The Cointelpro Attack from Within
brent herbert | 15.07.2005 23:02 | G8 2005 | Analysis | World
There will be plenty of time later to cross all those dots when you are cooling your heels in Treblinka.
Each day I get up in the morning and put my finger to the wind to get a sense of which way the wind is blowing and watch for any positive or any dangerous developments, the current situation being to volatile to be left to develop of its own accord. Today's weather report indicates to me an extremely dangerous trend towards the development of fascism and the Treblinka death camp system. The source of the danger would be either an outside Cointelpro operation or an inside job where certain sectarians within the movement decide not to wait for the Cointelpro operation but see if they can get something going themselves. The net effect is the same. After so diligently attacking the wrong enemy (myself) and after diligently working and beavering away at the wrong doctrine (my faith beliefs rather than capitalist dogma) everyone will find that they have plenty of time to iron out those doctrinal details which seem to loom so large at this moment once everyone winds up behind the walls of Treblinka, having suffered another collosal defeat, which can then be analyzed by theorists in an attempt to blame it all on someone else, preferably myself I would suppose, which if it could be done would be perfect, from a doctrinal point of view, I would suppose. However I doubt that people will have time to iron out all the little details in doctrinal systems, because this will be a death camp system, not leaving anyone with much time to really belabor the points and get them all straightened out. You see, fascism, and its camp system follows the logic of performing surgery to remove a cancer, thus making sure that John and Jane Doe, your typical average brainwashed 'working class' type (that we here name dropped so often in doctrinal discussions) do not hear anything that might destroy that flimsy wall that has closed their minds to the truth. However, remember that capitalists are real cheap bastards, as is proven by how they choose the cheap option of pretending to do something about Africa, while hiding the famine that was happening at the same time, since the famine would have required the actual spending of money, while that other propaganda scam would just require the placing of a honey trap and the promise of money after 2010 so that the protest movement could be kept busy for five years pressuring elites to keep their word. Given this remarkable example of scrooge like cheapness, you can understand how it is the case that fascism follows a logical progression from concentration camp to showers and ovens, since when you get the lunch tab for that many people coming in, and your real cheap about spending money, suddenly the idea of firing up the ovens and getting rid of that lunch tab problem becomes the obvious choice. Given that this is true, I sincerely doubt that these doctrinal squabbles will ever be settled, since people do not iron out the details of some dogma after having been roasted to black ash by some cheap fascists.
I have noticed that is common for sectarian cointelpro types to use the term 'working class' in polemics which are laced with contempt for the intellect and intelligence of the same aforementioned working class types. You might notice that yourself if you read these polemics, where the theme seems to be that of a truly ingenious vanguard surrounded by a sea of morons who require theoretical education, and when that doesn't work for centuries, the problem can then be blamed on those morons for not liberating themselves, or perhaps it can be blamed on someone else, for example some fundamentalist who lived fifty years ago, who can then, subtly, be used to characterize me and show the great danger I pose to some supposed revolution that was underway before I showed up to ruin everything. I propose that we fight out in the open and not through the use of symbols.
Now as for my faith, such matters are best judged on the basis of the 'material realities' as these theorists insist, which is correct, and of course when you stop to think about it, that means there is nothing to quarrel about, since given time, the realities will make themselves known of their own accord, thus not requiring any dispute over doctrines or theories about what or what not might be the reality right now, especially when the real issue is whether or not you want to be roasted like a duck at Treblinka after having inhaled a big snout full of bug spray in some shower room.
As I said these pointless doctrinal disputes are the wrong argument at the wrong time and this indicates that the most radical sounding theorists, in particular certain anarchist types (I am an anarcho-socialist type myself by the way) have a very flawed political perspective. Not only do they not understand that you do not deal with John and Jane Doe on the basis of correct doctrine, assuming they could find a correct doctrine, not something I have seen so far, but they also fail to understand the menacing danger they themselves are in, as is proven by how they begin splitting hairs and then attacking the wrong person, as though they failed to notice that giant sized fire breathing dragon that is closely watching the situation and ready to attack and destroy at the first opportunity. It would be the job of the sectarians among us, that small minority sect, to create the conditions that will allow this to happen, and if they are not a skillfully designed cointelpro attack being launched at this moment by agents pretending to be revolutionary anarchists, they might as well be cointelpro agensts, because the end result will be the same.
So then my advice would be to ignore the Cointelpro types among us, while keeping in mind, if you have this understanding, that the revolution has already begun. Given that the revolution has already begun, probably being well underway in black churches and among certain script kiddy types on the internet, not to mention a pascifist anarchist (a novel invention) if then follows that you had better start becoming revolutionary yourself really quick now, because you won't be doing much for the revolution in Treblinka. However, should it prove to the case that in order for the revolution to succeed all the revolutionaries must be carted off by the Gestapo and locked up in Treblinka for a little while just to get them out of the way, then I can see my way through to accpeting the concept, since whatever works I am game for, and if that one works then so be it.
I have noticed that is common for sectarian cointelpro types to use the term 'working class' in polemics which are laced with contempt for the intellect and intelligence of the same aforementioned working class types. You might notice that yourself if you read these polemics, where the theme seems to be that of a truly ingenious vanguard surrounded by a sea of morons who require theoretical education, and when that doesn't work for centuries, the problem can then be blamed on those morons for not liberating themselves, or perhaps it can be blamed on someone else, for example some fundamentalist who lived fifty years ago, who can then, subtly, be used to characterize me and show the great danger I pose to some supposed revolution that was underway before I showed up to ruin everything. I propose that we fight out in the open and not through the use of symbols.
Now as for my faith, such matters are best judged on the basis of the 'material realities' as these theorists insist, which is correct, and of course when you stop to think about it, that means there is nothing to quarrel about, since given time, the realities will make themselves known of their own accord, thus not requiring any dispute over doctrines or theories about what or what not might be the reality right now, especially when the real issue is whether or not you want to be roasted like a duck at Treblinka after having inhaled a big snout full of bug spray in some shower room.
As I said these pointless doctrinal disputes are the wrong argument at the wrong time and this indicates that the most radical sounding theorists, in particular certain anarchist types (I am an anarcho-socialist type myself by the way) have a very flawed political perspective. Not only do they not understand that you do not deal with John and Jane Doe on the basis of correct doctrine, assuming they could find a correct doctrine, not something I have seen so far, but they also fail to understand the menacing danger they themselves are in, as is proven by how they begin splitting hairs and then attacking the wrong person, as though they failed to notice that giant sized fire breathing dragon that is closely watching the situation and ready to attack and destroy at the first opportunity. It would be the job of the sectarians among us, that small minority sect, to create the conditions that will allow this to happen, and if they are not a skillfully designed cointelpro attack being launched at this moment by agents pretending to be revolutionary anarchists, they might as well be cointelpro agensts, because the end result will be the same.
So then my advice would be to ignore the Cointelpro types among us, while keeping in mind, if you have this understanding, that the revolution has already begun. Given that the revolution has already begun, probably being well underway in black churches and among certain script kiddy types on the internet, not to mention a pascifist anarchist (a novel invention) if then follows that you had better start becoming revolutionary yourself really quick now, because you won't be doing much for the revolution in Treblinka. However, should it prove to the case that in order for the revolution to succeed all the revolutionaries must be carted off by the Gestapo and locked up in Treblinka for a little while just to get them out of the way, then I can see my way through to accpeting the concept, since whatever works I am game for, and if that one works then so be it.
brent herbert