Bombs As Plants?
Don't Fall for the PsyOps | 22.07.2005 20:06 | London
Ignore the Downing Street Minutes, the LIES that lead to an illegal war of aggression for profit in Iraq, Karl Rove/Dick Cheney's TREASONOUS leak of a CIA operative, the Mossad agents in the Pentagon's OSP, AIPAC, and calls for IMPEACHMENT, investigation, and prosecution.
Keep your eyes fixed upon "ze terrorists" ...
Keep your eyes fixed upon "ze terrorists" ...
Since none of yesterday's devices exploded, despite their detonators being triggered, and the LIAR Blair says that this stroke of luck will provide investigators with forensic evidence which will help to identify the culprits, does it not stand to reason that these were possibly intended as plants? It seems that care went into ensuring that nobody was hurt, but that this "orgy of evidence" was left for investigators.
The devices used on 7/7 contained military explosives, but much work has gone into flushing that fact down the Memory Hole, as seen in the "Egyptian Chemist" fable. The police used explosives in the apartment of one of the people being blamed for 7/7, thus contaminating the scene, then tarped the area off entirely.
No CCTV footage caught the bombers in the act, and we're supposed to believe what a pack of LIARS say, again without any independently-verifiable evidence, as was the case with "911".
It feels as if today's devices were left behind by someone eager to frame a certain target, and point investigators in a specific direction, possibly towards one of the PNAC target countries.
I'm not saying that I know this for a fact, it simply fits a certain pattern and tactic which HAS been employed in the past.
If it turns out that these devices point to Iran, Syria, etc., I simply would hope that people will THINK about today, before they rush to believe what a pack of proven LIARS wants them to think, based solely upon this "evidence".
Especially if those LIARS attempt to use this as an excuse to wage another war that they've already got planned and at the ready.
The devices used on 7/7 contained military explosives, but much work has gone into flushing that fact down the Memory Hole, as seen in the "Egyptian Chemist" fable. The police used explosives in the apartment of one of the people being blamed for 7/7, thus contaminating the scene, then tarped the area off entirely.
No CCTV footage caught the bombers in the act, and we're supposed to believe what a pack of LIARS say, again without any independently-verifiable evidence, as was the case with "911".
It feels as if today's devices were left behind by someone eager to frame a certain target, and point investigators in a specific direction, possibly towards one of the PNAC target countries.
I'm not saying that I know this for a fact, it simply fits a certain pattern and tactic which HAS been employed in the past.
If it turns out that these devices point to Iran, Syria, etc., I simply would hope that people will THINK about today, before they rush to believe what a pack of proven LIARS wants them to think, based solely upon this "evidence".
Especially if those LIARS attempt to use this as an excuse to wage another war that they've already got planned and at the ready.
Don't Fall for the PsyOps
Hide the following 11 comments
yes more lunatic conspiracy drivel
23.07.2005 12:03
looking for real evidence
yes,more governmental drivel
23.07.2005 15:12
looking for real evidence
Sadly Typical
23.07.2005 19:13
If you'd like to address the issue at hand, I'm all ears, and if not, I'll take your DISINFORMATION to mean that you are not able to do this.
The stories coming out of No. 10 and DC are just that, Conspiracy Theories, unsupported by evidence.
Don't Fall for the PsyOps
23.07.2005 21:02
What's all this right wing drivel about "treason"?
>>does it not stand to reason that these were possibly intended as plants?
Er, no, not really. In fact it's an enormous leap.
>>The devices used on 7/7 contained military explosives
Who says?
>>The police used explosives in the apartment of one of the people being blamed for 7/7, >>thus contaminating the scene, then tarped the area off entirely.
Sorry, which order of events is that? Taped off the area *after* carrying out controlled explosions, or before? And how do you know?
>>No CCTV footage caught the bombers in the act
Who *says* there's no CCTV footage? How do you *know*?
>>and we're supposed to believe what a pack of LIARS say
Well, all politicians lie, but we know they lie because we have actual evidence to the contrary. They certainly misled the public on Iraq, but fundamentally that was just about gaining support, they've been perfectly honest about wanting regime change it seems to me.
>>again without any independently-verifiable evidence
Um, what about all the people on the trains?
We certainly do want evidence. When you feel like supplying some, I'll be listening.
>>It feels as if today's devices were left behind by someone eager to frame a certain target
Oh, it "feels" like that, does it? But do you have any actual *reasons* for this feeling?
>>possibly towards one of the PNAC target countries.
At least we can see if this comes true or not.
>>I'm not saying that I know this for a fact, it simply fits a certain pattern and tactic which >>HAS been employed in the past.
To be honest, I can't recall anything that would resemble what you're suggesting. Ever. Even during the darkest days of the Irish situation.
But I'm glad you're not claiming you actually know anything about any of this at all.
24.07.2005 20:49
looking for real evidence
Yes, evidence please
24.07.2005 21:28
Now, you seem to think that becuase these early speculations were dropped in subsequent reports that this is indicative of some sort of cover up. I, on the other hand, see this as no-one in the early aftermath of the bombings, having much a real clue about what had gone on. So, please could you provide me with conclusive proof (outside of a few press quotes) that military explosives were definitely used in the 7/7 explosions.
PS. Questioning this so called 'evidence' does no ipso facot make me a 'spook', merely a skeptic
looking for real evidence
24.07.2005 22:48
I called you "spook" because many, many Spooks have been positively ID'ed across the IndyMedia spectrum, and your Disinformation is no different from theirs.
Again, if you'd like to discuss the article in question, I'm all ears.
"Chatterton", investigate the "Lavon Affair". Yes, this is a Tactic which has been employed in the past, moreso by some intelligence services than others. Pay attention to who still supports/drives the Aggression/Neo-Fascism of the Bliar/Bush/Howard/PNAC Alliance, and I'm sure you'll see what I mean.
Disinfo In Place Of Reasoned Argument
Statements are not ''facts'
25.07.2005 06:35
Looking for Real Evidence
Do Your Own Research
25.07.2005 20:19
Look at the reports from 7/7 and 7/8. The stories about military explosives had not been actively killed yet.
Do It BEFORE You Comment
Why isn't this reasoned argument?
25.07.2005 21:49
For your information I have looked at the ‘whatreallyhappened’ website in question. With respect to military explosives, you seem to be referring to articles such as the following, which I found there:
Where Christophe Chaboud states that the explosives ‘appear’ to have been of military origin. That one word may seem trivial to you but does seem to indicate that he was merely making an educated guess on the evidence available to him at the time. There is no mention of forensic tests being completed on the bomb sites to reinforce this supposition. As such, this does not constitute a statement of definite proof as to the origins of the explosives. Notice in the same article the ‘a senior London police spokesman said the explosives were still being examined and there was no confirmation that they were military in origin. "We are waiting for the forensic tests," he said.’
Indeed, I am keeping an open mind about the explosives used in the attack, but you, on the other hand, seem to have made up your mind long ago – no ‘may have beens’ included in your postings with respect to the explosives used.
You seem to know more than the experts examining the scenes of the explosions:
As of today, there was still no definitive word on the explosives used:
Though speculation continues in the various media:
My question to you is, how can you be so sure that the early reports are accurate, and the later ones crap? (or part of a cover-up) On what do you base this supposition?, beyond the fact that you want the latter to be true because it fits with your pre-conceived notion of a conspiracy.
In what way do your postings on this subject transcend the so called 'disinformation'
I do not consider this to be an unreasonable question.
Looking for Real Evidence
Just My Best Assessment, Given What's Available
26.07.2005 03:23
Demanding Impossible Proofs is Disinformation, so no, I can't point you to forensic tests. What I'm commenting on is the Government's shifting position on the devices. They first claimed that international investigators (they never say where they're from) found military explosives, and the Bliar Regime then claimed that this was their 'al Qaeda link'.
Then, they claimed that an Egyptian had made the bombs. Then it turned out that the Egyptian in question was innocent, but of course, that news was quietly retracted, while the initial allegations were SHOUTED at the public, complete with pictures of an arrest. No doubt some still believe this to be the case, as I'm certain this was the reason for the charges in the first place.
Remember, these are the same people who swore on a stack of bibles that Saddam Hussein and his vast arsenal of WMD were a dire threat to Britain, the US, and ultimately, the world. All the while, they knew full well that their story was "bollocks".
It would also seem as if the explosives story had shifted because there was a plan in place to leave last week's devices behind, to provide investigators with the evidence they need to finger "ze terrorists", and wage war on more innocent people of Arab descent, as the wider PNAC agenda demands.
Do Some Digging