United together against violence in London, Iraq or Afghanistan!
Neil Williams | 14.07.2005 13:42
The Muslim community are not reponsible for Alquida zelots - its Blair that needs to apologise to the British people!
Editorial by Neil Williams editor of "RESPECT " and "FIGHT BACK" Blogs
United together against violence in London, Iraq or Afghanistan!
So Tony Blair, Prince Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury have all asked the Muslim community to condemn the bombings in London and to get their community to “uproot this ideology of evil" (Guardian 14.072005). It’s like asking the Pope and all Catholics to take responsibility for the previous IRA terrorist campaign in London and Ireland. The peace loving, family loving Muslim community have no need to apologise or be defensive for the acts of a few zealots and followers of Alquida anymore than the rest of us.
It is essential we understand why these young men blew themselves up and distroyed the lives of many innocent working people in London. On this Blog we we do all we can to give you the information to make up your own mind and to demand the answers as to why our government supports violence on the people of Iraq and Af ghanistan 24/7 for which no apology will ever be made.
The Muslim community are no more responsible than any member of the Church of England, Jew, Catholic or Baptist in the UK. What we should be asking is when will Tony Blair, The Head of the Church of England (the Queen), her successor, Prince Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury demand an apology and condemn the “other bombings”. These were the cluster bombings (a war crime!), and the dropping of 500lbs bombs on civilians and houses in Falluja in Iraq, and other towns and villages in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many women, children and civilians have been killed. The world waits for them to speak out but all we hear is silence from Blair and most Labour MP’s whilst hypocritically making demands of our friends and allies in the Muslim community!
Neil Williams.
You may reproduce this article so long as you name the author and give a link to the "FIGHT BACK" Blog.
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United together against violence in London, Iraq or Afghanistan!
So Tony Blair, Prince Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury have all asked the Muslim community to condemn the bombings in London and to get their community to “uproot this ideology of evil" (Guardian 14.072005). It’s like asking the Pope and all Catholics to take responsibility for the previous IRA terrorist campaign in London and Ireland. The peace loving, family loving Muslim community have no need to apologise or be defensive for the acts of a few zealots and followers of Alquida anymore than the rest of us.
It is essential we understand why these young men blew themselves up and distroyed the lives of many innocent working people in London. On this Blog we we do all we can to give you the information to make up your own mind and to demand the answers as to why our government supports violence on the people of Iraq and Af ghanistan 24/7 for which no apology will ever be made.
The Muslim community are no more responsible than any member of the Church of England, Jew, Catholic or Baptist in the UK. What we should be asking is when will Tony Blair, The Head of the Church of England (the Queen), her successor, Prince Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury demand an apology and condemn the “other bombings”. These were the cluster bombings (a war crime!), and the dropping of 500lbs bombs on civilians and houses in Falluja in Iraq, and other towns and villages in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many women, children and civilians have been killed. The world waits for them to speak out but all we hear is silence from Blair and most Labour MP’s whilst hypocritically making demands of our friends and allies in the Muslim community!
Neil Williams.
You may reproduce this article so long as you name the author and give a link to the "FIGHT BACK" Blog.

RESPECT Blog at:

Neil Williams
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