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Coca cola linked to london bombing

Lex Jones, investigative reporter for | 13.07.2005 20:27 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London

In a shocking interview that rocked the corporate world today, links between the sucide bombers in London and the Coca-cola company (alias Killer-Cola) were exposed....

Every week, 22-year-old Shahzad Tanweer joined friends for games of soccer and his beloved cricket. Now he is suspected of being one of the London sucide bombers.

Tanweer, whos Pakistani-born father owns a fish-and-chips shop, lived all his life in the city's Beeston area. A devoted athlete, he studied sports science at Leeds Metropolitan University and apparently planned to get involved in sports professionally.

He showed up twice a week for pickup soccer games, said a teammate who gave his name only as Saj.

``He was normal. We used to drink Coke and Fanta together,'' claimed Saj in an inoccent statement which would send shocking reverberations about the corporate world.

The uncle said the family was ``left shattered'' and in disbelief, the Press Association reported. ``It wasn't him. It must have been forces behind him.

``It was total shock, I mean, it's unbelievable,'' Ahmed told reporters.

Zaher Birawi, chairman of Leeds Grand Mosque, condemned the news and said he feared possible reprisals against Muslims.

``We hope there will be no more Islamophobic attacks on our community,'' he said Wednesday in an interview with the BBC. He said the Muslim safety forum had received reports of more than 400 attacks around the country - although as yet there have been few reports about attacks on Coca-cola vending machines or retailers.

``I feel angry", said Birawi. "There is no evidence, no indications that such wrong understanding is distributed within the community,'' although he neglected to mention whether he had ever purchased Coca-cola products himself.

The link between the coca-cola company and the murderous activities of this young man come as no suprise to many who are aware of the support for death squads and paramilitaries in Columbia by the 'killer-cola' company. This latest relevation will however come as a considerable shock to those who did not know that Fanta was the drink of the Nazis!

Lex Jones, investigative reporter for
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Hide the following 5 comments

this is sick

13.07.2005 22:26

just because the bomber
is a bad person

this is no excuse

this is inhuman

people who decide to blow themselves up

are obviously in need of

not ridicule

the community need to
address religious

and cultic control mechanisms

i feel dirty from reading that possting above...

paul c

Sick Indeed

13.07.2005 22:41

So we're supposed to believe what these proven LIARS tell us happened, despite a complete lack of real evidence?

Don't fall for this ...

Eyewitnesses said they saw white people planting bombs - time-delayed bombs. The Government responded with a ridiculous tale of "al CIAeda" hiring "white mercenary squads". Now, there were some Muslims riding public transit, so they MUST be the bombers?

Bliar is refusing an independent investigation. 'Nuff said.

From Victim to Bomber?
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13.07.2005 23:16

It's much along the same kind of piss we've heard from the other conspriacy nuts on the site.

Me, myself and I

Ach, I give up

17.07.2005 15:25

"Eyewitnesses said they saw white people planting bombs - time-delayed bombs. "

Really? How peculiar. Did they call the police? Stop the train? Alert fellow passengers? How did they manage to keep it out of the press - I mean one or two people you could have a "3 Days of the Condor" moment but the hundreds you find on a packed Tube carriage?

"a complete lack of real evidence"

An accusation more properly leveled at Prisonplanet and WhatReallyHappened, I suspect.



17.07.2005 20:17

Thats it blame the white people. Its always the white mans fault. Africa, poverty and now its whites who planted the bombs. Give it a rest you race hater.
