Transcript of London Anarchist Forum Debate Online
XXX | 21.07.2005 08:17 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Culture | Social Struggles
The transcript of the talk and debate, 'Is Activism Counter Revolutionary', held at the LAF meeting at Freedom Bookshop on the 25th June is now available online.
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Hide the following 11 comments
21.07.2005 08:49
How may people here actually engage with their local MP? I'll probably be derided for saying this. But, perhaps the time has come to start turning up to surgeries and making sure that people's needs are being addressed. Start naming and shaming MPs who vote for bad legislation in their own constituency to bring pressure on them for their voters.
The people you claim to feel passionate about generally don't give a shit about dogma. They want the council to fix their heating, or Medical Services to give them a fair PCA or to get the council to give them an exemption on their council tax.
Until the community can see you are a force for good, they'll not even know you are there till some arse sets fire to a car in the name of "anarchy"... and running up people's council tax bills.
It'll scare the Establishment more than some yobs in skimasks ever will!
If not, I'll leave to your pipe dreams of a romantic revolution.
Smashing stuff up? What are you talking about?
21.07.2005 10:04
What's the connection?
Some yobs in skimasks? Who that then, the SAS?
Hey, you ask how may people here actually engage with their local MP? I tried that just recently, and got no answer to three attempts to comunicate by Fax, email and phone.
fuck off magoo
21.07.2005 10:35
21.07.2005 10:57
Your MP by *law* should respond, so long as you give correct address details. You obviously didn't go to their surgery...
Anything else I can help you with?
Talk, Talk, Talk
21.07.2005 10:58
I have and rarely have I seen a sadder bunch. The last I heard they were down to 7 people
Laughing Larry
21.07.2005 11:12
Did I hit a raw nerve there?
yep fuck off Magoo
21.07.2005 11:47
OOOHS! MAGOOS! Who is the real magoo? Is statue?
21.07.2005 12:04
Today you win a prize if you can accurately define anarchy without sarcasm or hostility.
Oh yes, I dreamed up a way of showing conspiracists their failings in satire last night. Do you fancy being a 'nay saying' caller with a singular viewpoint and moderate background knowlege on a spoof talk radio call in show?
Go on.
Wouldn't be too difficult, you just have to do what you're doing now... only verbally.
"I love anarchists, they're so much fun, breaking stuff rules! Yeeha! ( shut up we have a vaild political stance ) No you don't you're all non-conforming layabouts looking for an excuse to burn off excess adrenaline. ( bring down society! smash big business! ) That's really not helping now is it... do you need a cuddle? ( we demand respect for our tempestuous adolescent solution) Ha! ( Ha! )"
Sabotage = Clever Clogs = Mr Magoo
A. Lexicon
Who's watching Magoo?
21.07.2005 12:19
My hat is made from 3 layers tinfoil, 3 layers kevlar, 3 layers strawberry jam and I removed my own fillings with a homebase own brand drill.
More Kisses!
Act randomly.
A. Lexicon
21.07.2005 12:39
Enail Correction
13.02.2006 13:14
Our next event a symposium on Censorship is on 25th Feb ALL WELCONE
see webpage for details
Ed McArthur
Ed McArthur