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Eco-Worriers in Scotland

Tom Hellberg and Chris Philpott | 08.07.2005 14:34 | G8 2005 | Ecology | Globalisation | Repression | Birmingham

Eco-Worriers Midland eco-band playing in Scotland during G8

The Eco-worriers, a 2 piece guitar/vocal band from the Midlands are in scotland for the g8 gig. [1]

We were performing our song 'G8' during the march on Gleneagles on wednesday having arrived by train and bus. We are going to add 2 new verses for the song in solidarity with our friends marooned in Stirling which we will be performing tonight at the Forest Cafe in Edinburgh (from 8PM) along with other songs.

This will cover the issue of police impounding our friends ( and many others) who were obstructed by the police from reaching Gleneagles this Wednesday at the Stirling eco-village. We look forward to seeing you there.

[1] The Eco-Worriers formed in February 2003. We started out by performing at Stop the War marches in London, and this year have played several tsunami benefits. Last month we organised our own Leamington Live 8. We have written and performed songs for airport expansion, climate change, fair trade, fluoridation and GM biotech. We are currently producing a CD whiich will be given to green campaigners for resale to raise funds.

Tom Hellberg and Chris Philpott
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