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Brad | 16.07.2005 07:25

Just as the word "IMPEACHMENT" grows steadily in popularity amongst Americans, and Karl Rove's TREASON is exposed? Yes, I'm sure it's just a benign filtering problem ...

Advocacy Group, Internet Host Charge 'Political Motivation' Behind Filtering of Email by Country's Largest Net Services Provider!

[Ed Note: Good news! Not long after this item was originally published, the issue was finally attended to and corrected by both Comcast and Symantec! See the bottom of this...

[Ed Note: Good news! Not long after this item was originally published, the issue was finally attended to and corrected by both Comcast and Symantec! See the bottom of this article for details on what happened! Thank you for making noise!]

The BRAD BLOG has learned that cable company and Internet service provider, Comcast Corporation has been automatically deleting email sent to Comcast customers with the text "" in the body of the email. ("ADS") is the citizen's coalition advocacy group organized to raise awareness of the leaked British memos and minutes referred to as the "Downing Street Documents". Those documents, first reported by Michael Smith of the Sunday Times suggest that the Bush Administration had determined to topple Saddam Hussein by military means and planned to "fix" the facts and intelligence around the policy" at least eight months prior to receiving authorization of the U.S. Congress to wage war in Iraq. At the same time, George W. Bush and administration officials were routinely telling both Congress and the American people that no tactical decisions had yet been made regarding regime change in Iraq.

(DISCLOSURE: The BRAD BLOG and an advocacy group co-founded by us, are members of the ADS coalition.)

The discovery that email was being secretly filtered was made after an investigation conducted by ADS co-founder, David Swanson who reported that many coalition members did not seem to be receiving email alerts and others messages being sent by the group.

"Over the past week we have been having problems reaching our members," Swanson said. "Yesterday we had a conference call scheduled that we'd announced by email and two thirds of the people didn't even know about it."

Eventually Swanson was able to determine that it was only those members of the group who receive email via the cable monolith's domain who were not receiving such notices.

According to a study released in January of this year by TNS Telecoms, Comcast Corporation is the nation's largest single provider of both Cable/Satellite and Internet related services in the country.

The BRAD BLOG has been able to independently confirm that email sent to two different Comcast customers with the text "" in the body of the mail, is not currently reaching those customers as expected. Though messages with only "" are, in fact, able to get through to those same customers without a problem.

In a statement released by, the Internet host for the domain, the directors of the "progressive" firm charge that the filtering is politically motivated and both they and Swanson have requested people contact Comcast to complain. (Contact information at the bottom of this article.)...

While it is not uncommon for Internet Service Providers, or ISP's, to filter out messages sent to their users by domains which are known to send large amounts of unrequested junkmail, or "spam", Comcast acknowledged to Swanson that was not on their list of domains alleged to have sent such email.

Swanson spoke with two different employees in the Comcast Email Abuse department, both of whom acknowleged to him that "" seems to have ended up in the Comcast email filter. He was able to receive no explanation from Comcast as to why or how that could have occurred.

When The BRAD BLOG attempted to get a statement on the matter from the Comcast Abuse Department Manager, Jim Janco, -- whom Swanson had previously dealt with in the matter -- we were told that "company policy" dictated he "can't engage with the press in any manner," but that he would ask the Comcast PR Department to get back to us.

We received a call shortly afterwards from Jeanne Russo, corporate spokesperson from the Comcast Online Division, who told us she was not aware of the problem, but would get back to us after she was able to look into it. That was several hours ago. As of this time, we have not yet heard back from her.

In a series of emails, however, shared with The BRAD BLOG between Swanson and another employee from the Comcast Abuse Department, the employee confirms the existence of the problem.

Swanson had sent emails to two different email addresses of the employee, one of which was a address, the other at a different service provider. Until Swanson removed the "" from the body of the mail he was sending as a test to the employee, his email was not received by the Comcast employee at their address. The test email messages were received without a problem at the two Comcast customers alternate non-Comcast addresses.

Swanson had previously used "" as part of his automatic email signature.

Another ADS coalition member, Tim Carpenter, explained how the problem began and that he was personally unable to receive any information on the problem from Comcast.

"I called Comcast and they never confirmed for me that there was a problem with my email," Carpenter told us, "but starting Thursday, about two hours after the bombings [in London], my email started disappearing. It became clearer and clearer as the week when on that something was going on."

Swanson says that he was told by Comcast's Janco earlier this afternoon that Janco had identified the problem and that Comcast would be attempting to correct it over the next several hours. However, several other Comcast users have since confirmed that they have still be unable to receive test messages sent by both Swanson and The BRAD BLOG as of this hour.

Swanson says he was told that "there were spam complaints and that content filters automatically blocked the content of our URL, but that [Comcast] looked into it and know that we don't spam."

When he asked why Comcast hadn't looked into the matter before adding ADS to their spam filter, Swanson says he was told "Because it's automatic."

When he asked why ADS was not informed about the matter when it occured, the answer was the same, "Because it's automatic," said Swanson.

Alfredo Lopez, a director of, the Internet Service Provider which hosts the domain and website, was able to confirm that Swanson's email left the People-Link mail servers correctly but did not reach their Comcast destinations.

"We do know that all of the email about which [Swanson's] talking was mailed out from the server, and we do know that people on Comcast were not receiving it. That much we know," said Lopez.

He said that People-Link, who identify themselves as "part of the progressive Internet movement" received no notice from Comcast about the apparent filtering.

"That is typical of a very serious spam block," Lopez said today, "because they don't want to tip off the spammer that they've been blocked."

A statement given to The BRAD BLOG by People-Link's directors suggests that there is a political motivation behind this matter. Their statement charges that Comcast is blocking "constitutionally protected expression and the fundamental right to organize and act politically on issues of concern."

Their statement goes on to say that:

Most spam blocking measures focus on the email address or the IP address of the suspected spammer. While there are anti-spam measures directed at the body of the email, these usually target attachments that could contain virus programs.

Targeting the inclusion of a website url can only have one outcome: that communications about that website and the issue it is presenting will be blocked from large numbers of people and that the communications from that site's administrators and the campaign's organizers will not reach their full constituency.

Whether comcast's intention or not, this is effectively political and unconstitutional.

The complete statement of People-Link's directors follows...

Statement from the Directors of May First/People Link

The Internet provider Comcast has repotedly admitted blocking email to its users that contains the in the email body.

This goes far beyond the normal anti-spam measures taken by major providers and represents an effective blocking of constitutionally protected expression and the fundamental right to organize and act politically on issues of concern.

Most spam blocking measures focus on the email address or the IP address of the suspected spammer. While there are anti-spam measures directed at the body of the email, these usually target attachments that could contain virus programs.

Targeting the inclusion of a website url can only have one outcome: that communications about that website and the issue it is presenting will be blocked from large numbers of people and that the communications from that site's administrators and the campaign's
organizers will not reach their full constituency.

Whether Comcast's intention or not, this is effectively political and unconstitutional.

It keeps people from getting valuable information about a campaign that is, in the opinion of many, critical to the future of this country's political system.

It disrupts the organizing of this campaign and cripples the campaign's ability to use its most effective communications tool: the Internet.

It damages people's confidence in this campaign since many people who write the campaign can't receive the response they expect and that the campaign has sent.

Perhaps the worst part of this development is that Comcast has been reportedly doing this without the knowledge of the managers of this website or anyone affiliated with this campaign. In fact, no Comcast customer has received any indication that email to him or her containing this url was blocked.

Many of us in the progressive Internet movement have long been warning about the intrusive, arrogant, disruptive, inconsiderate and effectively reactionary "access blocking" measures being taken by large Internet service providers. They take many forms and we have argued that, in the end, they lead to the same future: providers blocking access because of its content.

That future, apparently, has arrived and it is essential that everyone interested in free speech and a free Internet call or email Comcast to let it know how we feel and to warn it not to do this again.

UPDATE: Just in via Email from David Swanson:

The manager of Comcast's abuse, Jim Janco department now claims that they have a contract with Bright Mail (part of Symantec)and that Bright Mail controls the filter and refuses to lift the blog (claiming to have received 46,000 spam messages with the ADS url in them; but refusing to show us a single such message). Bright Mail also serves OTHER large ISPs, not just Comcast. According to this same person, we can complain to Bright Mail at or

UPDATE 6:26pm PT: After our original report here, followed by a series of phone calls to Symantec's west coast corporate office, Bob Fertik of (a founding member of the ADS coaltion), was able to get confirmation that Symantec had finally unblocked "" from their automated filter!

The official line from Symantec, as Fertik reported it to us, was that the Bright Mail filter is completely automated, and due to the increasing appearance of "" in email, their automated filter kicked in. We were not able to confirm any of that with Symantec as their offices had already closed for the weekend by the time we were able to call. So we also were unable to get any additional information on what actually triggers their filtering system and what, if any, human intervention takes place.

The BRAD BLOG can now confirm, however, that email containing that text is once again flowing to customers! Good work to those of you who contacted both Comcast and Symantec in a hurry today!

Since the problem now seems to be fixed, we have removed the Comcast contact addresses and phone numbers from this item.

We have had scattered reports of the problem occuring on other Internet Service Providers as well, but have been unable to confirm those reports as of yet. Stay tuned to BRAD BLOG where we'll keep you updated with any further notable developments in this matter.

And thank you for making noise!

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Hide the following 5 comments

Protect email with encryption!

16.07.2005 10:11

This is worrying...perhaps you could protect the content of your emails using encryption? It's very easy to do, there are a number of options -->

PGP seems to be very popular amoung the open source software community.


GPG, not PGP.

16.07.2005 11:49

"PGP seems to be very popular amoung the open source software community."

That would be GnuPG (

PGP is commercial software and contains patented algorithms.



16.07.2005 12:01

Yet another entirely fictious post from what might be better called "we don't know what happended". This story first cropped up on the SF Indymedia site a couple of weeks ago where a bit of basic investigation by the people there showed it to be complete fabrication.

I realise the nature of Indymedia makes it sometime difficult to filter this type of story but at the moment the newswire is just full of "they are out to get us" crap.

why are you doing this


16.07.2005 12:32

A newsletter or huge mail list that has the potential for sendign to a large number of recipients on the mail server at the same time needs to arrange for being "whitelisted" becuase its behavior is not easily distinguishable from spam. And no, anti-spam software cannot rely on from where sent sicne the spammers can change that with great frequency.

We need also to consider the possibility (and I say just possibility) that the fault does lie with the blogletter -- that they MAY in fact have been complained about for "spamming" -- sending to people who have NOT requested receiving it and not being suffiently reactive to take these poeple off and keep them off their list.

They MIGHT feel that because they are political and not commercial they are not "spamming", not recognizing that the defining property is NOT the nature of the message but whether it is unsolicited, unwanted, and there is a violation with regard to getting the abuse stopped. Some of these possible violation are technical and maybe a little nitpicking so it's fairly easy to be in violation and likely this blog would have enemies motivated to report them were that the case.

mail e-mail: stpebystpefarm

How Comcast Censors Political Content

17.07.2005 20:58

How Comcast Censors Political Content
Or Why My Comcast Horror Story Is Better Than Yours
by David Swanson

Most Comcast internet customers seem to have horror stories, but in my humble opinion this one is a doozie and may even suggest threats to freedom of speech more significant than the jailing of a court stenographer.

I'm working on a campaign headquartered at that seeks to draw attention to the Downing Street Minutes and to lobby Congress to open an investigation into whether the President has committed impeachable offenses. According to a recent Zogby poll, 42 percent of Americans favor impeachment proceedings if the President lied about the reasons for war, and according to a recent ABC News / Washington Post poll, 52 percent think he did. But this story is nowhere to be found in the corporate media. So, our website attracts a lot of traffic.

In addition, July 23rd is the three-year anniversary of the meeting on Downing Street that produced the now infamous minutes, and we are organizing events all over the country on that day. Or, we're trying to. But we noticed about a week ago that everyone working on this campaign was having strange Email problems. Some people would get Emails and some wouldn't, or they'd receive some but not others. Conference calls were worse than usual (I can't stand the things anyway) because half the people wouldn’t get the info and know where to call in. Organizing by internet is super easy, but when you have to follow up every Email with a phone call to see if someone got it, it becomes super frustrating. Volunteers have been complaining all over the country – especially now that we've figured out what the problem was and they know what to complain about.

We didn't know it, but for the past week, anyone using Comcast has been unable to receive any Email with "" in the body of the Email. That has included every Email from me, since that was in my signature at the bottom of every Email I sent. And it included any Email linking people to any information about the upcoming events.

From the flood this evening of Emails saying "Oh, so that's why I haven't heard anything from you guys lately," it seems clear that we would have significantly more events organized by now for the 23rd if not for this block by Comcast.

Disturbingly, Comcast did not notify us of this block. It took us a number of days to nail down Comcast as the cause of the problems, and then more days, working with Comcast's abuse department to identify exactly what was going on. We'd reached that point by Thursday, but Comcast was slow to fix the problem.

During the day on Friday we escalated our threats to flood Comcast's executives with phone calls and cancellations, and we gave them deadlines. Friday evening, Comcast passed the buck to Symantec. Comcast said that Symantec's Bright Mail filter was blocking the Emails, and that Symantec refused to lift the block, because they had supposedly received 46,000 complaints about Emails with our URL in them. Forty-six thousand! Of course, Symantec was working for Comcast, and Comcast could insist that they shape up, or drop them. But Comcast wasn't interested in doing that.

Could we see two or three, or even one, of those 46,000 complaints? No, and Comcast claimed that Symantec wouldn't share them with Comcast either.

By the time Comcast had passed the buck to the company that it was paying to filter its customers Emails, Brad Blog had posted an article about the situation and urged people to complain to Comcast.

Brad quickly added Symantec phone numbers to the story on his website, and we called Symantec's communications department, which fixed the problem in a matter of minutes.

So, why does this matter?

Comcast has a near monopoly on high-speed internet service in much of this country, including much of the Washington, D.C., area. Many members of the media and many people involved in politics rely on it. Three days ago, I almost decided to put a satellite dish on my roof. There's no other way for me to get high-speed internet, unless I use Comcast.

Comcast effectively censors discussion of particular political topics, and impedes the ability of people to associate with each other, with absolutely no compulsion to explain itself. There is no due process. A phrase or web address is tried and convicted in absentia and without the knowledge of those involved.

Now, did Comcast do this because it opposes impeaching the President? I seriously doubt it. Apparently the folks at Symantec did this, and Comcast condoned it. But why?

Well, we have no evidence to suggest that these 46,000 complaints actually exist, but we can be fairly certain that if they do, they were generated by someone politically opposed to our agenda. There's simply no possible way that we've accidentally annoyed 46,000 random people with stray Emails and mistyped addresses. We've only been around for a month and a half, and we haven't spammed anyone. In fact, during the course of trying to resolve the problem, Comcast assured us that they knew we hadn't spammed anyone. And once we'd gotten Symantec's attention, they didn't hesitate to lift the block.

But it had taken serious pressure to find out what the problem was and who to ask for a remedy. We only solved this because we could threaten a flood of negative attention.

This state of affairs means that anyone who wants to stifle public and quasi-private discussion of a topic can quite easily do so by generating numerous spam complaints. The victims of the complaints will not be notified, made aware of the accusations against them, or provided an opportunity to defend themselves. And if the complaints prove bogus, there will be absolutely no penalty for having made them.

And this won't affect only small-time information sources. If the New York Times or CNN attempts to send people Email with a forbidden phrase, it won't reach Comcast customers or customers of any ISP using the same or similar filtering program.

And there is no public list posted anywhere of which phrases are not permitted. This is a Kafkan world. This is censorship as it affects a prisoner who sends out letters and does not know if they will reach the recipient or be destroyed.

What if I had tried to Email someone about a serious health emergency during the past week, but they had been using Comcast and I had been including the address of my website in my Email signature? Is this not a safety issue?

Above all, though, this is a First Amendment issue, as is well laid out in this excerpt of a statement released today by, the organization hosting the site:

"This goes far beyond the normal anti-spam measures taken by major providers and represents an effective blocking of constitutionally protected expression and the fundamental right to organize and act politically on issues of concern.

"Most spam blocking measures focus on the email address or the IP address of the suspected spammer. While there are anti-spam measures directed at the body of the email, these usually target attachments that could contain virus programs.

"Targeting the inclusion of a website url can only have one outcome: that communications about that website and the issue it is presenting will be blocked from large numbers of people and that the communications from that site's administrators and the campaign's organizers will not reach their full constituency.

"Whether Comcast's intention or not, this is effectively political and unconstitutional.

"It keeps people from getting valuable information about a campaign that is, in the opinion of many, critical to the future of this country's political system.

"It disrupts the organizing of this campaign and cripples the campaign's ability to use its most effective communications tool: the Internet.

"It damages people's confidence in this campaign since many people who write the campaign can't receive the response they expect and that the campaign has sent.

"Perhaps the worst part of this development is that Comcast has been reportedly doing this without the knowledge of the managers of this website or anyone affiliated with this campaign. In fact, no Comcast customer has received any indication that email to him or her containing this url was blocked."

David Swanson is a co-founder of After Downing Street, a writer and activist, and the Washington Director of He is a board member of Progressive Democrats of America, and serves on the Executive Council of the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, TNG-CWA. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and as a communications director, with jobs including Press Secretary for Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign, Media Coordinator for the International Labor Communications Association, and three years as Communications Coordinator for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Swanson obtained a Master's degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia in 1997.

After Downing Street