselves to the same shitty level of someone who judges and executes on a whim of prejudice.
I do believe this was a race-hate crime as Anthony was racially abused before and for this, I blame Blair. According to the mainstream news, race-hate crimes have soared since the bombings in London and before that, already risen massively since the invasion of Iraq. But I'm a fair person. I'm willing to let the bastard be brought to a fair trial.



03.08.2005 09:48


Post the name of the person you suspect here, or anonymously give it to the police.

Anony Mouse

Toms opinion

03.08.2005 10:24

Tom is wrong Fascists do kill people they have a long history of it. Hitler,Mussolini,Franco killed millions but Fascists in this country have killed many as well the Brixton bomber was a BNP member.

adrian cannon
mail e-mail:

It's not racist to be anti-racist!

03.08.2005 12:08

wj, it's not racist to confront racism when it happens. You can't be an anti-racist just by not mentioning race, unfortunately. That just lets the implicit racism of our society off the hook, so that racism continues to fester. The idea that anyone who is vocally anti-racist is just stirring things up is really dangerous, and is the sort of idea that the scumbags in the BNP really feed on.

Voluntary Slave

Not racist

03.08.2005 12:26

Hi was picked on for being black, but he could have been picked on for the colour of his shoes too, it does not look like the people who did it had a racist record at all, it looks more like yobs picking in someone because of anything, as well said someone above a white guy got knifed by a black persorn who was throwing chips to his white girlfriend. Does this look like a racist murder to you?


in case you haven't noticed...

03.08.2005 17:50

An innocent white man who had a friend killed in the July 7th attacks was stabbed to death on a London bus in a racist attack by a black man wearing a hooded top. why is this not in the papers??? Well it is but you need a magnifying glass to spot the article.

Campaign for equal coverage for all racist attacks.

racism cuts both ways

Indymedia Hijacked By Racist Apologists - Invariably Undercover BNP Supporters

03.08.2005 20:55

Hi there!!!

Let us, in the moment of grief, be warned of the BNP-hijacking of Indymedia.....

The BNP, Hitler-fetishing Mark Collett, in particular, trawl sites liked Indymedia, playing all stories about racism with a zealousness, that shows how committed to the racist neo-Nazi cause they are.

One of these aliases is called "Max". You might have come across the name in previous postings.

The problem with Indymedia, is, no-one censores the messages and weeds out neo-Nazi apolgetic, and the anti-racist bashing, with the effect, indymedia has become a free for all, used by racists and anti-racists alike.

This is not true democracy, just as Bush and Blair don't themselves operate fairly, so Indymedia Uk is no better.

There is only one thing more dangerous than out and out nazis posting on Indymedia. They are the neo-Nazis who operate by stealth, pretending they are anti-racists, when they are infact, the opposite - the enemy.

By absusing the raw facts that the police were the first to admit showed the Walker case had a purely racial motive. The killers went out, armed with an axe, to murder black people.

THE family of murdered teenager Anthony Walker say they had suffered racist abuse before his death, and that Liverpool isn't as anti-racist as people believe.

Yesterday, Gee Verona Walker, the mother of Anthony, who was 18, said her son had been killed simply because of the colour of his skin.

Mrs Walker said: "This was an entirely racially motivated attack. This is on a level with the Stephen Lawrence case. My son was killed purely because of the colour of his skin.

"This is absolutely terrible. We cannot change our colour. There are a lot of questions that need asking."

AS with the whole of the UK since the rise of the neo-Nazi "British Nazi Party", Racist attacks have risen slightly in the Huyton area during tensions after the London bombings, but prompt police action supported by local MP Eddie O'Hara and councillors appears to have kept trouble largely in check. Minor vandalism and some abuse has been targeted at the main ethnic minority community on the other side of the suburb from the park where Anthony Walker was killed.

What these neo-Nazis do, between pleasuring themselves to copies of Mein Kamph, is trawl the internet, cleverly sniping away at anti-racist comment online, waterinhg down resolve, and using all the tricks in the book to try and derail the anti-racist movement.

The "chips" murder wasn't categorised as a racist motivation. In the Liverpool case, race was the only motive.

Both were totally evil ..... but one was the purest of pure evil - the murder of someone because of the colour of his skin - the Anthony Walker Murder.

The only people trying to hijack the grief of the bus fast-food murder, are the racist BNP, who seek to make a comparison between two different crimes, to "play down genuine racial attacks.

They exploited the non-racial mugging in Oldham of a man wrongly reported as suffereing a racial attack, and riots resulted, based on this distorted "white nationalist - white supremacist, more like", agenda.

The enemy isn't white people. It isn't black people. It isn't Muslims or Jews - the BNP hate anyone not within their Goebels-like clique. IT IS ORGANISED RACISM....

By spreading their hate, young people become infested with the madness that different people are different in their DNA make-up (Adolf-Hitler, Mein Kamph).

THE TRUTH: - BNP do read Mein Kamph. Last year, in the North of England, we came across this "den" where these BNP members (including some councillors held strtaegy meetings - when they deserted the place, we found MK copies) Believe it ot not!!!

The tabloid newspapers and Tory and Government politicians don't help matters, by fuelling myths about immigrants and asylum seekers, many of whom don't have white skins, as don't those suspected of terrorist acts in the London bombings, or Al Quaida.

Sloppy headlines, Islamophobia, quazi-racist reporting of crimes committed by black criminals in a stereotypical way, all add up in the minds of bored, confused youths that white Britains are morally inferior to anybody who hasn't got a white skin.

Neo-Nazis ought to be banned from politics, as they give credence to the myths of eugenics that still (obviously) abound today. But we all have a role to play, in ensuring newspaper editors act responsibly - by boycotting tabloids such as the Sun, Daily Express, and Daily Mail, which have stirred up prejudice - using lies and myth.

Does anybody remember the tale the Sun told that Asylum seekers from Iraq were eating swans????

The sun later admitted the story was false..... but they didn't apologise.

Racists will no-doubt seek to tell me that you can't believe everything the Guardian says, also. Or the Indypendent. Maybe - but some lies are more dangerous than others.

Goebels told lies about Jewish people, to the result that everybody believed the lies. Redneck American colonialists made slavery acceptible - by saying black people were subhuman. It wasn't long before a large number of people believed these pure evil lies.....

All races are invartiably the subject of racist attacks - but black, Jewish, Asian and Muslim people are the majority of victims. And since the London bombings, things ahve only got worse. And before neo-Nazi BNPers wield distorted statistics from pre-riot Oldham), when 69% on average of black and Asian people in northern mill towns who suffered racial abuse never reported attacks, while white victims were more willing to come forward to a less than sympathetic Greater Manchester police force (Remember The Secret Policeman)....

When racial tension increases in this country because of government foreign policy, the neo-Nazi BNP, and the tabloid right-wing media and their "Little-England Home Counties Mentality", invariably it is non-white people, foreigners, and Muslims, and Jews, who suffer.

We must remember this.

Racists come in all shapes, sizes, and creeds, but (apart from the occasional cell of terrorist religious extremists - who aren't political parties, and are a creed rather than race-based form of bigots, though bigots nonetheless), there aren't any organised black supremacy political parties operating here in the UK.

Black and Asian racists act alone, whereas white racists are organised, or (probable for most white supremacy-bent racist attackers) at least given credeance by the participation of the BNP in elections.

White supremacy is organised, as with Islamic terror. Not so, black-on-white or Asian on white skin-colour racism.

That, my friends, is the key difference, and why, the BNP must be removed from the political process. Politics caters for hate of one kind - white british agaisnt anyone who is different, and that includes gay and lesbian people.


Why the BNP are quick to claim a false similarity between the non-racist motivated murder of Richard Whelan, and the pure racist murder of Anthony Whelan (may God rest both of their souls - RIP), is they are worried that membership, particularly in the North of England will wain, just as it did after the Stephen Lawrence murders.

Thus they stay up all night and day, surfing the web, stealthily sniping at anti-racists while very often, cleverly hiding their own true movites. - white supremacism....




The Professor

Typing Error

03.08.2005 23:09

Anthony Walker (not Anthony Whelan - a simple typing error), for all you sneering nit-picking BNP neo-Nazis.

I lived in America for many years, until Christmas, and I've not come across an attack like the one on Anthony Walker, with so much contempt and hatred, for many years. Racism (organised or not) must be opposed by the government and the media, and not forgetting, middle class white communities.

Unity is needed.

The Professor

Remember Copeland

03.08.2005 23:16

"I believe in what I believe and I took that belief to the extreme."
David Copeland to the police.

"He had been a member of the BNP ... he had distributed leaflets for the BNP."
DAC Alan Fry, Head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad.

"Anyone who has heard the facts of this case will be appalled and horrified. you were motivated by violent hatred and pitiless contempt for other people ... You set out to kill, maim and cause terror, and that is what you did. Nothing can excuse or justify the evil you have done and the abhorrent views you have embraced - the public must be protected from you."

Judge Michael Hyam, Recorder of London

Three people dead and hundreds injured - this is the high price paid for the Nazi terror unleashed by the bombs in Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho.

Copeland, like his Nazi führers, is ideologically committed to a race war. He wants the destruction of our multicultural and multiracial society.

Yet, Home Secretaries regularly permit Nazis to peddle their race hatred when they march against asylum seekers, hold meetings, and cynically stand in democratic elections.

All the Nazi leaders have convictions for violent race crimes. The BNP Election Organiser, Tony "Bomber" Lecomber, has been jailed for a nailbomb attack. Terry Blackham, National Activities Organiser of the National Front, has over twenty convictions for violence and was sentenced to 4 and a half years after being arrested boarding a ferry to Northern Ireland carrying submachine guns and a grenade launcher. Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, received a two year suspended sentence for inciting racial hatred when he published literature denying the Holocaust.

Copeland's trial has proved that he is not a mad loner. He is a calculating Nazi, carrying to its logical conclusion the Nazi ideology he embraces. He even has a swastika on his wall in Broadmoor! Copeland told a psychiatric nurse, after his arrest, that he had logically and rationally planned the explosions.

This recent Nazi terror was a sick attempt to bomb their way into popular consciousness - it is also evidence of their isolation from mainstream political society. Copeland said that he planted the bombs to start a race war, so that people would vote for the BNP. It is a sign of their desperation that they can consider nailbombs will bring them success at the ballot box.

Now jail all the rest of the terrorist neo-Nazis including the likes of Lecomber Griffin
and Collett.


Both murders were equally repugnant

04.08.2005 11:58

To the professor:

"Both were totally evil ..... but one was the purest of pure evil - the murder of someone because of the colour of his skin - the Anthony Walker Murder."

Don't agree. There is no difference between these two murders. Both lads were murdered by evil bastards for no other reason than pure hatred, whether the black guy who murdered the white guy on the bus was a racist I don't know but he was acting in the same way the whites did when they murdered Anthony. Some black lads do seem to have a problem with whites, I've experienced threatening stares as I've walked past as if they're going to explode. Quite unsettling!

I felt quite disturbed that their was more media coverage given to one murder over the other. They are both the most apalling senseless killings and should be seen as such.


You condemn fascism while promoting it in Palestine, hypocrits!

04.08.2005 12:12

While you condemn facsism here you promote it in Palestine by calling terrorists and suicide bombers who main and slaughter Israeli's freedom fighters! You condemn the democratic country of Israel while ignoring human rights abuses in arab countries like Iran, Algeria, Eygpt and Suadi Arabia. You have also spent a large amount of time condemning Israel's anti-suicide bomber wall to defend its people from suicide bombers. Its time you stopped calling yourselfs anti-fascists and anti-racists. You are in reality political opportunists. When the Jews were being persecuted by the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s you supportted them but as soon as they got their own state you abandoned them, and called any attempt at building a Jewish homeland fascist. The black and asian people of today you claim to be defending should also realise so called anti-fasicsts are just political opportunists out to exploit them for their own ends.

non self hating Jew

The Professor...

04.08.2005 12:58

Wake up and get out of your fantasy land!


Indymedia Is Indeed Used By BNP racists To Play Down neo-Nazism.

04.08.2005 20:28

George, get back to Bungleland, or it is Zippy.

I believe, like many do, that BNP media nerds are infiltrating Indymedia, playin down racism.

All types of racism is abborent, but the more organised it becomes, the more prevalent it is.

I'm not jumping to conclusions about the racist murderers of Anthony Walker, but many racial attacks (including Copeland), were conducted by devotees of the far right.

Groups like the British Nazi Party exist only to enforce violence and prejudice against a beseiged minority.

According to the police, upon the number of hate crimes that are calculated to happen (taking into account willingness of non-white people to come forward to a police force believed to still harbour racism), asylum seekers, Muslims, other Asian, black people, and other non-Northern European people (including Eastern Europeans), suffer more racial attacks than white people.

I just wish Indymedia wouldn't be the apologists of racism. Some posters have genuine grevances that they feel aren't met by the police stsyem (white people are the victims of racism like anyone else), but many posters who appear on Indymedia playing down anti-racists, are the sort of people who hang out on neo-Nazi websites like Ku Klox Klan's Don Black's "STORMPONCE WEBSITE".

Neo-Nazi political groups do not have the right to exist.

There are no Black National Front Or Black Nationalist Party political groupsings/thugs who appear in British elections, not that this would be right. it isn't.

Hatred should not be organised. On the contrary, it should not.

Which is why, the BNP should be banned.

They hate Muslims, Jews, black people, Asians, Roma, Eastern Europeans, homosexuals and lesbians.

As a matter of fact, they probably hate themselves, too.


Anybody who disagrees, should rememeber Auschwitz. The BNP are, after all, the descendants of Hitler's National Socialist Party. Anybody who deneis this, is denyong history.

Nick Griffin, the BNP fuhrer, regularly makes "so-called jokes" about smoking like Auschwitz chimneys.

Given a chance, he'd annailaite anyone who wasn't anglo-Saxon.

He is a monster... A wolf in "rabid dog's clothing".

Hitler's Bunker Buster

comparing murders

05.08.2005 08:54

The difference between the murder of Anthony Walker and the white man on the bus is the number of people who committed the crimes.

As we don't know the details of the people responsible in both murders we can't jump to many conclusions. But knowing that one person was behaving erraticaly (or like an asshole) on a bus and then lashed out at someone who confronted him means there could be mental health issues involved or that one person is a rage-filled prick. In terms of Anthony Walker's murder, there was a group of people. At no point, when he was being harassed, when they went after him, when someone brought out the axe or when someone used it on Anthony, did anyone in that group of white people intervene (at least enough to hault the process).

This is the pathology of racism and why this was definitely a racist murder. It is a source of power that people who benefit from get carried away with. It is also the kind of power that people fail to stand up to even when they see it harming someone. Unfortunately, it isn't just those who are committed to the cause of neo-fascism who benefit from and act on white power and privilege. White privilege involves complicity from the lowest level (laughing uncomfortably at a racist joke) to the highest (participating in the lynching of a young black man).

It's not fair to think Anthony's murder is more tragic than the murder of the white man on the bus but it is fair for anti-racist activists to begin a dialogue about the former. Racism and white privilege are things that we can be vigilant and fight against. Lone madmen on the bus are not only impossible to prevent, they just aren't as endemic as racism in our society.

'nother yank

Just 'cause people don't agree doesn't make them BNP

05.08.2005 17:07

I hope you're not bundling me in with the BNP. I'm a gay labour voting guy. Just because I don't agree with some of the opinions on here doesn't make me a Nazi. However I do think both murders were hideous and the racists & the pyscho fuck on the bus should be dealt with severely. They need stringing up. Thanks


Confusion about racism

05.08.2005 21:11

Some of you seem to be confused as to what racism actually is.
Racism is the belief that the races are not identical.
Seems totally reasonable to me, most of the people I know and meet are therefore racist.


yeah nido...

05.08.2005 23:11

...where'd you get that? Webster's dictionary?

It also says of gender..."the state of being either male or female"

some of us prefer to look a little deeper than that for our understandings of power structures in society. If you want to admit that you are a racist, fine. But don't try to justify it with a GCSE level of analysis.

'nother yank

Use of proper terms

06.08.2005 19:05

It is good to use words according to their proper meaning, and the dictionary is the proper place to obtain them. It is wrong to use english in a sloppy and careless manner. For example; if I described someone as suffering from Anorexia, you would be incorrect in assuming I was talking about someone who had a mental illness which compelled them to starve themselves. The word anorexia simply describes a loss of appetite, if you have ever had 'flu you have probably been anorexic. Anorexia nervosa is the term which indicates loss of appetite of a mental nature. Similarly; the term racist describes the view that the races are not identical. To exemplify; if a group of people have a view that Innuit people as a group are better equipped physiologically to cope with cold climate, then that group of people are racist. If that same group of people conclude that Innuit are superior to northern europeans in that regard, that would be an example of racial discrimination. If that group of people concluded of an Innuit person, before having met him, that he would be able to cope with cold climate better than a northern european, then that would be an example of racial predjudice.


some more dictionary definitions

06.08.2005 19:47

denotation - the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feeling or idea that the words suggest

connotation - an idea or a feeling that a word invokes in addition to its primary or literal meaning

Conclusion: words don't exist in a vacuum and taking the literal meaning of a word by itself is never sufficient. This is especially true for those words that describe complex systems of power that affect everyone in the society in which they are used.

Being a pedant will do nothing but derail and sidetrack important discussions but I suspect that is your intention here.

'nother yank


06.08.2005 20:34

Interesting points 'nother yank, but my primary motive is to clarify, many words have become corrupted through incorrect usage, and while it may be argued that this is part of the evolution of language and words, that is not an excuse for ignoring the correct and proper systematics that make english a tool which can express subtle and miniscule detail and discrimination.
One of the features of use and abuse of english is the abbreviation of terms, while this is acceptable in the trivial and workaday discourse, it is not useful in " important discussions" as you have rightly pointed out.
You also mentioned
" those words that describe complex systems of power that affect everyone in the society in which they are used"
The terminology we use to advance these discussions must, by the nature of the subject, be accurate and fully descriptive. It is not good enough to say "Racism" when one is trying to describe "Negative racial prejudice" We cannot use a limited vocabulary to delineate these ideas.


success on sidetracking this conversation

09.08.2005 11:17

The basis of challenging how people were using the word racism was a waste of everyone's time:

As an obviously avid dictionary user you will know that two equally valid definitions of one word can exist. One is not primary and the other secondary. So yes, your point was pedantry in the sense that it was needlessly rigid and prescriptive. It also wasn't pedantry due to the fact that your criticism was inaccurate.

It's a shame that in the face of a young man being brutally murdered by a group of men, a discussion about how we deal with it was turned into a bullshit discussion about semantics.

'nother yank