Jericho boatyard needs help
matthew morton | 28.07.2005 09:10 | Social Struggles | Oxford
This a copy of the letter I have sent to my cousin at the European Commission asking for help with the boatyard campaign
Dear Cousin,
I am writing to you to seek your help and advice. I have been affiliated with the Oxford Boating community since I lived on a boat in 2003. During this time the Jericho Boatyard has been under threat from British Waterways (BW) who want it closed and sold to Bellway homes, who will built high density housing with insufficient community facilities. The Boating community, the broader Jericho community, Oxford City council and the Oxford public have allshown support for the Boatyard and distain for this plan to sell of the 'family silver' and destroy the heart of the Boating community.
Last year I helped make a short film, which you can see online:
we interview boatdwellers about their need for the boatyard and artisans at the boatyard about their work and the safety implications of closure.
The council have refused planning permission to Bellway homes, who have appealed to the high court, the result has yet to come. Never the less BW are forcing eviction of the artisans and residential boaters from this essential site tommorrow Friday the 29th July 2005.
We want to know if the European Court of Human rights can help us in the fight to save a low-impact sustainable community for attrition and harrasment by BW, the very people who are supposed to protect and manage the waterways and all therein.
Please reply asap even if its just with the contact details of who we should contact.
Kind regards, hoping you and Blair are well, much Love
I am writing to you to seek your help and advice. I have been affiliated with the Oxford Boating community since I lived on a boat in 2003. During this time the Jericho Boatyard has been under threat from British Waterways (BW) who want it closed and sold to Bellway homes, who will built high density housing with insufficient community facilities. The Boating community, the broader Jericho community, Oxford City council and the Oxford public have allshown support for the Boatyard and distain for this plan to sell of the 'family silver' and destroy the heart of the Boating community.
Last year I helped make a short film, which you can see online:

we interview boatdwellers about their need for the boatyard and artisans at the boatyard about their work and the safety implications of closure.
The council have refused planning permission to Bellway homes, who have appealed to the high court, the result has yet to come. Never the less BW are forcing eviction of the artisans and residential boaters from this essential site tommorrow Friday the 29th July 2005.
We want to know if the European Court of Human rights can help us in the fight to save a low-impact sustainable community for attrition and harrasment by BW, the very people who are supposed to protect and manage the waterways and all therein.
Please reply asap even if its just with the contact details of who we should contact.
Kind regards, hoping you and Blair are well, much Love

matthew morton