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Cui bono?

About Blank | 08.07.2005 09:46 | Analysis

Stupidity Versus Logic in the Latest “Terror” Attack

Wow, al Qaeda must be the stupidest terrorists, no wait, stupidest people period, on this entire planet. Their purported goal is to shake the will of the western powers that have invaded Iraq, and to drive them out, no? Then can someone please explain to me the logic of the London bombings? No seriously, it is time to apply logic to these events. Please do not hand me the nonsense about these people being “killers” who do not apply logic. You do not become the number one terrorist organization without having some logic, no? We are expected to swallow that these people were smart enough to circumvent our billion dollar intelligence and air defense systems with box cutters, but they cannot play coherent cause-effect scenarios out in their mind prior to carrying out terrorist activities? I doubt that very much.

Just this week, it was reported that England had drafted plans to pull out their troops, gone, see you later, victory for al Qaeda, right? So we are to believe then that the orchestrated response to these plans was to blow up a double decker bus, in England. Now, can you guess what the most likely response to such an event would be:

1) Pull the troops out faster 2) Galvanize public support, thus keeping the troops in Iraq

Those of you that selected number one, I will assume you work for the Bush administration. Those of you that selected number two, good job. Now that we have established the enormous stupidity in the England bombings, the next logical front to examine is here in the United States.

Let’s examine the political climate here in this country just prior to this “attack”. Support for the Iraq War was at an all time low. People were unmoved by the President’s speech, dropping his overall approval rating to 43%. The drums of impeachment were growing louder with each passing day, with the revelations that the Downing Street Memos do indeed prove that George Bush committed felonies in lying to Congress and starting war without Congressional approval. Also on our political front was the Valerie Plame story and how it appears there is a good chance that Karl Rove committed treason in outing a covert CIA operative, who just happened to be assigned to uncovering WMD. Considering the closeness of Rove to Bush, if these allegations proved to be true, then how much of a stretch is it to assume Bush had complete foreknowledge of the revenge against Joe Wilson by outing his wife.

Now the corporate media has tried very hard to ignore these stories. We have had coverage of the Michael Jackson trial, and most recently the missing girl in Aruba for months now as Bush’s world unraveled daily. No offense to the Holloway family but the story about Natalie’s events should not be a lead story on any news show, with the possibility of impeachment, treason, and the Iraq War events happening daily. But there was our media, firmly in the pocket of George Bush, pimping the pain of the Holloway family as the most important news story. This aside though, the real stories were finally starting to poke through. Mainstream media received so many complaints about their ignoring potentially Bush-damaging stories, that they finally had to cover them.

Now, from al Qaeda’s perspective one would logically conclude this is a good thing. We were told by the Bushies that a vote for John Kerry was a vote for al Qaeda because they were so afraid of the great warrior, Bush. Considering the plummeting poll numbers for Bush and calls from the grass roots in this country for his political head, one should conclude that al Qaeda would be happy that the news had finally turned its attention to the possibility of getting rid of Bush. Please do not hand me the nonsense about how they do not look at these events. We are led to believe that al Qaeda runs their own website so they can leak stories that help Bush and claim credit for their own terrorist activities so it is obvious they are on the cutting edge of technology and Internet news.

So I ask again, given that the events in the US are in the favor of al Qaeda, and that public opinion for the war had been steadily eroding, I must ask the obvious question. Why in the world would they now carry out another terrorist mission? Are we honestly to believe they did not think about what the ramifications were? If the war was going poorly for them and the world was united against them, then I could understand an attack to break our will, but when things are going well, why in the world would they carry out this attack? It has now been reported that: “BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner said a previously unknown group calling itself the Secret Organisation Group of al-Qaeda of Jihad Organisation in Europe had claimed to be behind the attacks in a statement posted on an Islamist website. The group’s statement said the attacks were revenge for the "massacres" Britain was committing in Iraq and Afghanistan and that the country was now "burning with fear and panic", he added.” Uh-huh. So, al Qaeda carried out the attacks for the massacres committed by the British troops, which are miniscule in comparison to the US. They further carried out the attacks in complete obliviousness to the news of the imminent British troop pullout. They further carried out these attacks despite the fact that Bush’s poll numbers were in the toilet and heading lower, leading to a possibility of impeachment. They further carried out these attacks even though the media had finally begun to cover the stories that could be potentially damaging to the entire war machine that they are fighting against. Wow, they are some stupid terrorists. The level of stupidity is equal to when Osama bin Laden released his latest hit video, four days before the Presidential election. Surely he must have realized that would have only aided Bush, yet there he was providing America with a little fear before the election, a move that only could have helped Bush. Today, here is his little outfit, al Qaeda, once again coming to the aide of his alleged arch-nemesis Bush. Cui bono is a Latin phrase which simply means, “Who benefits?” and it is the question we need to be asking ourselves. What does al Qaeda gain from this attack? The only logical answer can be, NOTHING. It will instill fear in the populace which could lead to a galvanizing of public support for the war they are fighting. It may lead to England changing their plans about pulling out their troops. It will give the US corporate media an excuse to not cover the stories that had been corroding the support for Bush. Instead of the potential impeachment, treason by Karl Rove, and the Downing Street Memos, the corporate media will be hammering the story about the terror attacks in England and how they show the need for this continuous war. I am sorry but when asking cui bono, it is clear that al Qaeda does not benefit from this attack, as it undermines everything they are working toward. The war machine however, they benefit greatly. Their two main proponents, Bush and Blair get to play on people’s fears and reinvigorate support for their war. This event is only a few hours old, but here are their initial responses: "They are trying to use the slaughter of innocent people to cow us, to frighten us out of doing the things that we want to do. They "should not and they must not succeed," - Tony Blair. Really Tony? But your government had already decided to pull the troops out of England, so why would they need to carry out this attack and risk England changing their minds? No Tony, there is clearly no logic behind this attack and they clearly are not trying to frighten a people who have already agreed to pull out their troops, and who only represent less than 5% of the troops to begin with. Here is what our fearless leader, Bush, had to say today: “"The war on terror goes on." Ah yes, every now and again, people who lie for a living slip up and reveal the truth. This statement reveals exactly the purpose of the attacks, and answers the question, cui bono. Faced with plummeting poll numbers and declining public support Bush tried last week to calm the storm by going to the American people with more fantasies connecting 911 to Iraq. The American people did not buy it this time though and his numbers got worse. Then the “Karl Rove is a treasonous traitor” stories started popping up and Bush was faced with the prospect of his war not continuing and his staunchest ally, England announced their plans for pulling troops out just as George was saying what a mistake it would be to make such plans. The morale in the al Qaeda camp must have been at an all time high. Their efforts in the war were finally paying off. Bush was losing his public support and his own country was beginning to speak about removing him from office. His top aide was under investigation for possible treason. England had started to make plans to pull out their troops. So it is at this time, we are to believe that an organization smart enough to pull off 911, decided to throw away all the progress mentioned above, to frighten a people whose government only has 5% of the current troops in the war on terror, and had just decided to pull those troops out? The word stupidity would not cover this decision. It is unfathomable in its illogic. I understand this raises things we do not want to consider. Well, consider this. In the early 1960’s your government considered operations that would sacrifice innocent, civilian American lives in order to start a war with Cuba. I will not rehash Operation Northwoods ( nsarchiv/news/20010430/) here except to point out that it is horribly naïve to assume people in power, would not seek to abuse that power for their own ends. If this was true in 1962, it is even truer in 2005. We see the images of terror on the television and we remember our fear, just like we were supposed to. Our President will use this attack to rebuild all he has lost in support and we cannot allow that to happen. This attack does not change the fact that George Bush started his war 6 months prior to obtaining Congressional approval. It does not change the fact that he knowingly lied to Congress to go to war, fitting his intelligence around his policy. It does not change the fact that Karl Rove apparently may have committed treason against the United States. Don’t let him use this tragic event to sway us from pursuing the truth. Don’t let him. Cui bono America, Cui bono. Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites. A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess. Anthony Wade’s Archive: Email Anthony:

About Blank


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Stunning logic

08.07.2005 10:25

Here we go again. Another variation on the earlier "blame the Israelis" post. I don't know who planted the bombs, but I haven't seen any compelling evidence that it was the intelligence services. The argument that it couldn't have been an Islamist group wanting the British to withdraw from Iraq doesn't stand up in the light of the Madrid bombing. That event was the direct cause of Spanish withdrawal. It's true that the authorities will also use this as an excuse to clamp down on civil liberties, but that doesn't mean that they actually engineered it. Is it not possible that in this case the interests of the authorities and that of Islamist extremists overlap to some extent? Or does your logic not allow that?


Limits to Cui Bono

08.07.2005 11:05

So, there would be no "logic" in terrorists committing this atrocity is there? Of course there is. There is the "logic" that they would be showing their supporters (however many there are) that they are still active and can still carry out these types of attacks. There is the "logic" that this may lead them to make more recruits as they are able to show that they can actually achieve something on "enemy soil". There is the "logic" that it brings large-scale disruption to London and it may have been assumed it would have had more of an impact on the stock market than it has.

Besides, some of your analysis seems a bit dodgy. To give one example, you suggest that Al-Qaeda would have no reason to carry out attacks when Bush's opinion poll ratings were plummeting. One possible logical reason would be that they weren't too bothered about Bush's opinion poll ratings. Perhaps they have the same point of view that many of us have that there is little difference between one President or another??

I agree that this act in the short-term is obviously going to lead to Bush and Blair using it as support for their own agendas (and to that extent they may well benefit from this action). We've already seen that they've used it to bolster their view that the G8 are solving all the world's problems (as in "the terrorists are trying to stop us stopping poverty" crap that Blair's come out with). However, I can't see why it would have been a good idea for them to do this type of thing now. New Labour has just been voted in, there are no problems on the horizon electorally, they've manufactured a position where the G8 will be validated (not withstanding the odd criticism from those in the know) and they'll have got a "feel-good" lift from the Olympics. If they were really into arranging this type of attack I'm sure they might have saved it up for a bit of a better occasion.

Sure, if and when there is evidence suggesting that this may have been in some way the work of the state then it can be supplemented with a wider view of the reasons behind it. At the moment, though, you can make up loads of spurious reasons why different groups could benefit from this type of thing (and I'm more than aware that states have been involved in similarly dodgy things before, e.g Italy in the seventies). By all means, however, keep an open mind as to what may have happened and look at things critically - it just seems your argument doesn't quite fit together at the moment.


Another Capitalist Tool!

08.07.2005 11:25

Oh you poor mad fool! Its the capitalists/illuminati/Israelis/David Icke! You've just been brainwashed by the scum who are bringing in the new world order!! There's no police for reason, evidence, or logic on this web site! Up with the revolution!!!!


Good morning!

08.07.2005 11:27

Oh-is it that time already.(yawn!)you guys are late risers-mind you,with all yesterdays activity and unrelenting whitewash,you must have worn your poor little heads out!..why not phone in sick to your boss at that nice building down by vauxhall bridge where i guess you work...and have a well-deserved rest! take a lesson from king canute-he couldnt stem the tide either! gone much too far this time guys-stay away from knee-jerk responses-they reveal far too much to us sheeples!..CUI BONO!!!

the white rabbit

Rephrasing Leam

08.07.2005 13:34

Trying to make it crystal clear.

When applying a "cui bono" analysis you need to apply the reasoning of the actors involved as to what is in their best interests and not YOUR judgement of what is in their interests. It makes no difference that your "superior" understanding of reality gives you a different perspective. You are asking about about the motivations of the actors and these depend upon THEIR understanding of reality and where their true interests lie, not your judgements on these matters.

Also, WHATEVER events happen those in power will, if possible, use those events to gain whatever advantage to their position as might be possible. For that reason it is impossible to decide that they had any casual connection to the events.

mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

Under the radar

08.07.2005 14:24

I think you all sem to be missing the point here with your talk of Al Qaeda, CIA, MI6, Illuminati, Freemasons, etc as being responsible for the blast.

Ask yourselves who is really pissed off with London in particular and it will all become clear.

It was the French, the old enemy, how the intelligentsia on here, particularly the original poster could have overlooked this i don't know. But if you examine the facts and the motives it all adds up.

Vive la revolution!!
