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COLUMBINE & More Gov't Engineered Massacres

dinardo99 | 14.07.2005 22:24 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World


Date: Mon, 19 July 1999 11:21 AM EDT

Part 1, COLUMBINE & More Gov't Engineered Massacres

Folks, there is an abundance of circumstantial evidence in the United States
and in Europe indicating that the Columbine Massacre was engineered by black
operations specialists within the national intelligence apparatus

It has become apparent that the New World Order has adopted the same
tactics and techniques that were used by the Nazi Party to seize power in
Weimar Germany of the 1930's. This earlier historical strategy of state
terror was termed "the Politics of Tension" by the surviving heirs of
Hitler's and Mussolini's intelligence corps in Europe following the surrender
of Germany at the end of the Second World War. The story of how and why
American intelligence rescued and promoted, instead of destroying, Hitler's
Gehlen-led spy network, is one that has been largely ignored by the
complicitous mass media for the past half-century. Little wonder that the
mass media chooses to withhold this profoundly crucial story from the people,
considering that the CIA has maintained supervision and direction of
mainstream newspapers, magazines and television networks for decades.

These episodic reports are done with a sense of urgency, rather than with
prime regard for meticulous organization. So, when you see story lines
branching out in diverse directions, and with organization neither by
paragraph nor by thought, please understand the urgent need to give you the
essence of this tangled and sordid web of evil, because that evil is sweeping
over your life and mine. And time becomes more precious as it runs out. How
soon and how close to your daughter and my son will come the next Columbine
massacre? You can see that I'm going to need your help on this, since this
story is much too big for one man to cover alone. So please stay close;
research the names, titles, events, places and dates that I'll be throwing
out, and then compose your own reports for broadcast to the Internet and
whatever other communications media to which we can gain access.

Our children are under assault by zombified shooters in their school
corridors, and this assault is only the beginning stage of a nationwide
assault on Americans' freedom to live, to earn a decent living, and to enjoy
a lifetime of contentment. So, work with me, folks. I need your help in
order to search out this vital evidence and present it to the media-deluged
people, media-deluded people, while they still have the time and openness of
mind to recognize that termites have deeply infested the structural members
of our beloved home, America, and that our house is about to collapse upon
all our heads. ....

Intelligence researcher Dave Emory has earned the credit for much of this
vital information. The first thing you should do is go to, peruse the myriad of descriptions of archived radio
broadcast tapes that Dave Emory has done over the years as a broadcaster on
KFJC-FM radio, out of Foothills College in Los Altos Hills, California.
Order some of Dave's extremely valuable and esoteric broadcast tapes, and
then do your own research from there. .... The story begins with ODESSA.

ODESSA is an acronym for veterans of the Nazi military apparatus. ... When
it became apparent that Germany was going to lose the war, many of Hitler's
highest officers made a deal with the OSS, the United States Office of
Strategic Services, our spy agency, soon to become the Central Intelligence
Agency. Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, in particular, was(is) a man whom the
OSS felt it needed as desperately as Gehlen needed to save his neck
from the Nuremburg executioner, for Gehlen alone had developed an
intelligence network capable of dealing with the emerging Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR), the mortal enemy of the American capitalist system

OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan and future Director of Central Intelligence
Allen Dulles ushered nazi Gehlen and his intelligence staff into the warm,
protective wings of America's ultra-secret"Puzzle Palace" (the title of a
worthwhile book on the CIA which you might ask your librarian to search out
and lend to you). . . . In moving more directly toward the
Columbine Massacre through this vast field of intelligence information
encompassing acres of data and decades of time, let us examine the Stockton
Schoolyard Massacre, an event having a body of related facts which cast deep
suspicion upon black operations specialists within the national intelligence
apparatus. . . . In 1989, Patrick Edward Purdy opened fire with an automatic
rifle on Asian-American schoolchildren in the schoolyard of the Cleveland
Elementary School in Stockton, California. Note the congruence of racial
targeting in this case to the racial targeting against the student gunned
down by Harris and Klebold at Columbine High School. Note, also, the further
congruence of this racial targeting to that aimed against African-Americans
in the Fourth of July 1999 drive-by shootings committed by Benjamin Smith,
who so conveniently later killed himself; likewise, Harris and Klebold also
conveniently killed themselves, leaving no way in this world to reach into
their heads and find the MK-ULTRA mind control mechanisms that were likely
planted there in a documentable pattern
of premeditated state terror -- scientifically-conceived terror with a
purpose, that is. Yet again likewise, Patrick Edward Purdy killed himself at
the end of his bloody spree. This clear pattern of the crazed shooter who
wastes himself at the end of his bloody spree is a pattern that occurs over
and over again. A favorite recipe from the CIA's cookbook of

Now, here are a number of facts about Purdy gleaned from inconspicuous
newspaper articles printed in Stockton-area newspapers. The following
information comes from Dave Emory's archive radio broadcast tape M55, titled
"The Stockton Schoolyard Shootings". By ordering this and other tapes from
Dave Emory's spitfirelist, you will obtain a great deal of information
cherished by anyone who would cherish freedom enough to fight for it.

Stay Tuned for PART 2 of this series on The Columbine Massacre and Other
Government-Engineered Acts of Terror.

Please disseminate these reports and your own subsequent reports as widel
y as you can, because, folks, AMERICA IS UNDER SIEGE, to quote the title
of a New World Order videotape expos'e by Linda Thompson. These should be
motivating you to help develop and publicize the whole appalling story of how
and why the long-conspiring New World Order persists in inflicting terror
upon our nation's innocent people. As you would surmise, state terror is
designed to inflame the citizenry to cry out for tough government controls,
whence the state terrorists will promptly slam-dunk us all into their
totalitarian New World Order slave plantation. These ruling elite every day
dream and drool about their envisioned world slave plantation.......

Don't wait until you have to risk your life to stop it, folks.
