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Caravan for Palestne stopped at the croatian border

info caravan for Palestine | 08.07.2005 19:54

Around 150 activists in solidarity with palestine are stopped at the croatian border

The caravan for International Rights directed to Palestine, that left the first of July from Strasbourg to Gerusalem was stopped by croatian police in Zagreb at the border between Sovenia and Croatia.

150 activist are stopped at the croatian border since 5pm and have been searched and blocked at the border without even have the permission to go to the toilet. The croatian authorities didn't give any explanation about the reasons of this stop even if the activists are asking for informations and have been explaining them the solidarity purpouse of the caravan and of their activity.

The caravan is organized by different european solidarity groups with Palestine and by ISM(International Solidarity Movement) members. It is a caravan for internationa Rights, constituted by around 20 vehicles, 150 persons that will cross Europe and the Middle-East passing through great cities like: Geneva, Bologna, Ancona, Patras, Athens, Thessalonica, Istanbul, Ankara, Damas and Amman and that will arrive in Gerusalem on July 19th.

for informations:

Please spread these informations to the press, in mailing lists and on the web to support the activists that are still stopped at the border.

For the freedom of movement and in solidarity with the palestinian struggle!

contact for the caravan: 0034665029689

info caravan for Palestine


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08.07.2005 22:14

Never heard of Gerusalem before, is that a new city?

Humpty Dumpty