do | 17.07.2005 02:40 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | London

Hello everyone,
Of course I feel terribly sad about the people which were killed or wounded in these terrible attacks, but we should also think that Hitler advised to take people by their emotional side. That prevents them thinking, and so, they cash take for money all the twaddle the leaders tell.
In his article titled : « LONDON : TERRORISM OF CIRCUMSTANCE » located here :

Diogène does the excellent following remarks :
« English scandal newspapers seem to be very bright. Less than 3 hours after attacks (around 01 P.M) were the evening newspapers ready for sale, these telling in detail that these attacks are indeed the work of al-Qaïda. They should be a bit more careful, because one time they will publish attacks news before their masters finish committing them. »
These attacks obviously were ordered by the English State itself !
Naturally, the purpose is to justify a state of exception (For example : Permanent Patriot Act Proposed), because all the so-called contesting organized by the State, in a Live 8 style, did not manage to prevent that rioters come to disturb G8 in Great Britain.
It's only one month and half after Genoa that the 09/11 events occured. To see on this subject my text "LE REICHSTAG BRÛLE !" by clicking here :

An other and better translation (by NOT BORED!) of the first part of this text is here :

This time, the government have waited even less longer than at the time of Genoa to try to counter the true dispute by using its favorite drug : False-terrorism, i.e. the terrorism ordered by the State.
It is funny to note that these terrorist attacks took place right after the designation of London as Olympic city for the Olympic Games 2012. If these attacks had taken place only one or two days before, London would not have been selected. Thanks Al-Qaïda to have wait before doing its attacks, until the selection of the city of London ! Sympathetic, isn't it ?

About 09/11 :

About Genoa :


jeudi 7 juillet 2005, 12h56
La police britannique avait averti l'ambassade d'Israël à Londres de l'imminence d'attentats
JERUSALEM (AP) - Un haut responsable israélien déclare que Scotland Yard avait averti l'ambassade de l'Etat hébreu à Londres quelques minutes avant les explosions dans la capitale britannique pour dire que la police avait reçu des informations faisant état de possibles attentats.
Ce responsable israélien a requis l'anonymat étant donnée la nature de son poste.
Israël organisait une conférence économique près du site de l'une des explosions. Le ministre des Finances Benyamin Nétanyahou devait y assister mais les attentats se sont produits avant son arrivée.
A Londres, l'ambassadeur d'Israël a déclaré que la représentation israélienne est en état d'urgence, avec interdiction d'entrer ou de quitter le bâtiment. AP
Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning :

Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast :

Bomb squad link in Spanish blasts
THE man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the al-Qaeda train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the private telephone number of the head of Spain’s Civil Guard bomb squad, it emerged yesterday :

Spain suspects 'were informants'
The Spanish interior ministry says it is investigating reports that two suspects in the 11 March Madrid train bombings were police informants :

Terrorist gang 'used military explosives' :

Permanent Patriot Act Proposed :

Blasts could boost Blair's support :

Hide the following 8 comments
same old tosh
17.07.2005 06:57
Magoo - same ole troll
17.07.2005 08:31
Isnt this supposed to be an Independent soapbox?
Do you have a day job?
Is this your day job???
Who shorted British pound?
17.07.2005 08:40
Who shorted British pound?
Currency fell 6% in 10 days
before London terror attacks
Following 9-11, there were reports of short-selling stocks and millions in profits made overnight. That investigation also implied that the short-selling would track back to Osama, but surprise, surprise, the short-selling trade traced back to Israeli nationals and to the CIA itself. At that point, we never heard about the short-selling again.
Joe Farah
a bit too far
17.07.2005 09:38
Who's watching Magoo?
17.07.2005 10:21
Nice point there, but I don't think Mr Magoo will be talked around or silenced so easily.
I very much doubt that it is his day job. There are clearly more than one Mr Magoos posting. The one who I will refer to as the REAL Mr Magoo (please stand up) has some emotional involvement in trying to silence the questions raised by 'theorists'. He gets frustrated easily and clearly has some anger issue regarding Alex Jones/Prison Planet and how easily people fall for their particualr conspiracy spin. He tries to group all intellectual investigation down any path related to these subjects as paranoid dementia or lunacy. This shows that he has some personal issue regarding what he sees as realty leading to a negative reaction whenever he sees that challenged.It is Mr Magoo himself who brings up CIA,MI5,Mossad,Aliens etc. albeit in a humourous and ironic way to show the contempt that he himself feels for ANY questions raised and the people he sees raising them. In a lot of ways I can't say I blame him because far too many of these postings stretch credibility to breaking point with theories based on supposition which can not be tested with factual evidence. Also a lot of the questions people are raising are more due to poor and contradictory media coverage than actual investigation. However that does not mean that all of the questions raised are without grounding or merit.
However Mr Magoo's confrontational attitude and his occasional attempts to rationalise rather than ridicule where he doesn't have strong enough data or research to back his points up actually detract from his own stance instead of strenghthening it and therefore he is counterproductive to his own agenda.
I'd say that he is not a Troll nor a Mole nor a Worm, in my extensive experience of the civil service I've found they employ competent people in the positions they belong.
In my opinion Mr Magoo is a frustrated rock guitarist who has turned to comedy as an outlet for his creativity and I can't wait to see his 'Make Conspiracy History' show at the Edinburgh festival.
Or is that just a long winded way of calling him a joker?
A. Lexicon
The Golden Country
17.07.2005 10:22
I ridicule only that which I find ridiculous. Why do you seek my approval???
My day job? I work at the Ministry of Truth, of course. I used to track people with satellites and bug their pets. Now I discredit totally plausible conspiracy exposes that threaten state security. Which is easy work since "corporate media" NEVER embarresses the Establishment by leaking top secret info or questioning croniism.
The newswire is for news. Not some old tosh someone spins for profit. Alex Jones and infowars are about as "independent" as Fox News.
You believe their crap then go hang out at their yahoo group where everyone will tell you how insightful you are for parrotting these barmy theories reverse engineered to suit your personal bigotry.
The fact of the matter is most of these posts are rehashes with links to single-sourced rehashes (recursive bibliography). It's a sick parody of journalism. Bile wrapped up in lies, distortion, half-truths and misinfo. It's a dull waste of bandwidth.
Now if I were a "troll" how come I counter the arguments point-by-point as they arise and don't go spamming loads of tosh... whereas all you do is insult people who disagree with you.
That's my final response any comments you direct at me; I reserve the right to counter anything you however say on here.
O'Brien Magoo
but no cigar
17.07.2005 18:46
The apparent beligerence is more socio-linguistic. I'm Glaswegian. It rubs a lot of people up the wrong way. I'm actually very personable and affable (apparently) unless I don't like you: then I act like a prick.
I try not to rationalise the irrattional too often. I'm scared of being given a sociology lecturing post. Why don't I contribute addatively to the "debate"? I have NO theories regarding 7/7. There is simply not enough evidence in the public domain to make sense of yet.
I despair people making unfounded links to known evil bastards, because it makes the truth about people like MI5 & Mossad ridiculous.
I postively adore debate. I grew up with a communist (CPGB) and a Tory. I also enjoy arguing with numpties. Poor sportsmanship I know. But to quote an ex-german POW I knew "The Scots are a cruel but fair race".
BTW, does postman still qualify as "Civil Service"?
id-iot Magoo
18.07.2005 07:35
If you can't see the sarcasm in me calling myself Mr Magoo I suggest you buy an introduction to linguistic semantics. Though the leap isn't exactly mindbending.
... magoo