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Weapons seized at Stirling Eco-Camp

Jelly Bean | 07.07.2005 23:19

Police have arrested several people after the discovery of a number of weapons.

Weapons found on people leaving the camp include knives, metal bars and pepper spray.

Jelly Bean


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08.07.2005 00:18

Knives? Metal bars? Like a grate? Pepper? What were they cooking for dinner?

Chef Doodleberry

Chef Doodleberry

08.07.2005 00:40

Carrying knives is illegal under Scottish law didn't you know that?

Yeah iron bars are widely used for cooking purposes throughout the world.

Anyway what was the cs spray for? A new vegan cooking spice?

Come on own up people you were nabbed with offensive weapons the day after wrecking old age pensioners homes in Stirling.

You weren't going to go on a residential wrecking spree again were you?

I hear from Stirling Council that you'll be on your way this weekend. Remember to wave at the CCTV camera on your way out the camp!

Pssttt. I hear the local youths in the area have got together and are planning something big as a leaving present! ;o)

Chef Tickletwit

how sinister is that

08.07.2005 01:27

i had the same problem in Pitlochry
intimidation by the KKKLAN
the masons don't like it up them

thay want to get back
to bossing the
hired slaves around

and selling them into prostitution

while their labrat kids join the army
to play toy soldiers
and deal drugs...

eh jock, ya get me?

keep playing the golf loser


jocks & golf clubs!

08.07.2005 10:44

A little stereotyping going on here isn’t there? I’m not a Jock but a Scot. I have never picked a golf club up in my life. How about that?

Please do act all shadowy and sinister about dealing drugs, prostitution, masons all you like. People within the “peaceful eco camp” was nabbed for having pepper spray, iron bars and knives.

Can’t get away from that. Simple really!

Chief Tickletwit


08.07.2005 11:48

Has anyone seen the ceefax page on this? Full of pro state propaganda. 'The police have seized a number of weapons' and 'weapons were recovered in seraches at the site' - these give the impression that the police went into the camp and conducted searches. This has not happened. People leaving the camp were searched. If anyone had weapons there would be unlikely to allow themselves to be searched - or are anarchists really thick. The weapons are camping gear. In Northern Ireland people with sugar in the house and fertilizer in the garden have been said by the police to have bomb making components. Enough of the bullshit

Tim Long

Fit up

08.07.2005 12:54

Yes, because the police have no record of planting evidence on people, do they? Certainly didn’t happen in Genoa...oh wait, it did, and scores of police were found guilty.

Sort yourself out.


Matt S

Camping Gear

08.07.2005 12:58

'The weapons are camping gear’…and the pepper spray?

Is that to fend off the dreaded Scottish midgies then?

Give it up mate, defending the indefensible and throwing the blanket over it all. Weapons were found, be big, stand tall and accept it.

Chief Tickletwit

Weapons - time will tell

08.07.2005 16:25

Chief Tickletwit says that weapons were found. Time will tell if this is true or not, but almost anything can be called a weapon, including bare hands.

If the police have anything they will put them on display. So far I haven't seen any pictures of these "weapons".

We do know that weapons were planted on people by the police at Diaz School in Genoa, including at least one petrol bomb. We also know that some of the "weapons" were in fact tools being used to refurbish part of the school.

A Person

the pepper spray....

08.07.2005 20:34

... was from a girl on our bus. she was travellin through scotland alone and as its legal in mainland europe she didn't realise it'd be a problem. a bit of cynicism is fine but that girl had a genuine reason for having it.

simon w

weapons ???

08.07.2005 21:00

Chief it looks like to poor little anarchists dont like the truth in any form . Is there anyone apart from local residents and scottish taxpayers who is willing to accept that there are elements of your so called organisations who are just in it for the buzz of destroying things for whatever cause is the most fashionable for that month. You came you saw you got your arses kicked......

mail e-mail:

My 2 cents

09.07.2005 14:56

I was at the camp for 6 days so I reckon I'll throw in my opinion.

99% of those at the camp were genuine protesters / activists / hippys / whatever.

Nonetheless, I think that it would be very naive of anybody there to say that there weren't people staying at the camp with the sole intention of causing havoc. Just as it would be naive of anybody living in any city / town / village in the world to say that there isn't a single knobhead living in their neighbourhood.

Though this is my own opinion, I'm sure that I speak for most of my fellow campers when I say that whoever it was carrying pepper spray is a complete and utter wanker who will inevitably fuck up the great work done by the 99%. In the eyes of those not at the camp, the violence is an 'own goal' - even though the people scoring these own goals are NOT on our team.

Peace loving hippy

Now now now

11.07.2005 12:03

Now we know that the Italian police did indeed plant avidence; the link for the BBC report is:

But we also know that elsewhere protestors have been riotious loons, so it just goes to show that you can't tar everyone with the same brush.
