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The Bitter Left

Neo Con | 12.07.2005 17:20 | Social Struggles | London

The London-left,and other anti-semites, are directly responsible for the Underground Bombings.

It is no suprise that London was attacked by terrorists.
For years the UK has been a fertile breeding ground for would-be Islamic murderers of random innocent passers-by.
In the full light of day numerous Muslim groups have preached outright murder of innocents in the UK and nothing has been done to stop them.
Furthermore, a substantial number of Britsh nationals have been directly involved in terorist attacks abroad-and the English authorities have resisted all attempts by other countries to have these people brought to justice.
Why? Partly based on the belief that if the UK provides a safe haven for such people they will reciprocate and leave the UK alone.
On thursday many woke up to the realization that this "deal" was only understood by one-side.
But more so becuase there is a rather influential group of people, overrepresented in the Public service that supports Islamic terrorism, against the US and particularly Israel.
There is smaller, but influential, (non-muslim) group that supports suicide type attacks, against the US, but particularly against Israel-or more to the point Jews-in the most outright sense of the word.
The more Jews killed, the younger they are, the more babies, the more grieving Jewish mothers-the bigger thrill this group gets.
Every jewish limb that goes flying makes these misathrops hiding in some public building happier.
And these people will thwart any attept to stop the fun. All under the guise of due-process and citizens rights.
On thursday, 70, or so, Londoners were impaled by the cigar these seasoned anti-american, anti-semites created.
Do they have any regrets-probably not.

Neo Con


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12.07.2005 17:36

There, there dear. What you need is a nice lie down, a cup of hot sweet tee and then take all the medication you've obviously missed duting the last 3 or four months all at once and the everything will be all right.

Skyver Bill

Pull it ....

12.07.2005 19:08

and this goes un-hidden on Indymedia ... there you see how tolerant and inclusive we are :->

Peter Troxler

oh hum

12.07.2005 20:55

Well maybe not that far but terrorists have been allowed to live here and plan here.
Is this because the security services can keep a better eye on them here.
Or is it because it is non-islamic to bite the hand that feeds you so if you look after them they wont attack you ???
This place is not called londistan by those in the know for nothing....

The trouble now is....what to do ?
Seek appeasement and they will attack again and get thier publicity. Turn the screw and the liberals will be up in arms and labour lose thousands of votes. Will votors go the extremists...of course they will. where else can they go when the three main parties are up each others backsides.
The 4th party is the BNP like it or not. They stand to gain from this.
Unwittingly the islamics in this country who seek to turn the UK into a islamic state have just scored a great own goal.

That may not be a bad thing if your happy ina christian country but these extremists are not going to give up with out a fight. Will there be religious riots in this country ??
We may find out sooner rather than later now.



13.07.2005 13:55

Hey Neo-Con, it is your fucking ideology that created the tragedy in London. We were far safer before we were taken into this stupid and pointless war in Iraq. There were no terrorists in Iraq before, and not so much resentment against the UK. Now Iraq provides free training for people who want to learn Urban warfare, how to make car bombs, etc, and the third world hates us. We are less safe thanks to YOUR idiocy.

So fuck the right. If people had listened to what we were saying about the war, and about the Israel-Palestine conflict, we would not have this tragedy. Instead, you lead us into an idiotic conflict, create so much hatred against us, but not content with that, you can't bear to admit you were wrong, and want to commit the same mistake, and deepen the conflict. Fuck you!!! Someone needs to take the power away from these maniac neo-cons before their greed and stupidity kills us all.


Interesting to See Who Still Supports Bush/PNAC/Bliar

15.07.2005 03:20

I love how the people who STILL support the Bush/PNAC/Bliar Neo-Fascism, despite their many LIES and Criminal Activities being exposed, label their entire Opposition "the Left", in order to:

1) Disguise how Extreme, how far outside the mainstream, and far to the Right they, themselves, actually are.

2) Shift the focus from the Criminals they support, to their Disinformation about the Opposition.

3) Misrepresent what it is that their Opposition believes in, and why they oppose this Madness.

4) Make the Opposition seem smaller, and much less diverse than it actually is. They must do this because they know that they are a tiny minority, unable to defend their position with the facts.


"It is no suprise that London was attacked by terrorists."

If by "terrorists", you're referring to the Neo-Fascists who are attempting to manipulate public fear & sorrow, in order to distract from their Criminal behaviour, and regain even a smidgen of the support they've completely lost, indeed.

These LIARS & killers are desperate, and frightened, and have a long list of aggressions left in their agenda.

"For years the UK has been a ..."

Support that, Hate-Monger.

"In the full light of day numerous Muslim groups have preached ..."

That's a LIE. Each and every group is watched very closely - those that aren't working for the CIA/Mossad ...

"Furthermore, a substantial number of Britsh nationals have been directly involved in ..."

Please support that with evidence, spook.

"But more so becuase there is a rather influential group of people, overrepresented in the Public service that supports ..."

Israel, Zionism, and the current war on the Arab world sponsored by it and its foreign agents.

You're an Useful Idiot and nothing more.

Take a hike.

They're Zionist Extremists


15.07.2005 06:24

Thank you for that Neo-con. In the depressing aftermath of the G8, you remind me exactly why I will always continue to try and to stand up for oppressed, war-torn and vulnerable people - because scum like you exist...
