ROVE: The Corporate Media Begins to Connect the Dots
Anthony Wade | 13.07.2005 22:35
The media is ignoring the larger questions resulting from the exposure of Karl Rove's treasonous actions.
The Corporate Media Begins to Connect the Dots
by Anthony Wade
July 12, 2005
Congratulations to David Gregory and his White House press room cohorts on finally putting some of the plot together. Yesterday, White House Press Whore Scott McClellan was caught between a rock and the lies he has been telling for years now and had no choice but to say things so ridiculous, it is surprising he said any of it with a straight face.
I use the word ridiculous, because McClellan seems to like the word as evidenced by his statements about the possibility of Karl Rove being the leaker in the Valerie Plame case. Yesterday, Gregory and others simply tried to get Rove to stand by his previous comments on the situation. Every time they tried, McClellan bobbed and wove to the point that he said 23 times that the investigation was ongoing and thus he could not comment. Finally frustrated, Gregory ripped into McClellan saying that his evasiveness and excuses were ridiculous. Putting one and one together, Gregory correctly pointed out that McClellan apparently had no issue with denying Rove’s involvement when there was no proof out there to the contrary and that this obviously smelled a lot like selective CYA.
The big questions however, remain unasked, let alone unanswered. The dots are not entirely connected yet. Joseph Wilson represented the first real voice to be critical of the Bush machine in their run-up to war. He represented the truth, as his assertions have turned out to be accurate, that Iraq did not reconstitute their nuclear weapons program. More importantly, in light of the Downing Street Memos, it highlights that Bush did indeed know that the intelligence he was peddling was false, and that war was not the last resort but rather the plan all along.
No, the question to be asked here is how exactly did Karl Rove come into the information that he leaked to Cooper? Why did he have such information if it was not within the purview of his job? Who in the administration decided that he needed to know the secret identity of Valerie Plame? Therein lays the seed of treason. The other dot that remains unconnected is that the role of Valerie Plame was to uncover WMD! Connecting these dots mean that one of the closest men to our President leaked information of a covert operative whose job it was to protect us from the very threats that Bush knew were not even in Iraq!
Instead now of protecting the American people and upholding the ethics he promised to us, Bush and the White House is in its usual disinformation mode. The words that are barely coming out are so parsed, it is obvious that their intent is to cover up, not truly represent the people. Karl Rove can say through his lawyer that he did not mention Plame’s name, but that is irrelevant. He mentioned that Wilson’s wife worked for the agency on WMD issues. That is it. Game over, you lose. There is a word for that in our law and it is called treason. Do not minimize it. Whomever Ms. Plame worked with while undercover immediately became exposed and was either tortured or killed as a direct result of the traitor Rove. Do not parse words with me. The fact that Valerie Plame is alive today is by the grace of God alone.
It was a poignant moment yesterday when David Gregory and the White House Press Pool finally stumbled onto the facts we have put together all along. It was a significant moment when he finally confronted this lying machine and called evil what it is. It was however only the first step. It cannot end there just because Scott McClellan thinks he can cover up crimes committed against this country at the behest of his boss. The other dots are out there and the corporate media needs to finally connect them, or face a further disintegration of their credibility.
George Bush sold us on the Iraq War based on WMD in Iraq that he knew were not there. He lied to Congress to go to war and that is an impeachable offense. At the time he was trying to scare up support for his war, he made the claim that Saddam Hussein had tried to purchase uranium from the Niger NINE times during a one week stretch, including in his State of the Union address. Joseph Wilson knew these claims were false and eventually wrote an honest op-ed piece in the New York Times. Not eight days later, Robert Novak outed his wife as an undercover CIA agent, ruining her career and probably costing the lives of her contacts. Further compounding the obscenity of this act was that her job at the time was to protect us from the very WMD George Bush still cannot find, but loves to scare us with. Novak reported the information was leaked by top administration sources. No kidding. Immediately, the Bush spin machine went into overdrive and Scott McClellan, who repeatedly stated the investigation was ongoing, kept saying that it was ridiculous to link Rove with this story. Two years later, and who looks ridiculous now?
Scott McClellan is a liar but he at least is paid to lie. George Bush is a liar, but he is paid to represent the American people, not cause the deaths of 1,700-7,000 American soldiers and over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians. He is further paid to not then cover up the lies he has already perpetrated upon us, with even more lies. Bill Clinton lied about a personal affair, and we were told how important the rule of law is and how he had to be impeached. Where are those cries today? Where is the consistency? Where is the outrage?
Karl Rove is paid to be an advisor. In that capacity he should not have had the access to the identity of Valerie Plame; dot number one. Judith Miller never wrote an article about this, yet was willing to go to jail instead of reveal her source; dot number two. Valerie Plame was working on the very issue, WMD, which Bush was pretending at the time he wanted to protect us from; dot number three. All of these things point back to the Downing Street Memos which prove impeachable offenses; dot number four.
Connect the dots. Call a liar a liar. Call a traitor a traitor. It is time for the house of cards to fall. The American people can handle the truth. We will recover as long as the truth still stands for something. As long as honor still drives our purpose and feeds our soul. As long as we can have our faith in government restored. Connect the dots.
Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites. A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess. Anthony Wade’s Archive: Email Anthony:
by Anthony Wade
July 12, 2005
Congratulations to David Gregory and his White House press room cohorts on finally putting some of the plot together. Yesterday, White House Press Whore Scott McClellan was caught between a rock and the lies he has been telling for years now and had no choice but to say things so ridiculous, it is surprising he said any of it with a straight face.
I use the word ridiculous, because McClellan seems to like the word as evidenced by his statements about the possibility of Karl Rove being the leaker in the Valerie Plame case. Yesterday, Gregory and others simply tried to get Rove to stand by his previous comments on the situation. Every time they tried, McClellan bobbed and wove to the point that he said 23 times that the investigation was ongoing and thus he could not comment. Finally frustrated, Gregory ripped into McClellan saying that his evasiveness and excuses were ridiculous. Putting one and one together, Gregory correctly pointed out that McClellan apparently had no issue with denying Rove’s involvement when there was no proof out there to the contrary and that this obviously smelled a lot like selective CYA.
The big questions however, remain unasked, let alone unanswered. The dots are not entirely connected yet. Joseph Wilson represented the first real voice to be critical of the Bush machine in their run-up to war. He represented the truth, as his assertions have turned out to be accurate, that Iraq did not reconstitute their nuclear weapons program. More importantly, in light of the Downing Street Memos, it highlights that Bush did indeed know that the intelligence he was peddling was false, and that war was not the last resort but rather the plan all along.
No, the question to be asked here is how exactly did Karl Rove come into the information that he leaked to Cooper? Why did he have such information if it was not within the purview of his job? Who in the administration decided that he needed to know the secret identity of Valerie Plame? Therein lays the seed of treason. The other dot that remains unconnected is that the role of Valerie Plame was to uncover WMD! Connecting these dots mean that one of the closest men to our President leaked information of a covert operative whose job it was to protect us from the very threats that Bush knew were not even in Iraq!
Instead now of protecting the American people and upholding the ethics he promised to us, Bush and the White House is in its usual disinformation mode. The words that are barely coming out are so parsed, it is obvious that their intent is to cover up, not truly represent the people. Karl Rove can say through his lawyer that he did not mention Plame’s name, but that is irrelevant. He mentioned that Wilson’s wife worked for the agency on WMD issues. That is it. Game over, you lose. There is a word for that in our law and it is called treason. Do not minimize it. Whomever Ms. Plame worked with while undercover immediately became exposed and was either tortured or killed as a direct result of the traitor Rove. Do not parse words with me. The fact that Valerie Plame is alive today is by the grace of God alone.
It was a poignant moment yesterday when David Gregory and the White House Press Pool finally stumbled onto the facts we have put together all along. It was a significant moment when he finally confronted this lying machine and called evil what it is. It was however only the first step. It cannot end there just because Scott McClellan thinks he can cover up crimes committed against this country at the behest of his boss. The other dots are out there and the corporate media needs to finally connect them, or face a further disintegration of their credibility.
George Bush sold us on the Iraq War based on WMD in Iraq that he knew were not there. He lied to Congress to go to war and that is an impeachable offense. At the time he was trying to scare up support for his war, he made the claim that Saddam Hussein had tried to purchase uranium from the Niger NINE times during a one week stretch, including in his State of the Union address. Joseph Wilson knew these claims were false and eventually wrote an honest op-ed piece in the New York Times. Not eight days later, Robert Novak outed his wife as an undercover CIA agent, ruining her career and probably costing the lives of her contacts. Further compounding the obscenity of this act was that her job at the time was to protect us from the very WMD George Bush still cannot find, but loves to scare us with. Novak reported the information was leaked by top administration sources. No kidding. Immediately, the Bush spin machine went into overdrive and Scott McClellan, who repeatedly stated the investigation was ongoing, kept saying that it was ridiculous to link Rove with this story. Two years later, and who looks ridiculous now?
Scott McClellan is a liar but he at least is paid to lie. George Bush is a liar, but he is paid to represent the American people, not cause the deaths of 1,700-7,000 American soldiers and over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians. He is further paid to not then cover up the lies he has already perpetrated upon us, with even more lies. Bill Clinton lied about a personal affair, and we were told how important the rule of law is and how he had to be impeached. Where are those cries today? Where is the consistency? Where is the outrage?
Karl Rove is paid to be an advisor. In that capacity he should not have had the access to the identity of Valerie Plame; dot number one. Judith Miller never wrote an article about this, yet was willing to go to jail instead of reveal her source; dot number two. Valerie Plame was working on the very issue, WMD, which Bush was pretending at the time he wanted to protect us from; dot number three. All of these things point back to the Downing Street Memos which prove impeachable offenses; dot number four.
Connect the dots. Call a liar a liar. Call a traitor a traitor. It is time for the house of cards to fall. The American people can handle the truth. We will recover as long as the truth still stands for something. As long as honor still drives our purpose and feeds our soul. As long as we can have our faith in government restored. Connect the dots.
Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites. A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess. Anthony Wade’s Archive:
Anthony Wade
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14.07.2005 05:04
Herr Roverer and Mr. Novak
He blew CIA agent Valerie Plame's cover. Here's how he's going to cover that: HE WILL SAY: "ALL I TOLD REPORTERS IS THAT JOE WILSON'S WIFE RECOMMENDED HIM" (to check on the phony Saddam-Nigeria-uranium connection).
We are at war, declared by the president. Karl Rove, if he makes the above admission, caused the deaths of CIA operatives and compromised their expressed mission in the defense of the nation in that war. That would make him not just a felon but liable to prosecution for T-R-E-A-S-O-N (imagine Tammy Wynette or Aretha Franklin singing that out).
"Cheney's not the one who nominated Joe Wilson to go to Nigeria. Wilson's wife did." That's what Rove apparently is going to have to admit he told people like columnist Robert Novak
Now, your average newspaperman -- Matt Cooper, Judith (Judy) Miller, or even Robert Novak -- is about one rung above a TV anchor in intelligence. If Novak didn't already know that Mrs. Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame are one and the same, it wouldn't take him two minutes on the phone or the Web to find it out.
Next, pray tell, why would President Bush take some guy's wife's advice to send her husband to Nigeria on a secret mission connected with the War on Terror? Heck, my wife might recommend me, gladly, but who would listen? Well, if Bush listened, it's because he KNEW the lady had some credentials in the foreign-intelligence field. What government department is chartered for that purpose?
The CIA. Clearly, Rove and Bush knew that Plame worked for the CIA, and BOTH are prosecutable for outting her.
At any rate, that Great Bushian (as opposed to Great American) Robert Novak told the whole world in a newspaper column on July 14, 2003, that Plame-Wilson was a CIA employee. This was Bush-Rove's revenge for Joseph Wilson revealing a week earlier that Bush lied in his 2003 State of the Union address about Mr. Wilson's findings on ties between Saddam and Nigerian uranium. This address that will live with Lincoln's Gettysburg address -- except in infamy -- lied us into the Iraq Quagmire.
So if Rove said to Novak, Judith Miller, Matt Cooper and other reporters something like, "Joe Wilson's wife recommended him to investigate the Nigerian connection," does that make him:
(a) a felon, (b) a traitor, (c) neither, (d) both?
Clayton Hallmark