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Remember David Copleland?

paul c | 11.07.2005 21:30

also note: The main guru behind Copeland is the Nazi Satanist now turned Islamofascist David Myatt , he has been running an 'al queda' recruiting website

At the time the police stressed Copeland
was a lone bomber.
is this really the case?

has a new cell developed
with the intent of creating tension

Is Myatt Military Intelligence,
or just an evil race-hate mongering


LONDON, July 11, 2005 -- Some informed British sources believe that the recent London Transport bombings may have been the work of far right-wing British terrorists hoping to stir up tensions with the nation's large Muslim population. There are several reasons for this belief. One is that GCHQ and MI-5 intercepts of the communications of Muslim groups in Britain and abroad -- groups suspected of ties to militants -- revealed that targeted individuals and organizations were genuinely surprised at the London bombings. Another is the statement of former Metropolitan London police commissioner Sir John Stevens that the perpetrators were "almost certainly" British. Although many accused Stevens of stirring up racial tensions, he never referred to British Muslims. British Prime Minister Tony Blair ruled out any probe of the bombings claiming it would "distract" from the investigation.

Although U.S. and some British media were quick to point blame at Muslim terrorists, little has been mentioned about David Copeland who set off a nail bomb in the Admiral Duncan pub on Old Compton Street in London's Soho in April 1999. The bomb killed three and injured 139. Copeland, a 22-year old electrical engineer and native of Hampshire, wanted to start a war against non-whites and homosexuals and believed he was a messenger from God. Copeland had a fascination for Adolf Hitler and dreamt of being an SS commander holding women sex slaves. Copeland was also charged with setting off nail bombs in an Afro-Caribbean neighborhood in Brixton and a Bangladeshi district in Brick Lane. The British police dismissed a claim of responsibilty for the Soho bombing by a fascist group called the White Wolves, emphasizing that Copeland acted alone. It is also significant that when he planned his terrorist bombings, Copeland worked as an electrician on the London Underground's Jubilee Line extension project. Copeland was sentenced to six life terms in prison for the bombings.

There are reports that some members of British law enforcement and intelligence maintain a liaison with British fascist groups who are mainly centered in the Kentish Town neighborhood of north London, a neighborhood rife with Nazi posters, stickers, and graffiti. In addition to Kentish Town, Roetherhithe and Eltham in southeast London are bevies of fascist activities..British fascist groups include the British National Front, National Socialist Movement, and ex-members of Ulster paramilitary loyalist groups. Another fascist group, Combat 18, was established in 1992 as a security force for the National Front. It was later discovered that MI-5 had infiltrated Combat 18 to slip informants into loyalist paramilitary cells in Northern Ireland.

Informed obsevers also point to the David Tovey case. In 2002, police searched Tovey's Oxfordshire home in an investigation to find the source of a spate of racist graffiti. According to The Guardian, police discovered much more than spray paint cans in Tovey's home: an arsenal of weapons (including a Baikal pistol with silencer), explosives (including PE4 plastic explosive, which is used by the British Army), bomb making equipment, NATO body armor, maps where mosques were located, British National Front literature, and license plate numbers of African and Asian individuals. Police learned that Tovey was involved in a right-wing gang that was placing anti-white graffiti in public toilets in Warwickshire and Oxfordshire. As with Copeland, police said they determined Tovey was a loner.

The belief that British right-wing terrorists may have carried out the London train bombings coincides with a major Italian investigation of ties between far-right Italian groups, Italian law enforcement personnel, U.S. Defense Department covert operations agents, and Jihadist terrorists. -


Local Cell - Military Explosives
London bombs suggest local but well-equipped cell

Jul 11, 2005 - By Mark Trevelyan and Mike Holden

LONDON (Reuters) - Suspected al Qaeda militants behind the London bombings may well have come from a previously unknown local cell and yet had access to military explosives, European security officials familiar with the probe said.

"The explosives appear to be of military origin, which is very worrying," said Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Coordination Unit and one of five top officials sent by Paris to London immediately after Thursday's attacks.

"We're more used to cells making home-made explosives with chemicals. How did they get them?" he said in an interview with Le Monde newspaper.

"Either by trafficking, for example, in the Balkans, or they had someone on the inside who enabled them to get them out of a military establishment."

Chaboud's comments went further than London police, who have only said so far that the bombs contained less than 10 lb. (4.5 kg) each of "high explosives" and were small enough to be carried in rucksacks.

By comparison, the 10 bombs that blew apart four commuter trains in Madrid last year weighed about 22 lb. (10 kg) each. The explosive, known as Goma 2 Eco and used in quarrying, had been stolen from a mine in northern Spain. Asked about the French comments, a senior London police spokesman said the explosives were still being examined and there was no confirmation that they were military in origin.

"We are waiting for the forensic tests," he said.


London police summoned investigators and intelligence officials from about 30 countries to a meeting at Scotland Yard on Saturday to brief them on last Thursday's bombings which killed at least 49 people. A source at a European intelligence agency represented at the meeting said the attacks were most likely carried out by a local cell of Islamist militants with no previous track record

"We think the known Islamists who live in Britain are under such close observation that they're limited in their capacity for action. Against that background, the suspicion is that it's a local group," the source said. "At the moment there's no proof, but the thinking is that Islamists who have been known since Afghanistan or through other attacks could not have been involved in detail ... That is less suggestive of a big central network."

Even before the bombings, British officials had expressed increasing concern about a "homegrown" militant threat, and suspects held in several foiled plots have been British citizens.

The United States has sent FBI forensic specialists to help British investigators analyze the bomb sites -- a vast challenge because three of the attacks were on underground trains. The other, on a bus, spread debris over a wide area. Spanish investigators are also assisting, because of the similarity between the mode of the attacks and those on Madrid 16 months ago. Back then, Spanish police obtained an almost immediate breakthrough by analyzing a bomb which had failed to go off and tracing the origin of a cellphone whose alarm had been meant to trigger it. This led to early arrests. London investigators have had no such breaks, but an anti-terrorist spokeswoman said the scarcity of updates about the investigation did not mean there was no progress.

"We wouldn't want that to come across at all. We are not in a position to go public with it," she said.

(Additional reporting by Jon Boyle in Paris) Reuters

paul c


Hide the following 15 comments


11.07.2005 21:44

Yep and more worrying, muchlike alot of postings on this site, the guy was also a heavy conspiracy theorist.


why the past ense?

11.07.2005 22:09


how about this for conspiracy theory: Suspects named before the evidence fully investigated

"The timing of the Tube explosions was designed to be at the peak of the rush hour and thus to cause maximum death and injury.

It seems probable that the attack was carried out by Islamist extremist terrorists, of the kind who over recent years have been responsible for so many innocent deaths in Madrid, Bali, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, Yemen, Turkey, Egypt and Morocco, of course in New York on September 11th, but in many other countries too.

I cannot obviously give details of the police investigation now underway. I can say it is among the most vigorous and intensive this country has seen. We will pursue those responsible not just the perpetrators but the planners of this outrage, wherever they are and we will not rest until they are identified, and as far as is humanly possible, brought to justice."

- Tony Blair in Parliament Today
Monday 11 July 2005


Re: Previous posting

11.07.2005 22:58

Yep and more worrying, muchlike alot of postings on this site, the guy was/is (delete as appropriate) also a heavy conspiracy theorist.



11.07.2005 23:43

is it a conspiracy posting?

just my comments that add to the conspiracy... is it?

or did you bother to read the second 'News release' at all

posing questions seems to be dangerous

people label you straight away

here something that I'VE written
it concerns the like of Myatt and 'political soldier'
and the rest of the NAZIS

Recently there has been a shift in extreme right wing hate sites ( such as final conflict ) towards using the term 'NEW WORLD ORDER' in order to justify their racist ideology - DO NOT BE FOOLED by those who use this term for their own ends...

keep an eye out for posters/stickers in your area with reference to ''...they are NAZIS...BE AWARE OF THESE SCUMBAGS...AND THEIR MESSAGE...

Now, racism exists of all kinds even as right wing Isreali Likud party and the U.S Pentagon Hawks use it as an excuse to accuse anyone of it who critisises their nutty 'totalistic' doctrine of geo-political real politik-
[The War On Terror]

and state terror tactics-
[the dire situation in Palastine which is currently gaining momentum worldwide]

ask yourself what the agenda is of these NAZI fanatics...

Sometimes they support the anti-globalists for Nationalistic reasons...
Sometimes they attack anti-globalists as 'RED COMMIES'
Sometimes they support Palastinian / Arabic militancy for Anti-Semitic reasons...
Sometimes they attack Muslims for their 'treatment of women'...

Learn how to spot their HYPOCRICY

They seek to DIVIDE and RULE by fear, hatred and confusion...

They want a RACE WAR...and a POLICE STATE- as long as they are in charge...

Many of these these websites pretend to be politically astute... by preaching free-speech polemics...IE that 'strength' of opinion is a good thing
there is a fine line between personality, opinion, cult, totalism, propaganda, behavior management and mind control

This is NOT liberal fairness or free speech - it IS hate promotion AWARE!


and another thing...

12.07.2005 00:28

The other we saw President Bush Mention Iraq and 911 over and over again
in front of a 'gathered' preprepared audience of Special forces and Air wing

so can any of you twats who diss anyone
who asks a single question in this stoooopid cuntry
[delib spell]

tell me what the link between Iraq

and the Saudi terrorists
who flew planes into buildings on 9-11



i'm dying to know

you see - now this is going to come as a shock to
you, my fellow island dwellers

but the information the Irq had bought uranium from an
al-queda operative in Niger


it was so bad that Colin powell refused to use it in his
already facile UN presentation which included
chemical wagons that didn't really make chemicals at all
they produced hydrogen for balloons...

the Niger forgery was made up by codename 'curveball'
a friend of Ahmed Chalabi
[a neocon- in case you don't know]

this was discovered by a nice man called Ambassador Wilson
who leaked this information to the mainstream

it was then discovered that the name of Wilsons wife
Valerie Plame
had been leaked

which wouldn't be a big deal, only she was
in Egypt busy being a CIA handler
in charge of a front company and it's operatives

this leak put all those people at risk

it is now being established
that the leaker of this
was Karl Rove [neocon]


Rove is Bushes puppetmaster
the equivalent of Alistair Campbell
in his role with Tony Blair

see the Hutton report memos
and the 45-minute dossier

they hold the leaders hand and tell
them which way to lie next


so i repeat what are the links to Iraq and 911?

and why did bush not wait with Iraq and CATCH bin Laden?

after all he was the guy that did it...huh?

LIE after LIE
LIE after LIE
LIE after LIE
LIE after LIE
LIE after LIE

and still you call ME names

wake up UK


Something else for researchers

12.07.2005 00:30

From the Sunday Mercuty (Birmingham 2003)

A "Satanic Fuhrer" who urged neo-Nazis to fight a race war has turned full circle to become an Islamic fundamentalist.

Midland-based David Myatt, 51, was the political guru behind white supremacist group Combat 18 and has been the leading hardline Nazi intellectual in Britain since the 1960s.

Now the self-confessed Pagan and Adolf Hitler worshipper hails al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden as his inspiration and praises the World Trade Center attacks as acts of heroism.

Writing under various pseudo-nyms, including his Islamic name Abdul Aziz, the thrice-married Physics graduate has posted messages on Islamic religious websites supporting suicide missions and urging young Muslims to take up Jihad.

He is also believed to be the author of several anti-semitic and anti-West articles entitled 'The Crusader War Against Islam and The Zionist Quest for World Domination', written under the name Abdul Aziz ibn Myatt.

It is a far cry from his previous literary works which included the 1997 fascist terrorist handbook 'The Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution'. The book inspired Brixton nail-bomber David Copeland, who is now serving six life sentences.

According to anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, Myatt was also the Grand Master of a secret occult sect called the Order of the Nine Angels, which was alleged to have practised human sacrifice.

But a Sunday Mercury investigation suggests that his sudden conversion to Islam three years ago may be just a political ploy to advance his own failing anti-establishment agenda.

We discovered that Myatt uses various online identities to simultaneously post supportive messages on right-wing nationalist websites, while calling for the creation of a global Islamic superstate on Islamic religious internet sites.

On one site, Aryan Nation, he attempts to reconcile the differences between both extremes under the title Islamic Liaison Group dating his messages with his trademark yf (Year of the Fuhrer).

On another he argues that Muslims and Aryans share the same common enemy in the Jewish nation and western capitalism, supporting his diatribe with claims that more than 60,000 Muslims joined Hitler's SS in the Second World War.

He also continues to publish newsletters for his own German Nazi-modelled National Socialist Movement (NSM) which counted Copeland as a branch organiser and advocated terrorist insurrection to spark a race war.

On Islamic internet discussion sites he likens the American attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq to the Allied occupation of Hitler's Nazi Germany.

One Muslim internet user told the Sunday Mercury that Myatt, who has an IQ of 187, had convinced other users he was an Islamic scholar with his eloquent arguments backed with Koranic verses.

He said: "After September 11 Abdul Aziz's messages started to become more extreme.

"But because he wrote with authority, many less-knowledgeable Muslims thought he was a holy man and began supporting his fundamentalist views.

"When his true identity was revealed by other users on the site, he changed his online name to Abdul bin Aziz and then al Haqq.

"Other e-mail addresses he used included

"He was a very popular and controversial figure until he was unmasked late last year, after which people became much more wary about what he was writing and his messages dried up."

Gerry Gable, from anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, said: "Myatt is an ethereal character who has used numerous aliases to post messages on extremist websites.

"He is a dangerous man who has twice been jailed for his violent right-wing activities and who openly asked for blood to be spilled in the quest for white Aryan domination.

"We believe that despite his claims to be a devout Muslim he remains a deeply intellectual subversive and is still one of the most hardline Nazi intellectuals in Britain today.

"Myatt believes in the disruption of existing societies as a prelude to the creation of a new more warrior-like Aryan society which he calls the Galactic Empire.

"Now he has has simply jumped on the Islamic extremist bandwagon to further his own wish of a society divided on ethnic lines.

"He believes they have common enemies but it is his disillusionment with the ineptitude of the Nazi movement that has led to this most unholy of alliances."

Michael Whine, Chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, added: "Myatt has a long history of involvement with Nazi activity and anti-semitism.

"The fact that he has converted to Islam and allied himself with its extremist fringe is in line with the opportunist politics that have seen him dabble in Buddhism and Chinese Taoism in the past.

"I would advise all Muslims to have nothing to do with this man."

But one hardline Islamic group has defended Myatt and welcomed him with open arms.

Sheikh Omar Bakri, leader of the extremist Al Muhajiroun organisation, said: "When you become a Muslim you start afresh with a clean slate so it does not matter what views he held before.

"I am very keen to meet up with him as we both share a lot in common and I am sure he can help the Islamic cause."

Myatt was last night unavailable for comment, having moved from his Leigh Sinton home in Worcestershire some years ago.

Co Co the clown you need to get conspiracys out of your head and instead see people simply as researching material, its your obsession to presume that everyones into `conspiracys` as if its some-kind of hobby. My advice to you is get out of the box. Again, as other people have stated, `The thought police` are one of the biggest dangers because you want everyone to stay in the box with you. Please, please if you haven't, don't even think of having any kids for the good of the human race.


Bush is benefitting from the DEAD

12.07.2005 00:41

The London terrorist bombings are likely to temporarily strengthen President Bush's hand politically at a critical juncture when public support for the war in Iraq has eroded, but the attacks raise difficult questions over whether that war has made the United States more or less vulnerable to terrorism, analysts said.

"There may not have been a linkage between Iraq and al Qaeda, but al Qaeda has clearly made that linkage, and we've been sucked into what I think is a common war," said Timothy Lomperis, a former military intelligence officer now at St. Louis University. 'There is a fusion occurring in what many Americans see as separate-al Qaeda is married to the war in Iraq and it is becoming increasingly one big war."

"Something like this reminds people, 'OK, there really is something to worry about out there,' " said Walter Russell Mead, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. "At the same time, it didn't happen here."

"To some extent, the linkage of terror with the Iraq war becomes a self- fulfilling prophecy," said Charles Kupchan, a National Security Administration official under President Bill Clinton. "I think that in the public mind, the attacks will make it easier for Bush to reclaim a certain amount of public support for war in Iraq," Kupchan said. "His ability to link the Iraq war to al Qaeda has proved to be inconsistent with the facts," but "an attack on London will be seen as an attack on the West, requiring that the United States take the offense. And for many that will mean staying the course in Iraq."



12.07.2005 01:11

Perhaps you’d like to climb off the high horse and go read my post again.

I said the guy your talking about is a heavy conspiracy theorist, much like what we see spun on here by some idiots! Did I specifically mention you? If the cap fits man!?




12.07.2005 01:18

“Co Co the clown you need to get conspiracys out of your head and instead see people simply as researching material, its your obsession to presume that everyones into `conspiracys` as if its some-kind of hobby. My advice to you is get out of the box.”

Dohhhhh!!!! Wake up!!!!

I said that the asshole who was jailed for the bombings of the Admiral Duncan pub and his Combat 18 accomplice were massive frigging conspiracy theorists!

Merely pointing out how unhealthy it is to go round each day thinking conspiracy shit! Simple as that!

Understand what I am on about now or do I have to go through it again?


really ???

12.07.2005 01:38

Yep and more worrying, much like a lot of postings on this site,
the guy was also a heavy conspiracy theorist.


sorry i took that to mean

you were insinuating i was a nut!

anything which is
unsubstansiated by
is an easy target for being
labelled as

its become a dirty word

when i payed for my tin of beans
earlier we both conspired to
agree we would believe the paper
was worth somthing

can we trust those standards?
in this climate?

sorry i went off on one


i had to makethose points any way

to make it clear where i'm coming from...

ya get me?



12.07.2005 08:42

CHILL GUYS! I just want to applaud your vigilant and vital work ,even if it does raise another alarming dimension----the mainstream need to know these facts asap.



12.07.2005 12:09

Great article, fantastically written and completely and utterly suitable for a posting on a forum about news in Birmingham.


Frickin muppet.


what the F**K??????

12.07.2005 13:12


paul c

Less nonsensical

12.07.2005 16:51

This theory I feel more comfortable with. At the back of my mind recently was the thought of one of our own fundies trying to spark-off some form of Kristlenacht. The likes of Pat Finucane and Rosemary Nelson would have agreed. However, I am still treating it as a very interesting theory, albeit beguilingly sane.



16.07.2005 11:18

The original post and much that follows is so fucking bonkers that attention seeking bullshitter Larry O'Hara looks sane by comparison. This is supposed to be a newswire not a vanity project for paranoid conspiracy loonies.

Dear oh Dear.