7/7: The Evolution of the Official Conspiracy Theory Continues
Various | 15.07.2005 20:33
The Governments which LIED to their citizens in order to embroil them in ILLEGAL wars have begun to change the facts, and alter/hone their Official Conspiracy Thoery, exposing themselves and their fears in the process.
UK police confident of al-Qaeda link to bombs
http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=2 4&art_id=qw1121418181371B226
What a strange story. Of course you can find a link if you try hard enough. What baffles is that the detectives don't say that they can find those responsible, according to the evidence, but that they will "find a link", as Bliar has refused any probe into the attacks which deviates from this narrative.
Yet more on the London bombs
http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2005/07/yet-more-on-l ondon-bombs.html
(Please see: "The 25 Tactics of Disinformation")
London bombs home-made from pharmacy ingredients
I'm sure the perpetrators hope that earlier reports about military explosives being used, as reported by initial investigators, will be pushed down the Memory Hole.
London, Bush and Mossad
http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/news/archives/2005/07/ 15/london_bush_and_mossad.html
The sheer volume of Disinformation being churned out by the Israelis just damns them more than if they had said nothing.
I'm not "wild-eyed" at all, and the tale about Netanyahu Israel is attempting to push is contradicted by the timeline of events.
Methinks they protest too much!!
As with the alleged 9/11 "suicide hijackers" the families and friends of these young men are stunned and incredulous. There is nothing about these youths that fits with the "suicide bomber" profile. Security services could interpret the choice of innocents as clever planning by the masterminds who selected "ordinary young men...below the intelligence radar".
Much is made of the CCTV video tape of the four carrying large rucksacks before they were said to have boarded their respective trains. The tapes show them chatting and acting as though they were going on a hiking holiday. Was this just part of their ploy to move below the radar? Is it easy to appear nonchalant as you are about to blow yourselves and others to smithereens?
It is significant that this was a "suicide bombing" while the Madrid bombing was not (Even though the explosives in question were triggered by timing devices). Even so, the London Times reported that the alleged Madrid conspirators (who were all Government Informants) had met in a similar fashion before placing their bombs; after their bombs were placed they apparently got off the trains. Why? Why not a suicide mission? Or alternately, why couldn't these London lads place the charges and de-board?
The "suicide bomber" scenario works well to tell us who the bombers were. We all should know by now that only Muslims practice the suicide version of terrorism. To posit suicide in London obviates the need to investigate others. Remember the confusion in Madrid because Basque separatists were early suspects? If the bombers had blown themselves up on the trains no one would have suspected Basques; only Muslims commit suicide.
Why was Madrid handled differently? The simple answer is that the ubiquitous video cameras could not have picked up non-existent bombers, just like the video cameras at Logan, Newark and Dulles could not pick up non-existent hijackers.
The explosives in Madrid were not placed by passengers. The true perpetrators of these crimes learned from the Madrid experience and went back to their "suicide bomber" formula. This time they made sure to get "suicide bombers" (Arab victims) on camera, rucksacks and all. This alteration allows them to keep the advantage of the public preparation to identify only Muslims as suicide bombers. There will not be any uncomfortable questions about how explosives were placed or detonated.
The "Muslim suicide bomber" formula stops inquiry, stops thought, takes precedence in the public imagination over all objections. In the past four years the hundreds of inconsistencies and contrary pieces of evidence about 9/11 have not been able to remove the picture people have in their minds of Muslim hijackers flying planes into the WTC and the Pentagon.
The video of these four young men in London with their rucksacks will serve to end the public's interest in the questions of how, who, and why. No doubt the fact that a complete lack of video evidence, damning the 911 Official Theory, was noted by the perpetrators of this False Flag Attack.
But the skeptic might ask some questions here. Why did these "suicide bombers" seem so ordinary, so nonchalant before these awful deeds? Could it be that they were recruited as "extras" in the disaster exercises, and that their only purpose was to be seen in the video, meeting, and carrying their heavy rucksacks? And wouldn't their subsequent disappearance verify that what they carried in their sacks were those explosives that blew the trains, the bus and themselves to kingdom come?
ICTS Europe is an Israeli security company based in the Netherlands, a subsidiary of which is Huntleigh. Huntleigh was the security contractor at Logan Airport on 9/11 that failed to provide us with CCTV evidence of hijackers. The London Underground is one of Fortress GB's clients and according to their press release they provide smart card technology (personal details and biometric information) for contractors that operate in Tube stations. It makes me wonder if Peter Power's Visor Consultants were identified by these smart cards and if the four young men from Leeds were ever issued such ID.

What a strange story. Of course you can find a link if you try hard enough. What baffles is that the detectives don't say that they can find those responsible, according to the evidence, but that they will "find a link", as Bliar has refused any probe into the attacks which deviates from this narrative.
Yet more on the London bombs

(Please see: "The 25 Tactics of Disinformation")
London bombs home-made from pharmacy ingredients

I'm sure the perpetrators hope that earlier reports about military explosives being used, as reported by initial investigators, will be pushed down the Memory Hole.
London, Bush and Mossad

The sheer volume of Disinformation being churned out by the Israelis just damns them more than if they had said nothing.
I'm not "wild-eyed" at all, and the tale about Netanyahu Israel is attempting to push is contradicted by the timeline of events.
Methinks they protest too much!!
As with the alleged 9/11 "suicide hijackers" the families and friends of these young men are stunned and incredulous. There is nothing about these youths that fits with the "suicide bomber" profile. Security services could interpret the choice of innocents as clever planning by the masterminds who selected "ordinary young men...below the intelligence radar".
Much is made of the CCTV video tape of the four carrying large rucksacks before they were said to have boarded their respective trains. The tapes show them chatting and acting as though they were going on a hiking holiday. Was this just part of their ploy to move below the radar? Is it easy to appear nonchalant as you are about to blow yourselves and others to smithereens?
It is significant that this was a "suicide bombing" while the Madrid bombing was not (Even though the explosives in question were triggered by timing devices). Even so, the London Times reported that the alleged Madrid conspirators (who were all Government Informants) had met in a similar fashion before placing their bombs; after their bombs were placed they apparently got off the trains. Why? Why not a suicide mission? Or alternately, why couldn't these London lads place the charges and de-board?
The "suicide bomber" scenario works well to tell us who the bombers were. We all should know by now that only Muslims practice the suicide version of terrorism. To posit suicide in London obviates the need to investigate others. Remember the confusion in Madrid because Basque separatists were early suspects? If the bombers had blown themselves up on the trains no one would have suspected Basques; only Muslims commit suicide.
Why was Madrid handled differently? The simple answer is that the ubiquitous video cameras could not have picked up non-existent bombers, just like the video cameras at Logan, Newark and Dulles could not pick up non-existent hijackers.
The explosives in Madrid were not placed by passengers. The true perpetrators of these crimes learned from the Madrid experience and went back to their "suicide bomber" formula. This time they made sure to get "suicide bombers" (Arab victims) on camera, rucksacks and all. This alteration allows them to keep the advantage of the public preparation to identify only Muslims as suicide bombers. There will not be any uncomfortable questions about how explosives were placed or detonated.
The "Muslim suicide bomber" formula stops inquiry, stops thought, takes precedence in the public imagination over all objections. In the past four years the hundreds of inconsistencies and contrary pieces of evidence about 9/11 have not been able to remove the picture people have in their minds of Muslim hijackers flying planes into the WTC and the Pentagon.
The video of these four young men in London with their rucksacks will serve to end the public's interest in the questions of how, who, and why. No doubt the fact that a complete lack of video evidence, damning the 911 Official Theory, was noted by the perpetrators of this False Flag Attack.
But the skeptic might ask some questions here. Why did these "suicide bombers" seem so ordinary, so nonchalant before these awful deeds? Could it be that they were recruited as "extras" in the disaster exercises, and that their only purpose was to be seen in the video, meeting, and carrying their heavy rucksacks? And wouldn't their subsequent disappearance verify that what they carried in their sacks were those explosives that blew the trains, the bus and themselves to kingdom come?
ICTS Europe is an Israeli security company based in the Netherlands, a subsidiary of which is Huntleigh. Huntleigh was the security contractor at Logan Airport on 9/11 that failed to provide us with CCTV evidence of hijackers. The London Underground is one of Fortress GB's clients and according to their press release they provide smart card technology (personal details and biometric information) for contractors that operate in Tube stations. It makes me wonder if Peter Power's Visor Consultants were identified by these smart cards and if the four young men from Leeds were ever issued such ID.