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Don't fall for the Mockneys! another ANOTHER flase accent operation!!!

News of the Magoo | 31.07.2005 11:34 | London

Cor blimey governer, oi fort they woor pwopa gents!

Aled Jones of Piddleplanet (the man who shocked us all with revelations of Snicker's Big One being smaller than "The Big One") has unearthed another subsive truffle in his crusade against global tyranny.

Having payed the blind bit OF notice to an posting on usenet and Aled (alt.conspiracy.pisstakes) has discovered that singing combo Chas 'n' Dave were in fact ex-stasi sleepers who defected to Mossad out of poverty.

It has come to light that the duo have been OBVIOUSLY planning a 9/11 style attack on Edmonton shopping centre. Secret plans to hijack a bus at Ponders End garage and pack it with nitrate fertiliser and drive it into the shopping experience were REPUTEDLY thwarted when foreign Verity Debil APPARENTLY saw through them. "Je nes parlez moi putan!"
Chas (Karl von Buxtehuede ) and Dave (David Offenesklo) boarded the bus with several flightcases offering that their tour van had broken down.

Several ALLEGED armed response units descended on the sleepy middle class suburb and in shot the comedy duo dead on sight.

Mystery still surrounds what REALLY happened to their scary looking drummer who is believed to be the REAL Klaus Barbie.

Edmonton Police MYTERIOUSLY refuse to make any comment of links between the incident and labour councillors being involved in a ghost company wishing to develop the shopping centre site. However, evidence of clear links to Blair himself are borne out in several stories that were lazily rehashed from a single AP newswire report that went out when Bob the alcoholic cleaner found that someone hadn't logged out their terminal.


The truth be out! Blair the buy to let landlord now has his sights set squarely on the much sought after real estate of Edmonton. The whole affair has been d-noticed up to the hilt, but Aled is too clever for that!

We demand to know why Damon Albarn hasn't been summarily shot yet!!!


DVD's, books and t-shirts available soon.

News of the Magoo


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Dead Pure Magic

31.07.2005 13:04

Not worried someone will take it seriously?

Big Bad Boab

Important information being hidden! IMC has been infiltrated!!!

31.07.2005 18:14

Boab: you are obviously a professional spook (Bodie probably!) trying to undermine Magoo's good work. I can smell a spook by their gait (all spooks have a slight scholiosis from peering round corners a lot).

There are reams of cybermince to back this utter tosh up... The Monthly World News ran a similar story about Cat Steven's being Bin Laden's new bat man.

And if you don't believe I'll scweam and scweam and scweam...


