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U.S. Keeps Leonard Peltier Political Prisoner for 30 Years

David Givers | 27.07.2005 04:14 | Anti-racism | World

AP story on Leonard Peltier contains FBI Disinformation

The Guardian recently posted an article on Leonard Peltier who is an imprisoned American Indian. The AP story by Dave Kolpeck quoting U.S. government Prosecutor Drew Wrigley’s statement that Leonard Peltier’s conviction “was a just one,’ makes a mockery of the U.S. Constitution. He is actually defending the his desire to keep a political prisoner. Amnesty International has declared Mr. Peltier to be a political prisoner.

As long as Leonard Peltier remains in prison, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are meaningless pieces of paper and not a sacred agreement between we the people and our elected and appointed officials.

In 1976, I had never heard of Leonard Peltier nor gave very much attention to media coverage of the shoot out in which FBI agents Williams and Coler were killed. Shortly before the Peltier trial started in Fargo, North Dakota, some Indian women, with children in hand, knocked on our door asking for help to find housing in our neighborhood. It was a random event that led me to attend the trial. They were part of the Peltier legal defense team that was coming to Fargo to help defend and support Mr. Peltier.

I heard from those women accusations against the FBI, and the courts, that I simply could not believe at the time. I am someone who believes that the the right to a fair trial is deeply embedded in our freedoms, is guaranteed by our Constitution, and that our system of law should always pursue the truth. I felt an obligation to be a public spectator at the trial and to form my own conclusion. I was able to sit in the court room every day there were hearings in Fargo, where the trial was held.

It took years of legal labor by the Peltier defense committee to uncover the evidence to convince Amnesty International that Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner. That evidence is contained in the FBI documents that have been forced into disclosure via the Freedom of Information Act. The best example of the many government lies that occurred in our court is the murder weapon alleged to have been used by Mr. Peltier.

That day in court is indelibly etched in my memory. Agent Evan Hodge testified that the AR 15 linked directly to Leonard Peltier was the exact weapon used to kill Agents Williams and Coler. However, there was something wrong about that man’s testimony. He was visibly nervous. As a seasoned FBI forensic expert, he undoubtedly had provided expert testimony numerous times. He should have been impeccable in his composure and testimony. He simply was not. Shortly after leaving the witness stand, Prosecutor Lynn Crooks recalled Hodge back for rephrasing. That rephrasing was the coverup designed to prevent future perjury charges.

That fact is that the so called murder weapon tested by Agent Hodge and the ballistic evidence did not match. That weapon alleged as belonging to Leonard Peltier did not kill the agents. This truth was discovered years later through the Freedom of Information Act. However, Mr. Crooks paraded that weapon all around the court room many times stating how Mr. Peltier at point blank range cold bloodedy killed the agents. That is another lie and it undoubtedly had an indelible impact on the jury.

Leonard Peltier remains in prison because he is a political prisoner. He is in prison because the unwritten rule is that when a law man goes down, someone pays the price with prison or death. At the time of the trial, there were no other persons to charge with the killings. Thus, Mr. Peltier had to pay the price no matter what the cost has been to the integrity of the courts and the sacred honor of our Constitution.

Many years have passed and it is long past time to heal these wounds. Mr. Peltier must be released from prison. As for the individuals who perpetrated this injustice and created a political prisoner, they have to live with their own guilty consciences. I bear them no grudge. I simply want the honor of our Constitution, with the right to a fair trial, restored through the release of Leonard Peltier.

For further Information please check these sites:
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David Givers


Hide the following 6 comments


27.07.2005 11:34

I am glad to see this case getting publicity again. The Red Power Movement was, and is, and inspiration. Which explains why they see it necessary to keep him in prison.


Boo hoo

27.07.2005 16:50

Not this again. The FBI expert was nervous, wow that really proves the conviction is false! I think I'd be more willing to belive a ballistics expert than a few armchair conspiracy theorists who offer no proof that the gun wasn't used. Even Peltier's defence didn't dispute that it was the real gun.

Peltier's supporters want his freedom regardless of wether he did it or not. He's a native american, which means as far as these people are concerned he's whiter than white and he's absolved of all blame for whatever crimes he commits. He's guilty as hell and should have been executed.

Humpty Dumpty

Do you really think the kings horses+men care one bit about you?

27.07.2005 17:42

The death penalty is such an easy argument I'll say nothing about it but why do you assume what you're told is true? Do you have no knowledge of Native American oppression past+present? There are parts of the US where they live that are literally in third world conditions. Personally I think debate is the only way to enlightenment for us all(cliched I know) so I think it's great that people can speak their mind on this site-but by saying that he's guilty and therefore deserves the death penalty slightly begs the question I think. A lot of people in the world myself included don't believe in state sanctioned violence let alone murder! Doesn't really set a good example for how you want your citizens to behave!

Matt K

Freedom for Peltier

28.07.2005 14:09

If he killed some FBI, he deserves a medal. Let him out.

A big fuck you to all the cop-loving parasites.


Please be informed

28.07.2005 22:28

Peltier was never subject to the death penalty.

He was convicted of aiding and abetting in the murder of 2 FBI agents. They were murdered - shot at point-blank range, after being wounded. Together they fired less than 2 dozen shots.

Literally hundreds were fired at them.

They had gone to the reservation while pursuing a van believed to contain someone they wanted to question and possibly arrest. gives a good overview of the case.


Pat Kincaid
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Leonard Peltier

06.08.2005 01:52

They should let Peltier out, he has been in jail long enough. So what if he killed a couple FBI, they just kill innocent people like Bob Mathews, & those people in Waco anyhow.

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