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london bombers?

tim osman | 25.07.2005 15:08 | Globalisation

was this photo altered?

is it possible that someone altered the photo of the bombers and if so why?

tim osman


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quality & quantity

25.07.2005 16:47

the resolution of the shot is too poor to tell what is going on there. It looks to me as though there could be someone coming up/down the stairs behind the guy in question. But without higher res and more frames I personally wouldn't be able to say. But I would say you'd have to a complete photoshop *idiot* to make a composite that poor if that were to be an error.



25.07.2005 17:07

What if his fore-arm is simply across his torso, rather than hanging down?

Long Time Reader


25.07.2005 20:08


Okay, the same folks who brought you the "no plane at Pentagon" and "pods on the WTC planes" hoaxes are at it again. I wasn't going to waste time on this, but it seems like a lot of people are getting suckered with this one, so here goes.

This photo is being sent around the net as proof of video fakery by the London authorities.

The purpose of this nonsense is to drag people's attention away from the innocent man shot down by the British authorities, to trick the blogs into making a silly claim that the mainstream media can then use to ridicule any and all doubts about the official story, and to trick the bloggers into wasting time and resources on a pointless minutia, while ignoring Rove-gate and the Downing Street Memos.

Images were altered, but this isn't one of them.

Who was the shooter? Who did he work for?
Did the victim perhaps see something he shouldn't have, as the devices of last week were obvious plants, intended to point investigators in an intended direction, presumably towards one of the PNAC target destinations?

Don't Fall for the PsyOps
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26.07.2005 16:55

i do not see how you troll can rule out for sure that the photo is altered.

and anyway even assuming it were genuine,what does it prove?
nothing at all.

why don't we get to see the videos from INSIDE the stations?

and :
are london's cams on 24/7 recording mode?

fuck it'd take nasa to host all those mbs...


Distinct Pattern

26.07.2005 17:40

It would not take much to analyze the relevant camera feeds.

This is much like 911; no independently-verifiable evidence, like airport surveillance images, appear to support the Government's Conspiracy Theory, which in that case, was used - unproven - to provide cover for two previously-planned Aggressions.

That's why I believe last week's devices were intentionally left for investigators to find, in order to point their work in a specific direction. This will then be held up as "evidence", no doubt pointing to some PNAC military destination, in place of real, hard evidence.

Funny That The Media Hasn't Noticed

Er, one small point...

27.07.2005 11:41

OK, lets assume it was a faked photo...

Apparently we are being asked to believe that the guy in the white cap was cut and pasted into the photo - if he's been cut and pasted onto the photo how come his arm is behind the railing??? Did the cut and paster decide - ooh, i know lets cut and paste this guy in and then lets put his arm behind the railing??? It just doesn't make sense does it. Perhaps a more simple explanation is his arm is bent...

For fucks sake guys come up with something better than that!

You lot of conspiracy nutters need to get out a bit more. Either that or you are government spooks or right wing nutters trying to discredit Indymedia.

Miss Point

That's What We Said

27.07.2005 19:03

That's why posted the "pod people" comment.

It would appear that this has been deliberately put out there to discredit those who are asking the real compelling questions about the London False Flag Attacks, and last week's attempt to plant "evidence" that would then be used used to guide investigators towards one of the PNAC military targets.

Don't Fall for the PsyOps

the purpose of this

28.07.2005 11:28

The purpose of this could just as well be to enable Mr/s "Psyops" to pose as "reasonable" posers of "reasonable" questions. In fact, I wouldn't put it past Psyops to have spread this him/her self, so as to be able to criticise it and gain some little-deserved credibility.


Whatever ...

28.07.2005 22:28

Considering your focus here, I don't believe anyone cares what you think.

Don't Fall for the PsyOps


29.07.2005 10:35

I can well imagine that you don't welcome it.
