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The Hate Agenda

pentos | 12.07.2005 18:41

Are we all being manipulted to hate each other?

In the context of ongoing reminder that we are now 'just like the israelis' in being attacked by those awful arabs, and now that we are being led to beleive that the bombers were suicides from West yorkshire, in a single week the taut cultural and political lines have become more defined in our nation.
We are encouraged to feel empathy with the single most fascistic nation on the planet in the form of Israel, and to forget our complicity in the circumstances wchich have driven the beleagured to kill themsleves to defend their communities, in Palestine, Irag, Afghanistan.

And moderate mulsims are reminded, only this week in Srebrenica, of the culpability the west has in the slaughter of their brethren.

The conclusion? - whether you're Muslim, Jew, Christian or otherwise. Whether you live in Palestine, Fallujah or London, you should be afraid and you should be clear who you should hate.



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Israel is key to ending atrocities

12.07.2005 19:53

Until the Palestinians are offered some dignity and independence atrocities like the bombing in London will continue. It's just a shame that the people who carry out these are attacks are unable to focus their aggression on appropriate targets. Killing a bunch of vulnerable wage slaves in London is just a pointless horror. Meanwhile Blair and his accomplices are just chillin like villains, and enjoying the largesse of their corporate sponsors.



13.07.2005 09:41

Cheers IM bods for removing my response of last night!

Pentos: you are just a bigot with no self-reproach.

Oz: it was "people" that were killed not "wage slaves". People just like you and your family.

The sad fact of the matter as much as the Palestine situation needs to be resolved, it will not stop Al Qaeda recruitment. They will always find another issue until, like the IRA etc their supportive community stop being sympathetic to the "cause".

There are NO quick fixes. But I agree that the US and Israel have to be brought to account and until we start doing that we aren't making the slightest effort to help things.

Rabbit Warren

Hey Pentos

13.07.2005 10:01

I think you're right Pentos. I obviously fell for the Anti-semitism which is being generated by the anti-Islam/Arab messages which are 'supposedly' coming from Israel. Kind of like a mexican standoff (for want of a better word) we are being set against each other.

It is a tragedy and a crime. Throughout history Judaism, Islam and Christianity have lived together in peace and even borrowed positive aspects from each others culture. As I have been led to beleive, all three cultures lived amongst each other harmoniously in Spain and Portugal for 600 years before the Inqusition. Another example of top down control causing problems by trying to enforce their concept of order upon what is, always has been and always will be a chaotic and fluid reality.

The same thing happened in ancient Egypt, all the different regions of the empire had their own beleif systems which worked for them, communication between the regions showed the people that they were believing in the same things only with different names. (what I would call the Plough is also known as the Great Bear, the Big Dipper, Ursa Major, Charles's Wagon, Karlavagen, Sapta Rishi and many other names in many other cultures. Should we be forced by a system of control to pick one of these names to describe this constellation? should a scientific catalogue number be assigned and enforced forever by our rulers?) This all worked for the Egyptians and the different cultures within the empire flourished in harmony until some little egotistical megalomaniac decided to enforce monotheism violently on the people and decreed that there was only one god, Ra. We named the atom and autumn and many other things in honour of this proto-fascist 'King'. Will we never learn?

Now look what is happening to us.

Even now the UK media are trying to encourage us lovely white britishers that we are Christian and to take up the faith once more. I'm not a Christian, I'm a human. I demand the freedom of the planet I was born onto. I encourage others to see people as people and show contempt to this arrogant construct 'modern society' which feels it can lable us, control us all and put us in little boxes where we behave as they expect us to.

Act Randomly!

Alex (Lexicon Smith)

We are living the Hegellian Dialectic, NOW

13.07.2005 12:40

Hey Alex,

This is precisely the kind of independent thought we need, now more than ever.
The more we are programmed to react in a particular way, the more we should pause for a moment and ask ourselves, who stands to benefit if I behave this way?

Since time immemorial divide and conquer hads been a tried and tested method of mass population control - we need to see beyond what is placed in front of us, to the shadowy bastards trying to engineer our belief, opinions and ultimately, society.

In order for the globalisation fascists to usher in their one world government, they need us poor saps to have a scary, definable enemy to make us nice and frightened, and thereby docile and malleable.
Immediately post-war it was the USSR, then the Iranians, then AIDS, then DRUGS and now its big bad Al Queda, or worse the evil Osama bin Scapegoat (who incidentally is a direct rip from Orwell's 1984 - the character, Goldstein).

If I'm a bigot, perhaps you can show why you think that?
I hold no-one responsible for an accident of their birth, neither in terms of the colour of their skin, nor which bit of the planet their mother happened to be on when she 'pupped' em.

Dont confuse my detestation of Zionism as anti-semitism, even though that is precisely what the Zionists want you to beleive.
Not all Zionists are Jews
Not all Jews are Zionists.
Zionism has existed (officially anyway) only for a little over 100 years, and is a political movement.
It is an extreme rightwing organisation which, through its control of the USA by virtue of certain dual-nationality israeli/american key personnel (can you say, conflict of interest) is the tail which wags the dog.
It is the deliberate intention of Zionist activists to blur the lines between Zionist & Jew, so that as soon as anyone criticises their racist, fascist antics, they are immediatley smeared with the 'anti-semite' slur, which elcits a slide response in many of us, and often results in folk not even bothering to listen to what those slurred have to say.

for further reading look here:

And if you want to see some REAL whackos, look here


Hey Pentos

13.07.2005 13:54

Sorry if you felt I was criticizing you, I can see the zionists (Napoleon was supposedly one of them, more than 100 years I'd say) are one of the many factions championing their own agendas. I was in fact critcizing my own hasty reactions to some of their messages on other threads which I found very, very distasteful and reacted to in a hostile and mildly anti-semitic way. I can see now that I was in fact falling into the divide and conquer trap and in an effort to make small amends I contacted a childhood friend who is a 3rd generation descendant of a Jewish woman forced out of Germany by the fascists. It was good to be reminded that we are all in this together. My thoughts today are with the Muslim communities in Britain who I fear are going to have a lot of negative fear and distrust unjustifiably sent in their direction.

Divided we fall, also spake Zarathustra.

Alex (Lexicon Smith)

Zarathustra Revisited

13.07.2005 16:06

Divided we fall, also spake Zarathustra."

Zarathustra....another victim of the religion of peace...Followers of Zarathrustra were raped and murdered, survivors were forced to convert to BLOODY Islam.

They're still on the War Path

Yes, you are of course correct.

13.07.2005 19:22

But that is exactly the kind of narrow-view anti-Islam statement I expected to recieve.
When Islam, in its infancy conquered Iran in the 7th century, Zoroastrianism (the followers of the often vague and spiritual Zarathustra) was already around 10000 years old and fell victim to one expansionist conrtol system (in this case Islam) which sought to depose the society they had evolved over time with what they believed was right, enforcing their form of order. Islam has come a long way since its early and empire building days.

The reference "also spake Zarathustra" I made, to fuck with your limited mind and elicit your racist reaction friend, was a threefold riddle.

I was obviously referring to Nietzsche, his assertion that God is dead, favouring rationality over theology - echoing Zoroastrianism which chose a more rational form of God. At the same time I was drawing allusions to fascist in particular Nazi control systems which used Nietzsche's scribbling to their own ends as an excuse to impose their form of order. A form of control which used divide an conquer quite liberally in the will to power.

It was also a reference to Richard Strauss who studied philosophy before taking up tinkling on the piano. He was famous for almost but not quite standing up to the Nazi's after they appointed him to an official position in government. He had Jewish relations, had a certain amount of fame and influence and should have spoken out loudly but did not, possibly through fear. He wrote a famous piece of music called also spake "zarathustra".

Which brings us into point three, that piece of music is the main theme of Kubrick's 2001 a space odyssey. And we all know what happened in 2001 don't we? The basic plot of the film is that the entire course of human development and history has been manipulated by forces we cannot see.

Eat It!

Alex (Lexicon Smith)

Napoleon too, eh?

14.07.2005 23:22

Hey Alex,

No I wasn't offended by you in the slightest. Rather i was trying to point out to Rabbit Warren that anti Zionism is not anti-semitism.
I was unaware about Napoleon - got a link you could point me at?


Pentos! Pentos!

15.07.2005 09:32

Hey Pentos,

I don't usually like pointing to web pages as sources, they do not constitute genuine first or second hand historical evidence in my opinion. I remember reading about this in an exhibition about medical care during the Napoleonic wars. The exhibition was in The Welcome Trust Library across the road from Euston Station. This is a medical research archive and I find it a fantastic place to get insight on all kinds of subjects.

However, this link seems to cover the details quite well and has a bibliography for further checking.

Share and Enjoy.

A. Lexicon

Actually, now that I come to think of it.

15.07.2005 15:45

Trying to differentiate between anti-zionism and anti-semitism is very similar to a Roman Catholic directive of the early 20th century which stated that there was good anti-semitism and bad anti-semitism. This is just poor judgement and a systematic indexing system of Ideas. Whether or not Zionism really exists is a matter for debate. What does exist is human nature which includes greed, avarice and the will to power. What I can see as a pattern of Zionism is most likely just manipulation by different groups and individuals, both historical and contemporary, in their will to power. Hiding behind a handy pre-existing label like Zionism or Socialism or Fascism or Democracy or Freemasonry or New World Order or whatever else there is out there to use as a disguise, is just a handy way of concealing intentions, creating confusion and generating reactions based on prejudice.

Act randomly, become an unmanageable variable... invent something which will be both popular and useful and which changes society slightly (like the housebrick or the internet). This is how to delay their plans.

A. Lexicon