George French | 19.07.2005 14:23 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | London
The British Government was conducting a test of security in the bombed stations July 7th. The British Government has been exposed supplying explosives to the IRA. The British Government has the power to exclude itself from the list of suspects. Qui Bono?
My favourite detective was never the big burly gun toting individual. It was Columbo. He didn't get swayed by the emotion of a case or discard evidence that didn't seem to fit the popular model developed by the 'cool' guys. He had the courage to do what was right even if it caused a bit of 'heat'. I remember old Chief Harding of Halton Police saying that that was the most important type of courage he wanted in a Constable. The courage to do what was right even if it wasn't popular. I have learned there are few with that type of courage and few that understand it. Something's bothering me about the London case that calls for all the discarded evidence to fit.
What's unusual in a suicide attack is several sources say the CCTV that showed the assembled youths on the subway mentioned that they were in high spirits actually laughing even. If you knew you were about to die, I don't think laughter would be your passion. I've been in deadly force scenarios. Urination, defication, or what we called the BSOF (beads of sweat on forehead) factor make sense. Even the Japanese kamikazes tied a bandana around there foreheads. It keeps the BSOF out of your eyes so you can fly the plane. They had no fear. Something doesn't fit.
We should expect that a fundamentalist extremist bomber guy would be a little bit on edge or just down right nuts, but no their friends and family say the three deceased were fine upstanding men, good students, had no fundamentalist beliefs, were good sportsmen, and in the British good 'lads'. Somethings wrong with this picture too until we factor in the concealed media reports.
"'They were chatting. You would think they were going on a hiking holiday,' said a security source quoted by Sky News who saw the video."
The British Government was conducting a training excercise involving 1,000 people with the objective of attacking the transit system. BBC radio 5 did a show on it in the evening of July 7th. A company called VISOR CONSULTANTS was hired to conduct the 'test.' Its Managing Director Peter Power is a former member of the Anti-terrorist Branch. He was to have a simultaneous detonation of explosives.
The transcript is as follows.
POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.
HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?
Now something is really bothering this Columbo. What an amazing coincidence. We do similar excercises here in Canada. In a bad one we lost some plastic explosive and it was put aboard an aircraft never to be seen. This was a big excercise.
We are told there was a prior warning to Benjiman Netanyahu who was to attend an economic conference above where one of the bombs detonated. Israeli Embassy security were warned. Ben stayed in his hotel room. In fact other transit systems were dealing with threats two days previous.
Then comes the report that the good 'lads' were carrying military grade explosives. They're not something easily acquired.,,22989-1690391,00.html
The new story is all the bombs were remotely detonated at about 08:50 GMT. A fourth bomber fled and got on the bus Route number 30. A passenger who got off before the explosion is quoted in yesterday's Toronto Star.
A man who got off the packed bus just before the blast told The Associated Press yesterday he had noticed one of his fellow passengers — possibly the bomber — fiddling anxiously with a bag. He said he heard an "excruciating" scream just before the bus blew up.
"This young guy kept diving into this bag or whatever he had in front of his feet," Richard Jones said. "He must have done that at least every minute, if not every 30 seconds. He was getting annoyed."
I postulate with what fits my model. What if these good 'lads' were actually hired to participate in the anti-terror drill. They would have no fear. They could laugh and joke and ride the trains on a lark. What if the fourth 'lad' opened his bag and saw wires and a detonator. This is longer a drill. This is a 'covert ops'. Oh God. He runs; he gets on the bus. The BSOF factor is 10. He tries to dismantle the device. He can't. The witness said HE SCREAMED. Then the explosion.
MI6 was on a recruiting drive a few years ago. They wanted minorities. If a Pakistani Muslim dies on a bus with a bomb in his hands, case closed - terrorist. It's not like it hasn't happened before.
MI6 looks to recruit from minorities,1373,564706,00.html
In fact in the documentary 'Agents: No More Lies' this is exactly what happened in the days of the IRA. The British Government gave IRA terrorists bombs. They were allowed to kill legitimate targets including civilians who got in the way. We gave our consent by not objecting.
The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, told me I had the Prime Minister's blessing ... then tried to kill me
Exclusive: confessions of a secret agent turned terrorist
By Neil Mackay
The title says it all. Get the picture, but this time no mistakes. DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES. We use our assets to death this time. How can we be sure? It is easy the cover story was leaked by the Prime Minister's Office the week before.
Government documents leaked to The Sunday Times last weekend said Al Qaeda is secretly recruiting affluent, middle-class Muslims in British universities and colleges to carry out attacks in Britain.
The documents, prepared for Prime Minister Tony Blair by the Home and Foreign offices, estimate less than 1 per cent of the British Muslim population — about 16,000 — are "actively engaged in terrorist activity, whether at home or abroad, or supporting such activity."
British extremists "range from foreign nationals now naturalized and resident in the U.K., arriving mainly from North Africa and the Middle East, to second- and third-generation British citizens whose forebears mainly originate from Pakistan or Kashmir," the document says.
It adds that "a significant number come from liberal, non-religious Muslim backgrounds or converted to Islam in adulthood."
The Iraq war is identified as a key cause of young Britons turning to extremism.
"The war on terror, and in Iraq and Afghanistan, are all seen by a section of British Muslims as having been acts against Islam," the document says.
Yes the police are right. This was a complex operation requiring a lot of planning from a 'mastermind' - 'C' the head of the intelligence services. It fits the pattern. It has AL MI5DA written all over it. These 'lads' were recruited, trained, and sent on a suicide mission by British Intelligence. One figured it out and died a spy out in the proverbial cold.
Britain 'sheltering al-Qaeda leader'
Al Qaeda leader Abu Qatada given protection from deportation/arrest/kept in safe house by British Intelligence - a mastermind.
What's unusual in a suicide attack is several sources say the CCTV that showed the assembled youths on the subway mentioned that they were in high spirits actually laughing even. If you knew you were about to die, I don't think laughter would be your passion. I've been in deadly force scenarios. Urination, defication, or what we called the BSOF (beads of sweat on forehead) factor make sense. Even the Japanese kamikazes tied a bandana around there foreheads. It keeps the BSOF out of your eyes so you can fly the plane. They had no fear. Something doesn't fit.
We should expect that a fundamentalist extremist bomber guy would be a little bit on edge or just down right nuts, but no their friends and family say the three deceased were fine upstanding men, good students, had no fundamentalist beliefs, were good sportsmen, and in the British good 'lads'. Somethings wrong with this picture too until we factor in the concealed media reports.
"'They were chatting. You would think they were going on a hiking holiday,' said a security source quoted by Sky News who saw the video."
The British Government was conducting a training excercise involving 1,000 people with the objective of attacking the transit system. BBC radio 5 did a show on it in the evening of July 7th. A company called VISOR CONSULTANTS was hired to conduct the 'test.' Its Managing Director Peter Power is a former member of the Anti-terrorist Branch. He was to have a simultaneous detonation of explosives.
The transcript is as follows.
POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.
HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

Now something is really bothering this Columbo. What an amazing coincidence. We do similar excercises here in Canada. In a bad one we lost some plastic explosive and it was put aboard an aircraft never to be seen. This was a big excercise.
We are told there was a prior warning to Benjiman Netanyahu who was to attend an economic conference above where one of the bombs detonated. Israeli Embassy security were warned. Ben stayed in his hotel room. In fact other transit systems were dealing with threats two days previous.

Then comes the report that the good 'lads' were carrying military grade explosives. They're not something easily acquired.

The new story is all the bombs were remotely detonated at about 08:50 GMT. A fourth bomber fled and got on the bus Route number 30. A passenger who got off before the explosion is quoted in yesterday's Toronto Star.
A man who got off the packed bus just before the blast told The Associated Press yesterday he had noticed one of his fellow passengers — possibly the bomber — fiddling anxiously with a bag. He said he heard an "excruciating" scream just before the bus blew up.
"This young guy kept diving into this bag or whatever he had in front of his feet," Richard Jones said. "He must have done that at least every minute, if not every 30 seconds. He was getting annoyed."
I postulate with what fits my model. What if these good 'lads' were actually hired to participate in the anti-terror drill. They would have no fear. They could laugh and joke and ride the trains on a lark. What if the fourth 'lad' opened his bag and saw wires and a detonator. This is longer a drill. This is a 'covert ops'. Oh God. He runs; he gets on the bus. The BSOF factor is 10. He tries to dismantle the device. He can't. The witness said HE SCREAMED. Then the explosion.
MI6 was on a recruiting drive a few years ago. They wanted minorities. If a Pakistani Muslim dies on a bus with a bomb in his hands, case closed - terrorist. It's not like it hasn't happened before.
MI6 looks to recruit from minorities

In fact in the documentary 'Agents: No More Lies' this is exactly what happened in the days of the IRA. The British Government gave IRA terrorists bombs. They were allowed to kill legitimate targets including civilians who got in the way. We gave our consent by not objecting.
The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, told me I had the Prime Minister's blessing ... then tried to kill me
Exclusive: confessions of a secret agent turned terrorist
By Neil Mackay

The title says it all. Get the picture, but this time no mistakes. DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES. We use our assets to death this time. How can we be sure? It is easy the cover story was leaked by the Prime Minister's Office the week before.
Government documents leaked to The Sunday Times last weekend said Al Qaeda is secretly recruiting affluent, middle-class Muslims in British universities and colleges to carry out attacks in Britain.
The documents, prepared for Prime Minister Tony Blair by the Home and Foreign offices, estimate less than 1 per cent of the British Muslim population — about 16,000 — are "actively engaged in terrorist activity, whether at home or abroad, or supporting such activity."
British extremists "range from foreign nationals now naturalized and resident in the U.K., arriving mainly from North Africa and the Middle East, to second- and third-generation British citizens whose forebears mainly originate from Pakistan or Kashmir," the document says.
It adds that "a significant number come from liberal, non-religious Muslim backgrounds or converted to Islam in adulthood."
The Iraq war is identified as a key cause of young Britons turning to extremism.
"The war on terror, and in Iraq and Afghanistan, are all seen by a section of British Muslims as having been acts against Islam," the document says.

Yes the police are right. This was a complex operation requiring a lot of planning from a 'mastermind' - 'C' the head of the intelligence services. It fits the pattern. It has AL MI5DA written all over it. These 'lads' were recruited, trained, and sent on a suicide mission by British Intelligence. One figured it out and died a spy out in the proverbial cold.
Britain 'sheltering al-Qaeda leader'

Al Qaeda leader Abu Qatada given protection from deportation/arrest/kept in safe house by British Intelligence - a mastermind.
George French