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LONDON BOMBS -UK STATE CAUGHT REDHANDED (planned 'exercise', same places & time)

b | 11.07.2005 17:14

There is smoking-gun evidence to prove UK State involvement in the recent terror attacks in London. An 'exercise' was planned by an organisation called 'Visor', run by former senior police, security, and military personnel. This exercise was planned to take place in London on the same day, and involved the 'simulation' of SIMULTANEOUS BOMB EXPLOSIONS at precisely those tube stations close to which bombs did actually occur. The head of this organisation admitted this in an interview broadcast by BBC Radio 5 on Thursday evening. The transcript of the relevant part is below, and I have also uploaded the audio file. PLEASE CIRCULATE


The following information is from:

The UK State has been caught absolutely red-handed, blowing dozens of people to pieces in the streets of London.

There was an 'exercise' involving 'coping with explosions' at the EXACT SAME TUBE STATIONS near to which the bombs went off, on the very morning on which they did go off.

The following is from a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of 7 July, the day of the bomb attacks, with Peter Power, managing director of Visor Consultants, a 'crisis management' advice company. He used to work with the police
Anti Terrorist Branch.

(This is very reminiscent to what happened on 911 in the US, when there was an 'exercise' to 'combat' attempted attacks using hijacked aircraft. Truly the Reichstag is burning).

(Visor's website is at:
Info about Peter Power at:
and his associates at:


POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.




Hide the following 15 comments

ad nauseum

11.07.2005 18:55

Who else is sick of all this conspiracy crap? Who fancies a nice moderated place where we can filter out the loons?

e-mail me... btw (for the loons) if you want to abuse my email address then please at least make specific threats using my personal details... otherwise I'll just laugh at you!

mr magoo
mail e-mail:

OK, this is important evidence, but we need more before drawing conlusions.

11.07.2005 21:18

You should also take into account that a supposed "Al Qaeda" site praising the bombings turned out to be from Houston, Texas, and the server was run by friends of the Bush family.

This very well could be a neo-con propaganda operation concocted in Washington D.C. And yes, I am writing this from the U.S.A.

Dancing Dave
mail e-mail:

I' m fucked off an'all...

11.07.2005 22:01

With all these conspiracy theory dweebs....

Indymedia is gonna be a joke in the next few days unless those behind the scenes don't put up all this shite that's clogging up the wire..

Hacked Off

What does this mean

11.07.2005 22:49

What does the evidence above mean?

Four things come to my mind

1 The 'terrorists' have infiltrated the security services
2 The security services have infiltrated the 'terrorists' and are co-ordinating them
3 The security services planted the bombs themselves
4 Powers' statement is disinformation designed to mislead journalists / create confusion amongst skeptical viewers.

In cases two and three the government is responsible - it's a 'false flag' operation

If it wasn't a 'false flag' operation then what?

Why do we tolerate the reduction of civil liberties in a state where security is obviously impossible, since terrorists can infiltrate the secret services?

Or, in the fourth case, why do we tolerate this extreme form of 'spin' where we're being fed nuggets of disinformation, in cases where people have lost their lives and the government is putting on a big patriotic show, just so that dissenters and critics of the war will be divided?

In any event, someone in the government is behaving in a very immoral fashion indeed, and the stupid trolling on this site is probably further evidence of that........

Piazza Fontana

So little whoopsadaisyist comment on the 'Visor' material!

11.07.2005 22:55

So little whoopsadaisyist comment on the 'Visor' material, just abuse against those of us who post it. Its importance is completely obvious - the British authorities have been caught with a smoking gun.


Too many loons here

11.07.2005 23:19

That's Magoo and Hacked Off. Can't something be done to keep these nutters off this site?


Mossad- by way of deception thu shalt do war

12.07.2005 02:43

...or mabey they were practicing with blanks and some one slipped in some live rounds then took a pot shot at a bus to bring it above ground so everyone could see and feel what the poor zionist have been suffering thru all alone, constantly singled out and betrayed.

"The timing is light years beyond conicidence." from the news wire.


morning after edition at the checkpoint

It is understandable some prefer "simple" reasoning

12.07.2005 09:30

Simple explanations are easy and can allow for the catharsis venting by anger and hate that some people actually need.
It was easier to believe the Tonkin Bay incident.. the result was 60,000 US deaths and millions of Vietnamese killed, and Laotians and Cambodians in the SE Asian American war.. and huge profits for the makers of the weaponry and aircraft etc.

It is worth repeating a post from above here..

"USUK P2OG op. does nor exclude using "Islamists"
12.07.2005 09:58

In fact it would usually include them..
It is a "stimulating action" (what US taxpayers fund P2OG for)

Therefore the planner recruits genuine fundamentalists, and often might hope these contractors are caught.
These mercenaries would not know their who ultimate paymaster is., just as the Taliban did not know that their schools were funded by the CIA.
Contrary to the above assertions....
It would be expected that a Syrian mercenaries would be recruited as Syria is th enext PNAC target. There are oil pipelines and Isreali reasons.
The violent jihad is a US creation and there is no reason to believe that it has ceased to be a US creation.
The objective is to keep the UK part of USUK.

Pierre Laplace "


Ali Prentis

ad nauseum 2

12.07.2005 12:23

Busy bees.

At least a third of the comments about the military operation in london - my home town - I have read over the past few days, have been made by people[plural???] decrying the rights and mental states of other posters.

These repeated assults on free speech have been made under the guise of 'protecting' indymedia and similar outlets, from 'conspiracy nuts/loons etc etc'.

Now, I'm not one for passively accepting any information - be it 'offical[sic] or non official', I'm not about to say conclusively that this was done by any of the particular waring factions fighting the war on terra (although definately at least one of them!), nor am I about to conceed my right to investigate and speculate - based on whatever available evidence (NOTE: EVIDENCE IS NOT THE SAME AS PROOF).

That some are calling for others to be excluded from the process on the basis of some ill defined debating full stop is irksome.

Just what the fuck is a 'conspiracy theory'? Prefer the phrase 'hidden agenda'? ... perhaps not, as 'hidden agendarist' doest have quite the same approbrium ...

Obviously some were conspiring on this thing - the only question is who.

Those that would preclude any involvment outside of the usual supects, do so out of a sense of urgency - indeed, many may be following strict instructions to do so - lest the whiff of improbabilty begins to alert us to the many inconsistancies in the already 'accepted facts'[sic].

Do not mention israel.

Even if that means ignoring mossads/rothchilds past and the events documented in it.

Forget that there are fundamentally good reasons why this will benefit israel and the other war on terror (ie the one fighting muslims).

Forget that - yet again - we have a situation where there is uncertainty and contradiction in warnings and activities of israeli nationals DIRECTLY connected with the event.

Forget - yet again - that 'drills' were taking place at the exact moment with the exact same scenario.

Forget everything that suggests that the bad guys wear the black hats and the good guys the white ones.

We[sic] do not arbitarily murder innocents, nor do we use 2000 pound bombs on residential areas - in the hope of killing the leader, an illegal act within an illegal war ... at least only sometimes ...

Remove nothing from this site.

Not even the most wide-eyed speculative nonsense.

Don't even pretend not to hide it by shading out the background.

Be brave, be resiliant ...

Refute it with reference to the facts ...

... or shut up.

mail e-mail:

Conspiracy Conclusions

12.07.2005 16:13

Didn't you lot know the moon's made of cheese and a cow once jumped over it?

Madge the Cow


12.07.2005 21:36

Madge fancy a bit of cheese from the moon??? better get a bit quick before this lot decide that you might be right. If you lot didnt have you nose in you computers since you were 11 you may just realise that theres a big bad world out there and you are so far down the food chain the cockroaches wouldnt touch your theories with a barge pole.stopd speculating as none of you have yet come up with anything that should be read outside of an Andy Mcgreedy bastard novel . woof woof

Ian Fleming xx


Keep Racism Out

13.07.2005 13:30

A note to those who shout "conspiracy theory" without first thinking about what they're saying. If you don't think the explosions in London were planned by someone somewhere then they must have been an accident.

Anyone who accepts these were bombs that were planted with intent and planned must also accept there was a conspiracy first.

What you really mean though is this. That the bombs must have been planted by those of a different skin colour (or Irish) because there is simply no way fine and honourable white folk would do such a thing. Such prejudice is called racism and should be kept off Indymedia.

An open minded way to think about the bombings is to impartially ask who gained most from them. There are no clear answers as yet so all are conspiracy theories.


conspiracy theories

14.07.2005 11:57

a short note to those who are sick of conspiracy theories
a few years ago i got positive proof that C18(extreme right wing group that advocates the use of violence to further its aims) is lead and organised by MI5 agents. i don't have this proof any more but i and a number of other people all had it . at the same time it was revealed that searchlight (anti-fascist magazine) was being run by the same people.
the'authorities have now disclosed that(shock horror) military explosives were used in the london bombings, what a surprise.
if you want to know who is behind an action,any action, look at who has most to gain from it.i fail to see how blowing up people in london is going to stop UK/US involvement in afghanistan or iraq or any other nation they decide they want to attack. and who now is going to argue with the introduction of ID cards.


Conspiracy notwithstanding, an interesting nugget of information

14.07.2005 17:14

Although I think that the assertion that 'The UK state has been caught red-handed' is a conspiracy theory in the worst possible sense, I have to say that I was amazed by the quote from Powers, and having checked it on the BBC website (through, rather than following the link directly, in case it was a fake) I can confirm it's real. Then again, for all you know, I might be lying (such is the difficulty of an anonymous board), so I recommend you check for yourselves. It seems to be up there still today, which is the first thursday after the event, so perhaps it will be deleted tonight, if clips are on rotation.

I would be interested in hearing more about visor, how often these drills are carried out, what they actually entail, and how likely the coincidence was or wasn't, and then perhaps we could move onto conspiracy theories, once we understand the significance (or lack of) in the statement from Powers.


Conspiracy Monkeys!

01.08.2005 21:49

If any of you actually bother to find and read the enitire transcript you'd realise you're all talking shit.

This was an exercise involving a few managers in a room with a flip chart etc discussing how their company would cope if there were bombs on the tube. It also covered other major overland stations and places of importance.

These kind of things go on every day all over the world run by numerous companies!!

It wasn't, as had been misconstrued by lots of web tossers, an exercise with a thousand emergency service staff hanging around at the tube stations waiting for a pretend bomb to go off.

Stick to Bigfoot you bunch of monkeys.
