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The Revolution has begun

Brent Herbert | 16.07.2005 01:23 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles | World

All that is required is that we bring to an end the last traces of gullible trust which will then get rid of that mass confusion, which is the only thing that has kept the lid on the revolution up to the present time...

In a previous posting I mentioned that the revolution has begun, having been started as I pointed out to you, by certain black churches and a bunch of script kiddies out on the internet, not your typical revolutonary suspects I will agree, but in keeping with that theory which states that people are going to have to liberate themselves or just suffer the burdens, perhaps it shouldn't come as a big surprise that the 'proletariat' or whatever you want to call them are leading the way, since you would want to see something like that in any revolution, with the purpose of a revolutionary being not to lead, especially if you are an anarchist such as myself, but rather being one whose role is inspire and to sharpen the razor's edge from time to time you might say, destroying the wall of propaganda and bringing to an end the state of mass confusion, which is all that has been holding back the revolution up to the present time.

Now when a revolution is underway there are many signs you can notice that would indicate that such is in fact the case. For example, I already knew that the revolution had already begun in America's black churches, just by gut instinct and a deep knowledge of human nature and an understanding of how oppressive propaganda actually functions (the Big Lie technique combined with the Big Evil practice combined with the innocent trusting gullibility of the public) This was confirmed for me on Wednesday night when it was all Black minister night on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, a religious right tv channel in case you didn't know. Since they cannot offer those revolutionary black churches any revolution, or even a really good inspiring sermon, and since they don't want to offer them any of that Jesus stuff about socialism and redistributing the property, or that prophet stuff about conquering evil oppression, they offered them not much of anything that I could see, but still, I would suppose, having watched that, something had to be done, so it was more of the same old same old, with the only difference being that it was offered with some extra excitement and enthusiasm, probably in the hopes that maybe some people would get excited and enthused about it all, although given the lack of content that seems unlikely. The audience I noticed was a collection of rather wealthy looking upper middle class type blacks, who at the end of it all, are the audience for this sort of thing, and there just aren't enough of them around to make a difference, or even to split the black community, and so at the end of it all this token blackism accomplishes nothing, except to confirm to a real revolutionary, such as myself, that the black church revolution has indeed begun, as you can tell by the reactionary response. Last night was third world night, with our focus of course kept on giving various third world or developing countries Jesus instead of giving them back their stolen money, as well as saving them from hell fire, instead of saving them from the grinding oppression and evil and all the deliberately enforced poverty that goes along with that terrorist attack. Rather than arresting the gangsters who have been holding the third world at gun point for years and robbing them blind, the third world being one of the creations of the capitalist for that very reason, we will instead focus on the sin of the slaves, and cleansing detergent of Jesus blood, thus purifying the world of its sins and saving everyone from going through any more hell, or so they must be hoping someone might believe, given the airtime devoted to reprogramming what must be a rising third world church to go along with that rising black church. There was also an appeal to capitalists and to the upper middle class who were probably the audience that evening as well, in that China, amazingly an athiest country, is inviting the religious right into China, which was a miracle from God, given how they are athiests, but even so, as the Chinese leaders said, that religious right mumbo jumbo will be good for China, and if you think about it all, you can see just how true that statement really is, if you happen to be the evil oppressors of the growing revolution in China, and you were desperately looking for something that might work to save you own hide. There is only one thing that is holding back the revolution in China at this moment, and that is mass confusion combined with any remnant of gullible trust that might remain in the public mind. For this reason the leaders of China are inviting in the religious right, in the hopes of sowing mass confusion, thus stopping the liberation of the oppressed of China, and instead causing them to suffer one Tianamin Square after another, which you don't hear much about, but is happening all the time in China, that place coming to a boil and on the verge of Revoution as we speak. Which would then explain why they would need Jesus, or so it would seem, based on what I was hearing last night, and that athiests like China's leaders want them to receive Jesus, well that was nothing short of another divine miracle sent down to us from God, who must hate revolution against evil oppression as much as the religious right and their wealthy sponsors do, and thus sent us television instead.

Speaking of television, you can tell that the revolution has begun and the script kiddies have been busy, if you watch the capitalist media system. Little more needs to be said about than that. I don't watch myself, because it is unbearably painful, what with the heavens having been cloaked with mourning, at least around here. And where there isn't mourning, there is reaction, a sure sign that some Karl Marx type must be on the loose again, given all the reactionary stories which contradict a theme you might say, as though that would work, or could ever work. But then its called reaction, and its what you do when you have run short of ideas, but still have to do something anyways.

Another clear sign that the revolution has begun is the appearance of cointel type operations targetting the activist community, although from time to time that might not be cointel pro, but rather some revolutionary who must have joined the revolution the same way that some people join a club and go bowling, only to start bailing out when the revolution arrives. As I said, it is hard to say for sure who that might be or what might be wrong with such people, but the methodology is quite clear...start quarrels over dogma, and also point out the doctrinal errors of that one group or another, and create factions and splits, in the end hoping through sermons, to reintroduce mass confusion, which is one to hold down a revolution, and perhaps some people might be thinking, by delivering clever sermons that might trick someone into missing the obvious, might reintroduce that mass confusion once a revolution has already begun, thus stopping it in its tracks and reversing the process. I say missing the obvious in that, well, first of all the revolution has already begun, and such bad tempered revolutionary elements are still talking about that golden age to come when there will be a revolution someday, if only people would straighten out their doctrinal point or get into a fight with that other faction. It is also obvious that what we have here is a capitalist with a bad bad limp, and instead of taking advantage of that they try to give a bad limp to some other revolutionary, which like I said, is a bad habit that is hard to understand. It could be cointelpro or like I said, maybe that revolution thing was a hobby, or even a way to pick up chicks or something like that. In the end, that sort of thing got everyone locked in Treblinka and tossed Germany into the lap of Adolph, which was not inevtiable, quite the contrary, but which happened nonetheless because I would suppose that at that time the human race had not yet evolved to a sufficient state of maturity, leaving behind child hood gullibility and becoming more adult, and so while the people believed the big lie thus allowing the big evil, the revolutionaries were still in some sand box somewhere fighting over their toys. The price for that sort of thing was extremely heavy, as you might remember, and if you don't, I am here to remind you one last time, since you are better off hearing from me than you would be to hear it from Hitler, who spanks really hard.

There is another sign that a revolution is underway that you need to watch out they come....its the populist demagogue.

The purpose of the populist demagogue is to show up when a revolution has begun and begin to talk the revolution talk, or at least some of it, certainly not all of it, since the purpose of the populist demagogue is to derail the revolution, and perhaps bring us another New Deal or something like that, leaving the crooks and terrorists in power, so that they can plot their come back and make their next attacks. These are the murderers and thieves who have been robbing the third world blind and holding them under a reign of terror since the time that the New Deal went through and saved their butts, which shows you why that was such an atrocious thing to do to humanity.

So then the goal of the populist demagogue is save criminals and thwart justice. If that appeals to you, then you might find somethign appealling in the appeal of a populist demagogue, those appealing characters witrh their great public appeal who always show up for the revolution, although I trust that if you are thinking straight during this revolution, instead of being as confused as your ancestors were, and therefore you will not find such things as Hitler or other types of demagogues to have any appeal whatsoever, especially when you consider what they are up to.

Now by mentioning the sudden appearance of that populist demagogue it is not my intention to worry or frighten anyone, but rather I am just pointing out that the revolution has begun. Populist demagogues have lost some of their appeal I have noticed, and you can see this yourself if you do a case study of a place like the Phillipines. Lately they have been changing populist demagogues in the so called 'opposition' the same way some people change socks. In their latest attempt they seem to have managed to bring out fifty thousand people, although given the small numbers involved, I have to wonder if they didn't just pay twenty thousand people to show up, in the hopes of getting the ball rolling and building sme momentum, and then another thirty thosuand showed up out of curiosity just to see what was going on. Or then again, maybe the welathier upper middle class showed up and there were only fifty thousand of them in the whole country, everyone else being so poor there, having been robbed blind for years so that Marcos could walk without doing any time, taking about an estimated twenty billion with him, which was just the tip of the ice berg, since he also had an extended family to take care of, and they did real well too, not to mention all the various cronies who were not his relatives but were cronies, and thus in line for their share of the plunder.

So you start running down the list here, and you can see religion, sectarianism and cointelpro operations, and populist demagoges on offer, and who knows the union leaders might suddenly become energized and inspire everyone by moving to the forefront of the revolution, so that everyone can join unions, work for unprosecuted war criminals for another fifty years or so, leaving our children or grandchildren to deal with a mess like the one we have now, as well as resulting in the terrorist deaths of who knows how many Bolivians. For you see, while some people might want to kill some time, and have a revolution later when things calm down, the Bolivians are in no mood to wait, and even that terrorism of the type tried on Nicaraugua isn't going to stop them now. There message is 'bring it on.'. The idea being here that in slaughtering the Bolivians in vast numbers, and thus stopping their revolution, their attackers will then be exposed for the terrorist thieves that they really are, and perhaps be brought to justice for a change, and the Bolivians will then go on to have that socialist revolution they are demanding, so that they don't have to be 'privatized' (read robbed just one more time) giving all their money to some capitlist, leaving them flat broke and stuck in the Third World for another fifty years or so, until the next revolution gets going again, which will happen, should we be unfortunate to be saved again this time by those Democrats (highly unlikely) or the Union Leaders, or maybe we all suddenly decide not to go to hell and the religious right will become popular, or maybe some populist demagogue might find a way to have some appeal, which will be real difficult as well, given how people are thinking this time, which means that it is already to late for that sort of thing.

But then I guess that some people will just have to keep trying, now won't they, which should make life really interesting in the days ahead...

Brent Herbert


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You are so smart

16.07.2005 07:09

You are so smart I want to sent you money.

Too bad you didn't marry Prince Charles

Larry Stupid
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