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Blair rejects calls for probe into bombings

James Blitz and Jimmy Burns, reposted by someone somewhere | 11.07.2005 21:02 | Repression | London | World

Tony Blair's stonewalling attempt reveals that he knows who were involved in the 7/7-05 attrocities. Will Scotland Yard "take him to the pen" or will they let the criminals go?

Tony Blair will on Monday reject Conservative demands for a government inquiry into last week's London bomb attacks, insisting such a move would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators.


Downing Street said the prime minister believed an inquiry now into the outrage which killed at least 49 people would be a "ludicrous diversion."


Instead, in a statement to the Commons on Monday following last week's Group of Eight summit, Mr Blair is expected to focus on the direction the government must take to ensure future terrorism is defeated.


He is expected to tell his counterparts governments must ensure operators keep data on telephone and internet exchanges for up to a year.

Financial Times article

James Blitz and Jimmy Burns, reposted by someone somewhere


Display the following 4 comments

  1. What the FucQ — Unbelievable
  2. Fact of Life — Sorbitol Diode
  3. "Sorbitol Diode" — Visitor
  4. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? — Paul