Bomb scare in Sheffield 48hr before London?
Community Socialist | 09.07.2005 18:49 | Analysis | Liverpool | Sheffield
The weblink attached suggests there was a bomb scare in Sheffield 48 hours before London bombs, it was supposedly not reported in the local press/media, is this true?
Can this be confirmed by anyone in Sheffield on Tuesday???
Can this be confirmed by anyone in Sheffield on Tuesday???
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BBC new website reports a bomb scare.
09.07.2005 19:38
Bomb scare leads to city gridlock
The centre of Sheffield came to a standstill during rush hour traffic on Tuesday after a suspect bag was found outside official buildings.
Army bomb disposal units were called to Bridge Street after a package was found near Home Office buildings and the police headquarters in the city.
A 100m cordon was put around the site with main bus routes and roads closed.
Police said the city was "gridlocked" for two hours with diversions in place. The bag turned out to be a empty.
A spokesman said two controlled explosions were carried out at the scene which was also near the city's magistrates court.
Not fooled by lies...
BBC Article on Sheffield Scares
09.07.2005 19:47
This link takes you to the BBC Sheffield news on this bomb alert.
not reported because it was boring...?
09.07.2005 19:49
I don't there there was much reporting of it because it wasn't that interesting, nothing more...
OK it's more interesting since the London bombings but to claim these things are related with no evidence to show this is a bit bonkers...
bomb scare 2 hours before events on north line
09.07.2005 21:02
London terror attack Back to board
Northen line 7am?
Reply to:What was your personal experience of yesterday?
Posted by: billmoowar on 08/07/05 at 02:11 PM
What i can't understand is why nothing has been reported about the events at 7am yesterday morning on the Northen line from Stockwell to Morden
I was due to pick up a work collegue from there, but turned up to see the staion closed and an entourage of tube emergency vans, police and the like. As i followed the line down, all the otherstations were shut.
Had there been a tip off? did they know something was going to happen before it did? I think so. There were hundreds of people being turned away from those stations before any of the bombs went off. I think there is a massive cover up by the government and they new there was somethng going to happen.
Was anyone there at any of those stations being turned away at 7am-8am?
Bombs hoax
09.07.2005 23:22
Whoever DID do it, has certainly targetted the innocent and wrong targets and that is unforgiveable and inexcusable. Whichever way, violence begets violence and IS NOT a means to progress or a better world for anyone.
Also, the Sheffield bomb hoax was fairly well known in Sheff around tuesday teatime as, someone has said, even a "fart out of place"in Sheffield, snags up the roads and traffic system for hours and people had to wait over an hour for buses due, as it turned out, to an unidentified empty bag, miles away.
THE UK IS THE FOURTH LARGEST ECONOMY and one of the best democracies in the world!! HA. Celebrate!
The BBC Hot or Not?
09.07.2005 23:43
the good ol' BBC!
The question really has to be...When is the hated mass media hyped BBC not the hated mass media hyped BBC?
You really couldn't make it up, could you?
Cunning Stunt
it was a stalled train
10.07.2005 00:10
i'll guess you haven't seen the full script of the message board. here it is, there's a reply and explanation by ben321 of why this was so: go to the link and scroll up and read downwards for the full message.
At Balham station yesterday morning from around 6.30am I believe. As there was no service between Stockwell and Morden the stations would have been closed to the public for obvious reasons that being NO TRAINS. The LUL vans you saw at Balham would have been the response team of engineers trying to fix the train. There was no cover up on the Northern LIne it happened, I know because I work on the line. There were also delays to rest of the line due to suspension, any police or ambulances would have been sent as standard to assist with any passengers taken ill or having a panic attack if train was in tunnel when it stalled and couldnt move.
Fair point
10.07.2005 00:22
bomb scare in burngreave (sheffield)
11.07.2005 09:48