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New leader at this important time

Henry | 30.07.2005 08:50

Labour backs CA

Kate Hoey MP will become Chairman of the Countryside Alliance in succession to John Jackson in the autumn.

Miss Hoey, Labour MP for Vauxhall since 1989, was brought up in rural Northern Ireland and has a long interest in rural and environmental issues. Labour peer Baroness Mallalieu remains President of the Alliance.

Kate Hoey said: ”The Alliance’s campaigns for the sustainability of the countryside have had a significant impact on the political landscape. It is a great honour, and a great challenge, to take on this role at such an important time for the countryside.

“There should be no difference between the way a government treats people in town or country. Rural issues, just like urban ssues, are about basic rights. Rural people have the right to equality of health care, education and service provision; the right to decent, affordable housing; the right for their businesses to diversify develop and compete with those in urban areas and abroad; the right to engage in country sports and other activities without prejudiced legislative assault.

“A true democracy respects the rights of all minorities, and I look forward to contributing to the Alliance’s campaign to ensure that the rural minority is treated with tolerance, fairness and respect”.



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Rights for all

30.07.2005 09:45

Hear, hear.
Another minority right that I would like to be respected soon is rights for Anthropophages. British society, dominated as it is by one chosen ethos, demonises a minority who choose to have loving, intimate relations with the living and the dead in the most complete way.

We're labelled as "sick cannibals" in the press, by people who haven't the faintest understanding of what we do, or how we live.

I hope the Countryside Alliance will back rights for Anthropophages to love the way we choose, since we, like foxhunters, should be treated with tolerance, fairness and respect.

Thank you.

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