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Al-Queda or CIA? We Report....You decide.,..

anonymous sources | 07.07.2005 22:29 | G8 2005 | Analysis

The bombings in London seem to make little sense for Al Queda so instead we ask the question: Who really benefitted from today's attack? Bin Laden? "The Hook?" or George Bush?

Over the years we have seen the threat of terror used and acknowledged by outgoing U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. Now it appears that it is possible that old plans from the 60s may have been dusted off, re-vamped and put into place today to bolster the approval rating of George Bush (which was in the 30 percent range). The attacks in London also benefitted the Bush Administration by taking the issues of Global Climate Change and Debt Relief, Fair Trade and African Poverty off of the front burner at the G8 summit just when 7 of the 8 nations appeared to be reaching consensus on those issues. George Bush as usual was the lone desenter.

So when one looks at the attacks of the past 24 hrs one should view them with the story below in mind and ask the question: "Who has the most to gain from an attack during the G8? Bin Laden? Or George Bush?"

N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. on here:

anonymous sources


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al-Qaeda myth

07.07.2005 23:24

al-Qaeda is the wet-dream brainchild of the CIA/Mossad/MI6. The Perfect Enemy.

Cui Bono? The lying, mass-murdering THUG, BLAIR. A very, very sick THUG - a psychopath.



07.07.2005 23:30

7th day of the 7th month 2005 (adding up to 7) 7 explosions


The number SEVEN is one of the most significant numbers in the Holy Bible.

I thought 7,7 had something meaningful 2+5 = 7. There so fuked up. How could any1 want 2 do things like this
This is a chapter from the book, Biblical Mathematics, written by Evangelist, Ed F. Vallowe.

When man began to analyze and combine numbers, he developed other interesting symbols. He took the perfect world number FOUR and added to it the perfect divine number, THREE, and got SEVEN, the most sacred number to the Hebrews. It was earth crowned with heaven -- the four-square earth plus the divine COMPLETENESS OF GOD. So we have SEVEN expressing COMPLETENESS through union of earth with heaven. This number is used more than all other numbers in the Word of God, save the number ONE.

In the Book of Revelation the number SEVEN is used throughout. There are SEVEN churches, SEVEN Spirits, SEVEN stars, SEVEN seals, SEVEN trumpets, SEVEN vials, SEVEN personages, SEVEN dooms, and SEVEN new things. SEVEN symbolizes Spiritual Perfection. All of life revolves around this number. SEVEN is used over 700 times in the Bible. It is used 54 times in the Book of Revelation.

The whole Word of God is founded upon the number SEVEN. It stands for the SEVENTH day of the Creation Week, and speaks of the Millennial Rest day. It denotes COMPLETENESS or PERFECTION.

In Leviticus 23:15-16, the number SEVEN and the Sabbath, which was the SEVENTH day, is connected with the word COMPLETE. The word COMPLETE follows after the words “SEVEN SABBATH” (Seventh day). The day following the SEVENTH sabbath there was something NEW that took place.

The word FINISHED is also connected with the number SEVEN. In Revelation 10:7 we read,

“In the days of the voice of the SEVENTH angel, when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God should be FINISHED.”

“It is DONE” is another expression found in connection with the number Seven.

Found from

i dont know about you, but that doesnt seem like CIA intelligence to me.....!!!!!!

not so sure ...

Why would Al Queda want to....?

08.07.2005 00:45

Why would Al Queda want to disrupt transport on G8 protest weekend?

Why would Al Queda want to make people scared to travel?

Why would Al Queda want to take the media emphasis off the G8 conference?

Why was the targeted bus on a diversion from its normal route?

Why has transport between London and Edinburgh been disrupted?

A Transport for London spokeswoman said the bus was a number 30, travelling from Hackney to Marble Arch. It was following a diversion from its normal route.
Chaotic scenes dominated the area all morning as injured people emerged from the Russell Square Underground station after a blast between there and King's Cross station.

Gner - Edinburgh to Kings Cross - disrupted
Disruption between Edinburgh and Kings Cross
Last updated: 7th July 2005 at 22:02, started: 7th July 2005

Check out the map of affected area.




08.07.2005 09:38

So, there we have it. The CIA pulls off terrorist operations in London, England while George Bush is at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. Hm. What´s the word I´m looking for here....oh, yes: drivel. And I´m not a fan of either George Bush or the CIA. Just common sense.

Groucho Marx (not Karl)

Just a quick point

08.07.2005 09:39

Um, how d'you know that there weren't more bombs that never happened?



08.07.2005 09:39

hi, just a quick point regarding the number 7, I am aware of the connotations of 4 representing the world (four points on a compass, four dimensions (up, across, away, time) and also the divine number three (the trinity, first odd non-1 number, first 'true' prime)... but to assume these can be correlated to the highly crass and un-mathematical gregorian calendar is a long shot.

Three being a prime, and four being one more than three allow you to manufacture a great number of other numbers (well, all the ones above three actually! ; ) as you just multiply out three to get the multiples of three (3n) (3 'times' n, where 'n' is the number of threes), and then add the four to get a (3n+1), and then two fours preceeding to get a (3n+2), and obvioulsy (3n+3) = 3(n+1) i.e. another (3n)... so don't be surprised that by manipulating numbers you attribute to certain events, you find these numbers, as I have just shown, *all* natural numbers can be made from these two.

Apocalyptic literature has been popular in christian and hebrew tradition since the babylonian times, just because some sketchy priests and politicians included this one in the cannonical bible really doesn't lend it any more credence than other writings. Though it is a very interesting read, given that it has shaped (quite sadly!) so much of our history.

Peace, Love, Anarchy, Utopia.xx

maths fan
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08.07.2005 10:12

The suggestion that G8 protesters represent such a threat that the British government (or US operatives) would deliberately bomb the London Underground (which is what I think the preceding comment is implying) is just fanciful and more egotistical nonsense as far as I'm concerned. I think this was an "al-Qaeda" cell, acting autonomously and secretly, just as is being reported.

And (sadly) it also did far more to rock the G8 summit than 5000 protesters could ever manage.


Must be a full moon

08.07.2005 10:39

Aye, the loons are out right enough. It was the CIA and MI5 backed by the Illuminati in order to hasten the imposition of the new world order. Using space alien technology.

Get a grip. If you can prove it was the security forces, do so. Otherwise shut up.

Loon Baiter

Incredible naivite

08.07.2005 12:00

Al Qaida are NOT on YOUR side you IDIOT!

They don't give a fuck about the G8, Globalization, The Environment... They have only one agenda - their own! To think that they'd care about disrupting your plans is plain moronic.

The fact that some people seem to think that A-Q are the armed wing of the anti-Globalization / anti-Imperialism movement fills me with dread. How can you be so bloody stupid?


who is a realist?

08.07.2005 16:22

First, let us all agree that it is much too early to know who is responsible for the attacks in London. Second, let us also agree that to disallow evidence and jump to ridiculous conclusions is not going to help either.

Therefore, why don't we look at several facts that we do know:

1) Scotland Yard reports four blasts caused by approx 10lbs of high explosive
2) the blasts occurred by means of self-timers and went off within 45mins of each other
3) serious loss of life, injury and damage occurred
4) Benj. Netanyahu remained in his hotel, although he had been scheduled to speack at time of the blasts

Without belabouring the obvious, can we at least demand to know how so many kilos of high-explosive material is floating around in the tube? These are not firecrackers and travel alarm clocks here. Something stinks about the apparent ease with which both the explosives were prepared and how they appeared on the underground and bus. Theory (a) has it that a terrorist cell was able to do this, theory (b) has it that trained secret agents carried this out. I am not going to tell you which one I think is more likely. Anyway, we need Scotland Yard forensics to be honest and TELL US WHAT the stuff was and WHERE it was made! Believe me, they will know exactly what molecules they found!

Although it is a sad prospect, we should be realistic about who might have done this terrible act. Theory (a) has it that terrorists who "hate our way of life" would strike innocent commuters, theory (b) has it that black operatives, working to counteract the growing opposition to UK presence in Iraq, or working to stymie G8 action on global warming, or seeking to stifle opposition to national ID cards and other security measures have willingly slain our citizens. Well, again, you don't need to know my opinion on this. But be open-minded. Ask yourself: just because the Queen says it and it is repeated ad nauseum on television, does it become true?

Finally, there has been a lot of talk and redaction about who "knew" what and who warned whom immediately before the attacks. Let's stick to the fact: Netanyahu stayed in his hotel room. Imagine that. The teeming millions of London, minding their own business are blown to bits, while a certain individual cancels his scheduled address to hundreds of attendees and stays very well put. I'm not saying that anyone is to blame here, but do you get a creepy feeling the way I do? A sort of chill up and down your spine that leaves you thinking:

how the hell is it the "leaders" always survive to call for war? to take away our civil liberties? to rob us blind for weapons and armed occupations? to stamp us down and call us unpatriotic when we are not silently going along with their bankrupt policies?


Al CIAda is more like it!

08.07.2005 18:09

Whatever passes for this nebulous group is basically the directed actions of a bunch of patsies and agents laying the necessary background for wars to advance specific interests. Show me the evidence of exactly what and who Al Qaeda is, where these websites are hosted, and have it all in an open public trial and then maybe--what's that? Not a chance? Didn't think so. Loon Baiter there's just so many times you can accuse people of believing in aliens before it ceases to be even mildly amusing or original. Argue the points unless you're afraid you can't! How many so-called Al Qaeda members have been convicted of any crimes in any court of law?

Macho Man

Dumbass Loon Baiter

08.07.2005 19:28

"Aye, the loons are out right enough. It was the CIA and MI5 backed by the Illuminati in order to hasten the imposition of the new world order. Using space alien technology.

Get a grip. If you can prove it was the security forces, do so. Otherwise shut up."

What the hell is this dumbass on about? Bombs are space alien technology? What the fuck planet are you on, fucker? If you can prove it was a mythical bunch of Muslims "who hate our freedoms" - (have you ever heard anything so fucking ridiculous?) - then YOU prove it, zomboid.

You are an arsehole, pal. Proof of the horrendous dumbing-down of the British sheeple. Now fuck off.


Yup, must be a full moon

08.07.2005 20:10

And Loon Baiter scores......

See you chaps have made a very serious accusation against the security forces. I think you'll find that it the onus is on the accuser to prove his or her claims, not on the rest of us to debunk them.

Now what proof do you have that "our side" committed these horrendous attroceties?

Loon Baiter


08.07.2005 22:05

I'm surprised you haven't blamed MOSSAD for the bombing yet.... you're slacking Indymedia !

The premise of this article is bollocks from the start. Bush, along with other nations, has cut African debt...has doubled the aid along with other nations and will go with GLOBAL free trade once Europe agrees to drop the rdicitulas subsides paid to farmers...

As Bob Geldof says:

"[The French] refuse to accept, because of their political ideology, that he has actually done more than any American president for Africa. But it's empirically so," Geldof said.

'You'll think I'm off my trolley, but Bush has the most positive approach to Africa since Kennedy' : Geldof, back in Ethiopia, praises Bush

Former president Bill Clinton had not helped Africa much, despite his high-profile visits and apparent empathy with the downtrodden, the organiser of Live Aid, claimed. "Clinton was a good guy, but he did fuck all."


control through fear (c'mon people!)

09.07.2005 01:02

As has been stated here and many times documented through history the use of terror tacics against ones own people is a sure way to acheive ones own ends.
These terrible attacks on London bear NONE of the hallmarks of radical holy terrorism.
They bear ALL the hallmarks of clinically controlled government mayhem.
Small devices,timed,placed on the floor anonymously,no overt signs of holy fervour a la screaming Allah Ackbar! and pulling the pin to detonate your own body.
No genuine CCTV images of these highly trained special forces operatives planting these devices will ever be seen.
So we are to assume that the shadowy Al-Qaeda flew jetliners into the world trade centre
(even though everyone knows it was a controlled demolition paid for by the Bush dynasty)
Osama sits in a cave and plans "I have it! My next dastardly plot to overthrow the new world order will be to blow up a LONDON RED BUS!Yes my followers!This will bring the western world to it's knees!....
These bombs sadly took life,but mostly they injured and maimed,there were no nails or shrapnel packed around them which would have created far greater fatalities(hmmm?).
What are 50 dead when,on the back of this,new legislation will be introduced for years to come,whittling away civil liberties,such as after 11/9 err..invading the second most oil rich nation on the planet..the patriot bill..guantanamo bay etc etc etc.
While the roman legions march on a few brave souls who tried to stand up at gleneagles.

Suicidal Vet
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Occam's Razor

09.07.2005 02:52

The terrorist documented being closest to the London bombings at the time they occurred was Benjamin Netanyahu. He's ordered civilians murdered before. He even had advance warning! Will Scotland Yard follow this most obvious lead?


What are you smoking...??

09.07.2005 19:58

Nice article. And you far left wing (nut) liberals wonder why very few take you seriously. Actually, Karl Rove was behind the attacks to divert attention away from Matt Cooper... dumbass!

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12.07.2005 09:04

I can't believe this has been posted...

This is totally outrageous...Is this a parody?

Thanks for the memories, but I'll get my news from somewhere slightly more orientated to planet Earth...




12.07.2005 13:17

If Netanyahu - and the Israelis - had had any involvement, wouldn't it have made more sense for him - who according to that theory would have had knowledge of exactly when and where the attacks were planned, and who certainly would not have used public transport - to have gone to the event he was planned to speak at and not laid himself open to the accusations of hysterical conspiracy theorists?

Just a thought.

Jimbo Jones

peace, love, anarchy, and utopia?

18.09.2006 21:47

Alright...Those four words totally condradict each other. I've been married for 5 years and haven't had 1 day of peace, but i love my wife...anarchy is a form of (for lack of better term) "non-government" in which total chaos would insue....and utopia is a perfect society. but I do agree with the fact that the whole numbers thing is bullshit.
Anyway back on the real subject here....

I notice that you guys keep saying things like "highly trained" in conjunction with US and UK Special Forces, but not mentioning the fact that terrorist training camps were found all over Afghanistan and Iraq (if you don't believe me ask one of the TROOPS who have physically seen them).

I also notice that one of the arguments made here sounds like the guy thinks that terrorists are only concerned with religious matters. This is a MYTH. The reason Al-quaeda was formed was for POLITICAL matters. The same guy argues that the reason it had to be a government hit was because some crazy dumbass Arab didn't just stand up and shout some kind of muslim shit while pulling the pin on a grenade. (HOW MUCH TV DO YOU WATCH?)

I also notice that nobody believes that some "crazy dumbass Arab" can get his hands on just about any kind of explosives he wants (given enough $)....This is also a MYTH proven by the FACT that South American drug lords have been KNOWN to use decommissioned Soviet submarines to traffic drugs.

Look the only "evidence" you paranoid, "big brother is watching" people have is that some guy didn't show up to speak.

"If you wanna think outside the box go ahead, but when you are done you'll know where to find me...I'll be right here, inside the box trying to fix all the shit you fucked up while you were out."

joe peaterson
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