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"Iraq's Security Situation has Deteriorated Dramatically"

Andre Brie | 29.07.2005 22:51 | Anti-militarism | World

"Breakdown is imminent.. What happened in London on July 7 with the bomb attacks happens every day in Iraq. However the European media do not report about all the attacks.."


Bomb Attacks as in London are ordinary for Iraqis. Suicide assassins cost only $15,000.

Interview with Andre Brie

[This interview published in Junge Welt, 7/21/2005 is translated from the German on the World Wide Web . Andre Brie is a PDS (Democratic Socialist party in Germany) delegate in the European Parliament.]

Q: You have returned from Iraq. What has changed since your last visit four months ago?

Andre Brie: Firstly, the security situation has deteriorated dramatically, above all in the Sunnite part of the country. But it is even worse in other regions. Death squads and all possible militias wreck havoc. There are many murders. Secondly, the social and economic situation for women and children has worsened. The unemployment is still extremely high.

Q: There are reports of attacks in Iraq almost every day. Did you witness any?

Andre Brie: Not personally. On Tuesday I was in Khalis. Shortly afterward there was a murder of 13 civilians. I didn’t see the ten attacks committed on Sunday evening in Baghdad.

Q: Ix the U.S. firmly in control in Iraq?

Andre Brie: In my opinion, breakdown is imminent. There are signs that the U.S. wants the Shiite South and the Kurdish North under its control. The oil reserves are there. They obviously will abandon the rest of the country to civil war.

Q: How would you describe the attacks? Are the assassins criminal bands or a politically motivated and militarily organized resistance?

Andre Brie: A mixture of contradictory elements exists. On one hand, there is obviously genuine resistance against the occupying powers. On the other hand, more and more death quads appear with different goals. Here I include Kurdish extremists acting outside the large Kurdish parties. The Shiite fundamentalists intent on taking over the whole country are the most important. Many attacks have a criminal background.

Q: Are the Shiite fundamentalists supported by neighboring Iran?

Andre Brie: Massively and partly very openly – financially, politically and also militarily. The Badr-camp for example, a large military organization that seeks to control all Iraq is clearly supported by Iran.

Q: One hears again and again of religiously motivated attacks. Isn’t that geared to further escalation of the situation?

Andre Brie: A European can hardly answer that. A mixture of religious and political motives exists. One can even buy a suicide assassin for $15,000. The assassin has no life-perspective in Iraq anyway. With the money, his sister or his whole family could be maintained to the end of their lives.

Q: Does the country face a civil war or is a civil war already occurring?

Andre Brie: What happened in London on July 7 with the bomb attacks happens every day in Iraq. However the European media do not report about all the strikes or the many political murders. For example, 160 officers of the former Iraqi army including pilots were killed. Iraqi forces taking revenge for the bomb attacks in the 1980-1988 Iranian-Iraqi war were behind the murders.

Q: What is the situation of women and children?

Andre Brie: Baghdad has become a conglomeration of slums and waste dumps. The electricity constantly breaks down; where there is water, it is hardly drinkable. More children than before are sick; education possibilities become increasingly worse. The Shiite fundamentalists increasingly repress women from public life.

Q: Is there a positive perspective for Iraq?

Andre Brie: There is still a strong civil society with unions, women’s organizations, cultural associations, student organizations and so forth. There are also democratic parties that are not instruments of the Shiite fundamentalism of Iran. However they are all deserted by the UN, the EU (European Union) and the international community.

Andre Brie
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Divide & Rule

30.07.2005 00:17

Leaked British documents, written by the Overseas & Defense Secretariat Cabinet Office a full year before the war reveal that creating the conditions for Civil War in Iraq was a part of the Anglo-American policy regarding Iraq, post-invasion.

They refer to this policy, stating that "'Divide & Rule' is easy", and it is clear that they believe that such a policy will not only undermine the Iraqi Resistance - sadly legitimized by the "Coalition"'s decision to pursue a policy of Naked Aggression - but also be quite easy, given the nation's history of ethnic violence, as well as the number of ethnic leaders already in the pocket of foreign intelligence.

However, it would appear that, thus far, the Iraqis have been wise to this old Colonial trick, and resisted the temptation to fracture their alliance against the Foreign Enemy.

The "Coalition"'s own intelligence services have been sending mixed messages, saying that the Resistance does not target civilians, while at the same time, US/UK politicians claim that the "terrorists" are doing exactly the opposite.

On several occasions, according to reports from Iraq, American troops have been caught wiring explosives to Iraqis' cars stopped at US checkpoints. Viewed in the light of "divide & rule", Iraqis have to be very careful about who they listen to, and where their "leaders" are finding their motivation to ask them to fight fellow Iraqis, while the Enemy is still within their borders.

End The War Now


30.07.2005 09:56

"Leaked British documents, written by the Overseas & Defense Secretariat Cabinet Office a full year before the war reveal that creating the conditions for Civil War in Iraq was a part of the Anglo-American policy regarding Iraq, post-invasion."

Okay, I'm interested. Give me a link in order that I can see these for myself, please.


Divide & Rule

31.07.2005 18:25

Here ya go:

This is but one of a myriad of links. A quick Google search for "Leaked British Documents" will provide many more. These were sent to me directly by a source, so I can't link my file directly.

I hope that the Iraqi People and their Resistance stay united against their Foreign Enemy, the Terrorists within their borders, and remain wise to these Divide & Conquer, Colonial Tactics.

Common Colonial Tactic