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London bombing to the eyes of the third world

Xóchitl López | 07.07.2005 20:38 | G8 2005 | Culture | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London | World

What is the feeling in the so called third world about the bombing?
As in all matters, all depends on the glass you see the reality thru.

What is the feeling in the so called third world about the bombing?
As in all matters, all depends on the glass you see the reality thru.
That is. The point of view of the victim and his or her family is an absolute one. The pont of view of all english people is also a clear one, they have now 2 choices: 1) To stop the war, and help the world by changing their own country from what it is now and not by conquering other cultures arround the world. Or 2) They could follow Blair who says things like this:
"It is through terrorism that the people that have committed this terrible act express their values, and it is right at this moment that we demonstrate ours. I think we all know what they are trying to do -- they are trying to use the slaughter of innocent people to cower us, to frighten us out of doing the things that we want to do, of trying to stop us going about our business as normal, as we are entitled to do, and they should not, and they must not, succeed."

When Blair talks about "they", "those people" and "their values" any third world man or woman would think: "I could be 'that' people, I could have 'those' values". From here we see no diference betwen the "terrorist attack" and the "Blair-Bush attack". England has bombed more than 50 countries in las 100 years, some of them for years and years and some various times trough history. Almost the half of the third world people has memory of an english invasion to their country. India, many countries of America, most of africa and oceanía. Millions of people in asia.
Who started the war? For third world countries is clear.
The end doesent justify the means but war polarizes people, like in WWII the world now has 2 sides util the war is over. Elglish people have a key role in this farse. The end of one group of terrorist or the end of all terrorism, of all wars.

Xóchitl López
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07.07.2005 23:24

I couldn't agree more. Looking at this incident as an American , I see Blair using the same speech as Bush following 9/11 and through my research I've come to find out disturbing things about the US governments direct participation in 9/11, and I say not incompetency but participation...there are things about what happened at the WTC that are shocking when you really find out what happened. Now, I cannot and will not accuse Blair and the British government of executing these London bombings all I will say is that he seems to replicate the same speech and these bombings seem to be convienently timed with the G-8 . I mean INSANELY conviently timed. And as far as what I've heard, no real progress on Africa or the environment was made at the G8 yesterday and these bombings convienently served the agenda of the BUSH-BLAIR TEAM.

I agree that the people of England need to take a different attitude than a lot of Americans took in the wake of 9-11. Not to say there wasn't a large number of people in America against the Iraq war, but it imperative for Brits to call for peace immediately following these bombings. Not to seek revenge on the 3rd world , when all of the evidence to support who actually did these bombings is yet unknown. I was reading the MSN update news highlights on their homepage they said "Bombings have hallmark of Al-Queda" . Do you see what this does here in the US? I am hoping you all are able to be smarter and more kind over there. I wish everyone over there affected by these bombings the best of luck


How "English" is London?

07.07.2005 23:41

Perhaps we must question to what extent we can regard London as an English city. At the last census 28% of the population was record as being from "ethnic minorities" and certainly Aldgate East station is just alongside one of the largest Bangladeshi communities in Europe. Where does this appeal for an ENGLISH res[onse lead?

Luther Blissett


08.07.2005 05:10

I suggest that the write of this article reads something, anything. A book, a newspaper, anything. Then he will be properly informed and won't get so many facts wrong. If you are going to make a statement that people will listen to it has to be true and not full of ranting diatribe. People like you are hurting the cause, not helping it.
Also, it wouldn't hurt you to take English lessons, or at least use a spell checker.



08.07.2005 08:29

I have read your allucinating arguments,
I think you are useful idiots and objective allied of islamic terrorism, you partrcipate at the shame of the world, maybe all the movement of so called no global and pacifist is payed by islamic terrorists today as yesterday was by marx leninist terrorist

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Little Miss?

08.07.2005 08:57

I think the point in this article is perfectly valid. By couching the situation in black & white, us & them, clash of civilizations terms Blair is pursuing his agenda of creating a Bogie Man where really the situation is more complex. It has more to do with the haves and the have nots, the persecuted and their violent reaction to the persecutors. I condemn all warmongers. Hey Jenny, how many languages do you speak? My guess is only one, hahaha, and you didn't tell us what the precious books you read say.

Space Volta

drama on tv...

08.07.2005 09:01

sorry but my english is poor too anyways i would like to say something.
i'm really sorry that people got killed, but it upsets me anyway that whenever anything happens in the 1st world countries its so much medialized and all the world is turning around this facts, whilst people get killed every day in massiv numbers all over the world through porvety. alone in rio de janeiro lots of people get killed every weekend every day, all because of crimes, corruption and other delicts that are related to the poverty ... and this poverty is feeded by the 1st world countries wich still capitalize on their goods and gives them no chance to develop on a meaningfull manner.
anyway i think if the uk wouldn't be joining this stupid oil war it wouldn't problably be hit back.

this statement is only founded on my personal opinion and is not to be regarded as a jornalistic critiscism .

3rd world view

Drama on TV: Media Hijacking The Agenda

08.07.2005 10:22

I agree with the previous correspondent (3rd world view): sad as it seems this is just another car bomb and just another group of suffering innocents.

Space Volta

Couldn't agree more !!!

08.07.2005 14:32

I think that everything has been said in this article. But I must add that I think that we are ''doomed'' again for quite a while as long as the masses in the western so-called ''civilized'' world, what an anachronysm, that also shows such an occidental arrogance and blatant racism, won't stand up to the ruling elites and stop their sheer madness of dominating and exploiting the world !!! We must stop and eliminate those modern day monarchs, these people are simply evil and work only in their self-interests and if we continue like this our world will just be a simple dot in the history of mankind !!!

The hour is very severe and people should realize this, I personally don't see an end to the famous war on terror not as long as imperialistic powers of the west occupy 3rd world countries... Gee world domination by the west as lasted for more than 500 hundred years now !!! The west is finally paying the price for this world ''domination'', the south as risen and it started on sept 11th 2001... It is sad to see innocent people die in such attacks but it is also sad to kill and see thousands and thousands of innocent people getting killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo and elsewhere in the world because of policies made by politicians in Washington, London, Paris etc... and elected by the broad masses !!! No civilians in the west are not as innocent as they pretend to be, at the most they are ignorant and mostly ill(dis)-informed of what our world in 2005 really looks like !!! And it's far to be a very nice one indeed !!!

Karl Marx

Media Cover Up

08.07.2005 15:11

Instead of the Media covering the Real Issues. They go on and on about nothing. Repeating the same footage for Ratings. Catie Couric should be ashamed of herself

The Public has no Idea even as to what the G8 conference is about, they think it's about love Music and Help Africa

Its horrible how not one of those Media News shows will not even have an Open Forum on the Big 8. Conservatives will call it propaganda.

I cant believe MTV got involved. The truth has to be told. over 3,000 died in the Towers and Now over 53 in London. When will the truth be told?

Maria Fernandez
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Speaking for whom?

10.07.2005 19:02

Quote from above: "When Blair talks about "they", "those people" and "their values" any third world man or woman would think: "I could be 'that' people, I could have 'those' values". From here we see no diference betwen the "terrorist attack" and the "Blair-Bush attack"."

I don't believe there are may 'third world' men and women who believe putting bombs on crowded trains reflects their values.

Trying to suggest that the London bombs are somehow part of a war between the third world and the rich world does not reflect reality and serves no purpose, other than demonising entire populations.

There is no conflict between condemning the bombs in London and the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the G8 farce etc.

For my take, see

Mike Brady
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To call to the european (poor) people responsability in war is prohibited?

23.10.2005 07:54

Here are a few things:

Ugly people jump alone - To criticize my English as an argument against what I say is the stupidest thing you can do.

To indicate that the view of ANY terrorism is diffrent for diffrent people is not suporting terrorism. Either indicate the responsibility that the European (and its colonies) have in the war, even the "European poor men". A thing is not to have money to buy things and another thing is that there are not things to buy. MONEY has left them blind, they think that the things are there just because thats the way it is, and not because they rob them daily worldwide. They call it export.

Luther Blissett: London is VERY English. Globalization is VERY English. To say other thing is not knowing how different "other countries" are from Europe (and its colonies). Don't belive the blockbuster movies.

Jenny: ¿Quién te crees que eres, pinche rata apestosa, racista, inculta, descerebrada?
Jenny: Ich na' pué acatl ñê 'tai, capiña pô
Jenny: Ix maxal 'toc paiche pirruris
Jenny: q'tranza i che chang'put ahijde tupin chemad 're
Jenny: I CAN read many more books than you'll ever see.

Dimitri: YOU ARE THE SHAME OF THE WORLD. Yes, I am. Me and 80% of the world population. It is a shame but you will be happier sooner than you think, you and your so called "culture" will disapear. It seems you suppor Berlusconi ¿no?

Who do you think will stop the war and terrorism?
The pope?
your mother?
a legless child in Irak?

You, assholes, you who can, you who read and who speaks very good english.

Leave the world alone!

Xóchitl López
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