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Giuliani and Netanhayu; Terrorist Czar's?!

Mondo L.A. | 30.07.2005 11:49 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | London

What are the odds that one man could be only a block away from BOTH the 7-7 AND the 9-11 attacks? Now what do you suppose those odds would be if you made it TWO men TOGETHER at BOTH ATTACKS? Well, read on...

Terrorist Kingpin's
Terrorist Kingpin's

The fact that Giuliani was "only yards away" from the UK bombings is strange enough for sure. Then there was Giuliani and Netanhayu conducting simultaneous BS marathon media appearances for MANY different media outlets, from London, on the morning of 7-7. A little too staged and convenient if you ask me.

Then I find out that Netanhayu and Giuliani were staying in the same hotel!

"...Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been on his way to a London hotel near the scene of one of the four blasts that ripped through the city today, said Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom. Netanyahu was the scheduled keynote speaker at an Israeli corporate investment conference at the Great Eastern hotel near the Liverpool Street subway station..." [Source]

And Rudi:

July 8, 2005 - "...Giuliani was having breakfast at the Great Eastern Hotel a half block from the Liverpool Street Station in Central London, when he heard an explosion, according to his spokeswoman Sunny Mindel..."

Both Rudi Giuliani and Bin Netanhayu were also together "only a block away" from the NYC attacks the morning of 9-11. Now what are the odds of one man being a block away from both 7-7 AND 9-11?? Now double those odds and add the same TWO men only blocks away.

Not only this, but we do know that there were large-scale terrorist attacks being "exercised" that morning by "anti-terrorist security forces". We know Giuliani OWNS Giuliani and Partners Security, dealing specifically with supplying law enforcement with "anti-terrorist" weaponry. We know Giuliani has deep ties to the Carlyle Group, which OWNS 30% of the London UNderground. We know that includes various law enforcement, intelligence, foreign and domestic. We know that Mossad had been training UK security forces in anti terrorism before and after the bombings. We know they initiated the "shoot to kill" policy. We know that immediately following the London bombings, Israel launched major attacks against Gaza. We know they've started a new "settlement" in Jeresulum.

If you have a clue and want to learn more of the real news and not the "Wag the Dog" you get on the idiot box, I'd suggest these sites...

Mondo L.A.


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Londoners involved in plot to blame moslems for atrocities!

30.07.2005 15:03

I noticed this also! In addition, there were lots of Londoners on the tubes that day. I believe they may have had some connection with the Freedom Fighters. Coincidence? I think not!

What are the chances?

The extreme Right sometimes tells the truth

30.07.2005 18:26

Left and Right are just two very similar ways of shafting Joe Public.
Perhaps extreme views are safer as it happens, for center Left or center right get you dead center up the arse hole ! and we are talking about getting shafted.
Although some clever bugger once said "you can't pull the wool over all the sheeples eyes all of the time" but in effect that is exactly what is happening . But as it surely takes the Big Brother Brigade quite an effort to do this and as the sheep pen is rather over crowded some times the wires get crossed.
So maybe you'll find the BNP coming out with a message which is very palatable to trendy lefties.
I for example have discovered that Tuscany is controlled by a bunch of Masonic commies and has been for 60
they are aided and abetted by none other than a possee of radical chic, they bought up a lot of the farm houses from the 1970's onwards after the tide farmers were booted out in the 1960's.
I was rather shocked to find that the new extreme right wing party forza nuova state exactly the very same on there web site.
As John Pilger said regarding Israel/ Palestine ,in one of his recent books, the truth is still the truth even if you find it published on a right wing website

Bologna bomber Francesco Fiore the leader of Forza Nuova spent many a happy year in London while he was on the run for his involvement in the Bologna station bombings, waiting for the statute of limitations to run out and he is now back in Italy running the extreme right wing party.

left puppet

Mondo L.A. is on the right track!

30.07.2005 20:42

It's taken us years to unravel the 9/11 propaganda coup plot, and it may well take years to unravel the whole 7/7 propaganda coup plot. As Orwell knew, you can't expect the deepest historical Truth to all come clear in a few weeks! It takes awhile to name all the right names, unravel the functional details of their treacherous Network, identify key physical techniques which were the means of a spectacular deceptive propaganda operation and so on.

But YOU CAN GO THERE INSTEAD OF BEING A POLITICAL SUCKER WHO GOES FOR NEO-CON NEO-FASCISM! It just takes some patient and thorough critical investigation.

Dancing Dave
mail e-mail:


01.08.2005 12:03

My Mum was due in Aldgate at 9:00 on 7 July, but cancelled her meeting at the last minute. Which could just be seen as fortunate, but for the fact that she was also in Sharm-el-sheik (sp?) a couple of weeks back and left days before the bomb went off there... There's only one thing for it — invade the suburbs of Nottingham!


The Secret War over Iran; Bush vs. the Pentagon

14.08.2005 01:02

Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting that an apparent coup movement has been taking place in the United States and that both Russian and Chinese Forces have been ordered to their highest non-nuclear defense status. This troubling news comes on the eve of joint Military exercises previously planned between both Russian and China, and as we can read as reported by the Guardian Unlimited News Service in their article titled "China and Russia flex their muscles as they join forces to play the war game" and which says;

"Next week will see far larger war games involving Chinese and Russian troops in and around the Shandong peninsula in the Yellow sea. Regional observers say such military cooperation is unprecedented and could mark the start of something new.

"The China-Russia exercise is intended to send a message to Taiwan," said Andrew Yang of the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies in Taipei. "But it's also a very significant move in terms of the developing relationship between Russia and China and joint efforts to manage regional security. "China considers it's time to increase strategic cooperation with Russia to balance the US role in the region. Both are interested in demonstrating this is a multipolar rather than a unipolar world," Dr Yang said."

One of the Coup Leaders in the United States, General Kevin P. Byrnes, and who is also one of their top Military Generals, has been arrested and relieved of duty by US Counter-Coup Forces, and as we can read as reported by the Newsday News Service in their article titled “Senior general is relieved of duties at commander of key Army training organization".

Speculation behind the reasons leading to these efforts centers upon the belief within the American Military Establishment that war with Iran is imminent and all that remains is the ‘triggering event’ forecast by many World Intelligence Organizations to occur this month in the United States. Like the rest of the world knows, should the American Coup Leaders fail in their efforts Total Global War will be the result of any American attack upon Iran, and as exampled by yesterdays article from the Uruknet News Service in their article titled "Why Iran will lead to World War 3"

As usual, the US and UK mainstream media has covered this up and/or spun it for damage control. Not only have they not reported the heated inner conflicts between military brass and the Whitehouse, but they've failed to mention all the mysterious deaths and arrests of key players for both sides.

According to these reports the information on the planned Chicago bombing was ‘extracted’ from a high ranking US Air Force Officer who was in charge of protecting the Western United States Regions from attacks, but has now been put under arrest, and as usual in these events not charged with treasonous crimes but ridiculous ones, and as exampled in this case by the article from the
New Zealand Herald News Service in their article titled "US Air Force Officer Charged for Anti-Bush Graffiti"


Even more troubling are these hushed reports detailing the murders of two Members of Bush's Secret Task Force to identify the true perpetrators of the September 11, 2001 Massacre, Dr. Mary E. Hamburgen who was one of the Pentagons top Research Scientists, and former head of the Secret Service protecting President Ronald Reagan, Dick Suekawa.

Dr. Hamburgen was murdered yesterday when the Finnish Helicopter she was riding on was shot down, and as we can read as reported by the Rogers Media News Service in their article titled
"Divers to Recover Bodies of 14 believed Killed in Baltic Sea Helicopter Crash"

FSB reports state that Dr. Hamburgen had been in Estonia meeting with Lieutenant Colonel Walter T. Lord, and who is a close ‘personal friend’ of the American General Byrne.

Though many Western media reports are not reporting this shot down helicopter as being crashed due to weather, a more truthful account can be read in this article reported by the
Australian News Service titled "Chopper Crash Kills Fourteen"

To the murder of the second member of the American Presidents Secret Task Force we can read as reported by the
Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Former Secret Service Agent Killed In Colorado Crash"

As the events in this current American Coup unfold there also remains much fearful speculation regarding the massive testing of all United States Military Forces this month in what is being described as a ‘Nuclear Drill’. But as the cities of both New York, Washington DC and London can attest to, sometimes these ‘drills’ are not always what they seem to be, and as better exampled by the report titled
"7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?" by the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Whatever to the final outcome of these events may be it remains true that their consequences will be felt upon the entire world, and as we can see as exampled by the
Uruknet News Service article titled "Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?"

American Conservative Magazine recently reported that Dick Cheney had given orders to immediately invade Iran after the next terror attack in the US, even if there was no evidence Iran was involved. Government and media mouthpieces have been fearmongering for weeks about how a nuclear attack within the US is imminent."
"In the short term, however, the plan is fraught with difficulties. At present, there is no wiggle room in the world’s oil supply for massive disruptions and most experts are predicting shortages in the 4th quarter of this year. If the administration’s war on Iran goes forward we will see a shock to the world’s oil supplies and economies that could be catastrophic. That being the case, a report that was leaked last week that Dick Cheney had STRATCOM (Strategic Command) draw up “contingency plans for a tactical nuclear war against Iran”, is probably a bit of brinksmanship intended to dissuade Iran from striking back and escalating the conflict.

It makes no difference. If Iran is attacked they will retaliate; that much is certain. It is always the mistake of extremists to misjudge the behavior of reasonable men; just as it is always the mistake of reasonable men to mistake the behavior of extremists. We should not expect the Bush administration to make a rational choice; that would be a dramatic departure from every preceding decision of consequence. The President of the United States always has the option of unleashing Armageddon if he so chooses. Normally, however, sanity prevails. When the bombs hit the bunkers in Iran; World War 3 will be underway."

Particularly troubling is one report detailing an American Air Force F-16 attack upon a bomb laden truck bound for the American City of Chicago but destroyed before it could reach its intended target and as we can read an American ‘sanitized’ version of this as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Truck ‘Vaporized’ When Cargo Explodes"

"A truck carrying 35,500 pounds of explosives crashed and exploded Wednesday, leaving a huge crater in a Utah highway and injuring at least four people. The driver was able to get out and warn other motorists away before the truck exploded. But a passenger in the truck cab and other motorists were rushed to hospitals with injuries, Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Todd Royce said."

According to Russian Military Analysts this American F-16 attack upon this massive truck bomb included Saudi Arabian F-16’s which arrived yesterday in the United States, and as we can read as reported by the F-16.Net News Service in their article titled "Saudi Arabia joins Red Flag exercise for first time in 25 years" and which says, "For the first time in 25 years, Saudi Arabia joins in the Red Flag exercise at Nellis Air Force Base."

I could go on and on but I think you get the idea. But I'm curious as to why the mainstream media didn't report the fact that Gen. Byrne was in charge of the Fort where huge anti-terrorism joint military nuclear excercises are taking place next week. Can you look into this? If anyone would know about conflicts between the Pentagon and the White House, it would be you. Thanks.

Mondo L.A.
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