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Jean Charles de Menezes

BK | 24.07.2005 02:19

Jean Charles de Menezes. Age 27.

Another Innocent Victim.

Jean Charles de Menezes
Jean Charles de Menezes

End this cycle of wars, violence, state repression, racism, occupation and terror.

Peace through Global Justice.



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The police / state apparatus is part of the problem not the solution

24.07.2005 02:39

Some will ask why supporters of Indymedia and the global anti-capitalist movement are so concerned about the murder by British state forces of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell, London. What is it about this innocent 27 year old Brazilian electrician on his way to work, held down on the ground and shot in the head five times?

Surely in the context of the massacre of 56 people in the recent bombings, with more attempted, we should trust the police and state forces to protect us? If ‘shoot to kill’ policies and loss of civil liberties are the price to pay for security, then is this not a price worth paying? Should we not, in a time like this, all rally around our state and its forces?

This has been the theme of tabloid corporate newspapers, not to mention their dull echo in a few right wing web-trolls here.

However, the murder at Stockwell is one more example of why the state can’t defend us, why in fact it does the opposite.

Many of us will have had experience of how stupid, racist and paranoid the forces of the police and state can be. Anyone who has taken part in non-violent protest actions against war, poverty, the G8 or the arms trade will have experienced the phenomena of paranoid over-policing. We will have read the police press releases about how our festivals are ‘paramilitary training camps’, and how our carnival props are ‘deadly weapons’. We always thought this was simple police propaganda, but maybe the police actually believed this? Maybe they really are fools who don’t have a clue?

Furthermore, there is evidence that these killers at Stockwell were not just police, but 'special forces'. In other words, strange, disfunctional young men brought up on violent fantasies, who spend all their time in the Gym and playing with guns.

Perhaps they are so stupid, paranoid and racist that all foreign looking people in London – from Brazil, Asia or Africa - look like ‘terrorists’. They cannot tell the difference and therefore they cannot be trusted to ‘root out the terrorists’. They can only blunder around like dangerous fools, making the situation even worse.

The whole British intelligence and security establishment don’t have a clue. Look at what they confidently said about Iraq and WMD! They only have paranoid fantasies.

The elites running British police / security / intelligence / military apparatus are public school upper-class twits. They have no real understanding of the modern world, of young working class people, or of today’s multi-ethnic Britain. Their footsoldiers are drawn from the most thuggish and ignorant strata. Institutional racism is combined with institutional stupidity.

The police, as an institution, are part of the same traditional complex of state power that also includes the military. Both embody the mindset that leads to the occupation of Iraq and the disastrous policies of Bush and Blair. These forces are part of the problems that the bombings are part of – and cannot possibly be part of the solution.


Take the streets!

24.07.2005 03:54

Take the streets now!
What else can we do to save this planet from terrorism?
No more killing for power or money!
It was a poor man, like the many who died during the bombings, like the thousands who died in Irak.
Common people do not want wars, but are the ones to pay the costs and to die because of them. Isn't it ridiculous?
If we all should take the streets, this madness would come to an end.


Clarke "proud" of shooting, sends congratulations to officers

24.07.2005 04:50

If you still haven't worked out what kind of bastards New Labour are, then have a look at this article from the Eastern Daily Press. It wouldn't be surprising if they flush this story down the memory hole...

Police 'Right to shoot'


23 July 2005 10:33

Home Secretary Charles Clarke last night backed the Metropolitan Police in shooting dead a man on the tube as the faces of four suspected suicide bombers were revealed.

Speaking exclusively to the EDP, Mr Clarke warned the robust approach must continue as the Met released CCTV images of the men who tried to bring more death and carnage to London on Thursday .

The Muslim Council of Britain yesterday expressed concern over the apparent 'shoot to kill' policy after reports the suspect was shot five times while on the floor at Stockwell tube station in South London during a pursuit by plain-clothes officers.

But Mr Clarke told of his pride in the police's actions and, just moments before meeting the EDP, had telephoned commissioner Sir Ian Blair to pass his congratulations to all officers involved, which include former Norfolk Chief Constable Andy Hayman who is heading the hunt for the bombers.

Mr Clarke said: “I am absolutely proud of the way the police negotiated a really tough situation and stopped this threat to our security.


Tired of Lies

Question for UK-ers

24.07.2005 17:35

The MURDER of Menezes is horrifying. I have just learned his nationality, name and age. US media said he was running from police. IS THIS CORRECT?

Why would the police let him down in the tube if they suspected he had bombs?

None of this adds up.

And, FIVE SHOTS to the head. Please.

There's gotta be something better than all this.

In peace.
