Means, Motive and Opportunity
Concerned | 31.07.2005 06:13 | Analysis
I don't care what your emotional response to these suggestions is. To leave these questions unanswered would be simply irresponsible.
Could you perhaps attempt to ascertain whether any of the 'plain-clothed', armed men who shot an innocent man seven times in the head worked for these companies?
Could you perhaps attempt to ascertain whether any of the 'plain-clothed', armed men who shot an innocent man seven times in the head worked for these companies?
Prime Terror Suspects: Israeli Security Companies Have the Means, Motive and Opportunity
Would the inspectors of Scotland Yard please examine the alibis of the private safety personnel who regularly roam the London Underground?
They have the opportunity. They have unsupervised access to trains and tracks at all times. They also control the CCTV.
They have the means. As experts on security, they have had explosives training. Especially true if they are intelligence operatives.
And they have the motive. As Jewish musician Gilad Atzmon has pointed out, Israel would benefit from a clash between the West and Islam. This is especially true since Muslims are the ones who are being accused of (or framed for) the bombings.
Also, access to military explosives is no problem for them. Israeli security companies are usually manned by Shinbet or Mossad ex-agents. And why not? These are the people who have had more experience with 'terrorism' than anybody else on earth.
Israelis are the most qualified people on earth to create, man, and manage private security services to "guard" against terror. Israel is the most "terror-afflicted" country in the world. On the other hand, this also makes Israel the most likely breeding ground of terrorism.
A good crime investigator would always question the private guards. They have unlimited access to the crime scene, they know how to handle explosives, and in the case of people who call Israel mother, they have the strongest motive.
Nobody other than the security company needs to be in on it. Others may be honestly looking for answers and following false leads and planted evidence. The security company can easily send governments and investigators on wild goose chases.
If they were, say, to leave four unexploded devices for investigators to find, in order to point them in a certain direction.
Conspiracy theories are weak if they involve too many people.
I don't trust theories that would involve MI5, CIA, FBI etc. These are big organizations. The Mossad is a small organization, and it is tribal and located in a small isolated country. They can keep things among themselves.
But we have had many whistleblowers from the CIA, MI5, FBI and other government organizations.
The most successful conspiracies are those that are executed by a small closed group that would keep government investigators uninformed and confused.
This would also explain why 9/11, Madrid and other "terror" attacks are so difficult to investigate.
The Israeli security company ICTS was in charge of 9/11 airports and the Madrid train station.
Who was in charge of security or maintenance at the World Trade Center?
Crimes are difficult to solve when trusted people commit them. Inside jobs are the easiest crimes to commit.
Israeli Security to Protect London's Underground
18:32 Sep 21, '04
Would the inspectors of Scotland Yard please examine the alibis of the private safety personnel who regularly roam the London Underground?
They have the opportunity. They have unsupervised access to trains and tracks at all times. They also control the CCTV.
They have the means. As experts on security, they have had explosives training. Especially true if they are intelligence operatives.
And they have the motive. As Jewish musician Gilad Atzmon has pointed out, Israel would benefit from a clash between the West and Islam. This is especially true since Muslims are the ones who are being accused of (or framed for) the bombings.
Also, access to military explosives is no problem for them. Israeli security companies are usually manned by Shinbet or Mossad ex-agents. And why not? These are the people who have had more experience with 'terrorism' than anybody else on earth.
Israelis are the most qualified people on earth to create, man, and manage private security services to "guard" against terror. Israel is the most "terror-afflicted" country in the world. On the other hand, this also makes Israel the most likely breeding ground of terrorism.
A good crime investigator would always question the private guards. They have unlimited access to the crime scene, they know how to handle explosives, and in the case of people who call Israel mother, they have the strongest motive.
Nobody other than the security company needs to be in on it. Others may be honestly looking for answers and following false leads and planted evidence. The security company can easily send governments and investigators on wild goose chases.
If they were, say, to leave four unexploded devices for investigators to find, in order to point them in a certain direction.
Conspiracy theories are weak if they involve too many people.
I don't trust theories that would involve MI5, CIA, FBI etc. These are big organizations. The Mossad is a small organization, and it is tribal and located in a small isolated country. They can keep things among themselves.
But we have had many whistleblowers from the CIA, MI5, FBI and other government organizations.
The most successful conspiracies are those that are executed by a small closed group that would keep government investigators uninformed and confused.
This would also explain why 9/11, Madrid and other "terror" attacks are so difficult to investigate.
The Israeli security company ICTS was in charge of 9/11 airports and the Madrid train station.
Who was in charge of security or maintenance at the World Trade Center?
Crimes are difficult to solve when trusted people commit them. Inside jobs are the easiest crimes to commit.
Israeli Security to Protect London's Underground
18:32 Sep 21, '04
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