What a great time for a "Terrorist Attack."
Sean 4489 | 08.07.2005 22:33 | Analysis | Terror War | London
The timing of the "Terrorist Attacks" in London is curious indeed. Especially when you consider that just one day prior a terrorist attack could have killed thousands of people if it had taken place at the Olympic Committees' Announcement Street Party. If a terrorist wanted to really cause severe damage and death and disrupt London’s economy, attacking this event would have accomplished all three. In fact, if timed properly, such an attack may have been able to deter the Olympic Committee from choosing London and instead choosing France (as they are not involved in the Iraqi war). However, this would be really bad business for Londoners and at that party weren't there quite a few "important people," (I don't thing Tony Blair rides the tubes in the morning-does he). The fact is this attack appears to be all about shifting the focus away from the 200,000+ in Scotland protesting the G8, overshadowing the news coverage of the War in Iraq and the demand by millions of people and many in the entertainment community to forgive Africa's debt. Since the attack took place every other word on the news is "terror" or "terrorist." How convenient for President Bush, whose popularity is the worst of any President since Nixon after Watergate. In fact, the only issue the American people remotley trust the President on is his handling of the "War on Terror." Luckily for him the bombers chose to attack during the G8 Summit, now he doesn't have to explain why the United States refused to support improving environmental standards, nor is the news likely to provide the details of the Aid to Africa Package( an issue the whole world was focused on until this attack took place). This bombing will undoubtedly raise Bush's approval ratings at home and likely lead to a more militarized England. Both results that benefit Bush and Blair and stifle dissent. Why would a terrorist group want to do that? Who benefits from this attack? I think George W. Bush and Tony Blair owe whoever bombed London a great big "Thanks."
Sean 4489
Hide the following 21 comments
08.07.2005 23:15
Guy Debord
We will see how slow the spectator is to leave his passive acceptence behind. Those who always wait to see what will happen next, never act. Such is the fate of the spectator. It is easier to suspend one's disbelief in the legitamacy of the gov't charade than think of what can be done about it.
Portland, Oregon USA
09.07.2005 00:02
09.07.2005 05:26
I hear you
09.07.2005 10:45
e-mail: aafishel@yahoo.com
free movement
09.07.2005 11:28
and the mandate is now straightforward enough.
biometric id cards mandatory for all means of public travel, for our own safety, in place before the olympics 2012.
vehicle tax abolished in favour of mileage tax monitored by satellite.
end result - movement of citizens all sewn up.
Bombing UK a big paradox,
09.07.2005 13:40
announced that it was planning for a "significant withdrawal
of British troops from Iraq".
someone somewhere
09.07.2005 15:12
nemo nos impune lacesset
e-mail: tripod@hotmail.co.uk
Get a life?
09.07.2005 17:15
I know you think you've fought "AQ", but it's really time to come down from your drug-and-steroid-induced militant fantasies. Your writing seems to mark you as either an obsessive Guns and Ammo reader, or an actual Hessian mercenary. Either way, I beg you to open your eyes to the beauty in the world around you--start a garden, volunteer to help the poor, take up meditation, you decide!
See, no one wants to live like you do, in constant fear of assassins lurking in the shadows quietly reciting Quranic verses as they wait to chop off your head. While it may be what keeps your sanity intact, given the massive doses of indoctrination you've allowed your gray matter to be deformed by, to those of us in the real world it is quite obvious that frightening fairy tales are best left for children to enjoy, until they develop the marvelous adult ability to seperate fact from fiction.
I do hope you find peace away from your many demons, and that "the evil ones" eventually stop talking to you and following you around. One day, you might even find a girlfriend (or boyfirend--it's all good!)
Foie Gras
09.07.2005 21:28
PS i dont read guns and ammo try to be less judgemental and acept hat here is two sides to every story and if you want to do my garden fill yer boots
Just a thought
09.07.2005 23:18
Can anyone tell why the government, CIA, FBI, etc. etc. should bomb London transport when they could have "killed two birds with the one stone" (excuse the pun) and blew some protesters away at any number of Scottish places during the week?
At least it could have hyped the "alledged conspiracy goings on" just that little more? Wouldn't it?
From the horse's mouth!
10.07.2005 02:16
Download: Visor Consultants MD tell the dirty secret. - mp3 186K
All on a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th.
Time to make sure that the Scottlan Yard and Interpol strings up the people behind that "excercise"!
someone somewhere
Great time
10.07.2005 03:24
Up yer wind. With due respect.
Tripe head
10.07.2005 03:47
someone somewhere in summertime
Tripe Head
10.07.2005 07:21
foi gras course its not my real name u tosser is foie gras yours..... pot calling kettle...
There is no doubt re suspicious timing
10.07.2005 10:40
Secondly, There is no doubt the timing is suspicious. Who does it benefit? Only the G8, particularly Bush. There was an unpresidented about of attention on the G8 to come up the goods re climate change, debt cancellation, fair aid and trade. They didn't, it would have been front page news around the world, including the US, and it would have damaged Bush considerably. If the 'terrorists' had struck just a day or two later it would have damaged the politicians more as it could have been read as a reply from the third world re our actions and highlighted how poverty breeds 'terrorism'. Doing the bombings the day before the announcements only strengthens Bush etc as it totally diverts attention away from the G8 failure, takes the pressure of Bush to do anything costly to US corporate interests and aligns the populace behind their 'leaders', the whole 'we must be protected' arguament kicks off again - support for losing civil liberties increases(good for them) and no more talk of trade justice etc (good for them).
Read Chomsky
Occam's Razor
11.07.2005 16:33
All it would take is one whistle-blower to expose a scandle. Not only would those leaders be removed from office and tried, they could even face the death-penalty here in the USA.
I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle of the official gov. explanations, and the wild conspiracy theories. It's perfectly clear the middle east wars were jumped into for profit, not protection in response to 9-11, and that fact alone should be enough to change peoples minds about the direction the US/UK are leading the world toward. Conspiracy theories, not without certain merit on certain points, overall muddy the very sane and worthy argument of an end to violence all around. There is more than enough legitimate, proven fact to oust Bush and Blair. That's where the focus should be placed. If that can be achieved, and the balance of power checked, other possible scenarios, if they exist, are bound to surface.
planning, my friend
12.07.2005 16:03
e-mail: geekessay@hotmail.com
You are mad or stupid, but unquestionably deeply offensive
13.07.2005 00:21
Your post is so paranoid/stupid it's hard to know where to begin. So instead i'll stop at saying i don't think you're very bright or usefull to the cause of world socialism. On the otherhand I am very bright, and have a 1st class honours degree from Oxford University.
"planning, my friend"
13.07.2005 00:52
You mean since around 1000 people were involved in an "exercise" in the Underground
right at the very time and stations where the "real" bombs were placed?
Nice try.
13.07.2005 03:34
And your horrible spelling tends to disprove that.
Radio interview: exercises of simulatanious bombs before they went off
16.10.2011 02:09
Download: - mp3 562K