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Solidarity with Cardiff Mosque

Adam Johannes | 24.07.2005 18:12

Don't let fascists divide our community
Solidarity Rally & Demonstration
Outside City Hall at 2 pm
Saturday 30 July

People may be aware of the horrible and dispicable attack against the Shah Jalal Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre in Crwys Road, Cardiff.

The mosque received a letter covered with swastikas containing threats to burn down mosques and commit violence against Muslims. The mosque itself was broken into and animal parts left on the premises.

We are asking everyone to gather together to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Muslim brothers and sisters and show that this community is totally united against racism: We will not stand by and let fascists divide our communities or intimidate anyone - an attack on any part of our community is an attack on all of us.

Supporters of this rally include:
Unite Against Fascism, All Wales Ethnic Minority Association, Cardiff TUC, Plaid Cymru - Party of Wales, Respect - The Unity Coalition, Muslim Society of Wales, Muslim Councillors in Wales, Cardiff Stop the War Coalition, Kevin Brennan MP, Jenny Willott MP, Jenny Randerson AM and many others.

The organisers have also received a message of solidarity from Rabbi Wollenberg on behalf of the Orthodox Jewish Community who is unable to attend as the rally
is on the day of the Jewish Sabbath

Adam Johannes


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Haha great work

24.07.2005 21:02

Animal parts, damn those guys have a nice sense of humour :D

Humpty Dumpty

Solidarity actions are essential

25.07.2005 10:46

It seems like the Blairites have decided to declare open season on Muslims as anything else would reveal their own responsibilities.

This morning Andrew Marr on 'Start the Week' claimed that Muslim traders were responsible for the slave trade in Africa. This is the ideological climate we are now in and solidarity is imperative.


I may do

25.07.2005 14:56

I am willing give you my solidarity if you are willing to protest for the execution of two gay men in Iran for being gay, and to protest for the banning of the christian religion in Saudi Arabia.


to Observer and Humpty Dumpty

26.07.2005 01:51

do you spend all your time being objectionable and destructive on Indymedia. Ever thought of being constructive, helpful, or doing something, anything, based on your beliefs, rather than just getting lost in words? If you like words - here's one about yourselves: disingenous.
