An Attack on our British Brothers and Sisters is an attack on the USA
Donald Iarussi MFA | 07.07.2005 18:39 | Analysis | London
Todayw e are once again reminded taht we in the USA and our closest allie is at war. There are many who would like us to forget that.
The blood and pain in the UK is felt in the USA, even in Chicago.
The blood and pain in the UK is felt in the USA, even in Chicago.
I can go on and give a Conservative rant. i can scream at the peoplew ho have politicized the war in Iraq and the war on terrorism to try to bring down Tony Blair and USA President GW Bush.
It is not the time, It is time for us Americans to let you
across the pond to know that an attack on Britain is an
attack on our Parents, our family.
United we stand with our closest allie, stronger than ever to
win the war on terrorsim, to bring Democracy to the Middle East and to defend our shores.
We must not lose track of why we are fighting this war on terrorism and why we need to be victorious.
We must not let go of the images of 9-11, of the beheadings of innocent people or the bombings of Spain and now London.
Spain folded like an accordian and surrendered to the terror.
They believed that if they behave, theyw ill be left alone by the cowardly bully.
we the people of the USA and Great Britain know that the only conclusion is a victorious conclusion to the war on terror.
God save the Queen, God Bless the USA/UK
It is not the time, It is time for us Americans to let you
across the pond to know that an attack on Britain is an
attack on our Parents, our family.
United we stand with our closest allie, stronger than ever to
win the war on terrorsim, to bring Democracy to the Middle East and to defend our shores.
We must not lose track of why we are fighting this war on terrorism and why we need to be victorious.
We must not let go of the images of 9-11, of the beheadings of innocent people or the bombings of Spain and now London.
Spain folded like an accordian and surrendered to the terror.
They believed that if they behave, theyw ill be left alone by the cowardly bully.
we the people of the USA and Great Britain know that the only conclusion is a victorious conclusion to the war on terror.
God save the Queen, God Bless the USA/UK
Donald Iarussi MFA
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And just who are you looking to bomb this time?
07.07.2005 18:59
Aggression is NOT the answer.
We do not, as yet, have any confirmed evidence as to who was responsible. No action must be taken in haste - otherwise we face another Iraq.
Instead we must calmly work to understand the reasons behind this and other attacks, make sure we understand them before we take irrevocable action.
An 'eye for an eye' is of no help when it is directed at the wrong target.
Violence is NOT the soloution.
Do not fall under the spell of media and government hype.
07.07.2005 19:25
And I guess he has also forgotten who gave Al Qaeda a leg up in the first place? Uncle Sam and the Agency... in case there is any doubt.
The situation is truly woeful: we have been undemocratically dragged into an unwanted conflict based on an obvious pack of lies (sourced from a govt that rigged an election headed up by a coke fiend moron deserter) and this guy wants us to rally to TWAT (The War on Terror).
If anything we should be screaming "impeachment" just like he should!
mr mnemoic
Take Your Sympathies Elsewhere
07.07.2005 19:33
How come idiots like this can't ever spell?
07.07.2005 19:49
"i can scream at the peoplew ho have politicized the war in Iraq and the war on terrorism to try to bring down Tony Blair and USA President GW Bush"
Well, we're pissed of with Blair and Bush for any number of reasons. Regarding the war, though, they both lied to us and I, personally, don't think that that's appropiate behaviour for elected representatives. the war was illegal and they lied about it so that they could attack anyway. You might like people like that. if so, you're welcome to them.
"United we stand with our closest allie, stronger than ever to win the war on terrorsim, to bring Democracy to the Middle East and to defend our shores."
The UK stands united with the USA because the PM (Blair) lied to us and when even that didn't get him the support he wanted, tagged along with the illegal invasion anyway, desite the vast majority of the people in this country not wanting him to. The PEOPLE of the UK don't stand united with Bush on this or anything else.
In return for this? Bush recently said that he wasn't going to view our relationship as one of quid pro quo. In short, Blair lets Bush fuck him up the arse and doesn't even get a reach around. "United we stand..." when it suits the USA, that is.
As for bringing democracy to the Middle East and all that, Bush's support of Israel effectively curtails that. this is also opposed by Blair but Bush ignores him. No reach around...
"Spain folded like an accordian and surrendered to the terror. They believed that if they behave, theyw ill be left alone by the cowardly bully. we the people of the USA and Great Britain know that the only conclusion is a victorious conclusion to the war on terror."
Spain kicked out a government that had tried to use the bombings to further its political interests, specifically by blaming them on ETA. It elected a government that had said that it was going to do what the vast majority of Spaniards want, i.e. withdraw Spanish troops unless the occupying forces in Iraq were placed under UN (not US) command. They weren't, so they left. We should be so lucky to have a government so principled.
As for the "war on terror" I've always thought it ridiculous to fight a war on a noun (I think this about the "War on Drugs" also.) A war on Al Qaeda would make more sense - but wouldn't fulfill US aims. I mean, they'd never have been able to invade Iraq if they'd had a war on al Qaeda, would they? The sooner we disengage from it, the better.
Don't Feign Innocence
07.07.2005 19:56
Reality Check
the left will try to blame deaths on Blair and Bush
07.07.2005 20:05
German economic problems on the Jews.
The same people who will tell you the holocaust never happened. These peeople are angry, ahteful people who ahte the freedom that USA/Uk give people. We overcame these angry vile
anti semits and anti capitalism cowards in WW2 and we will be victorious again.
These attacks are anti freedom, anti Christian, anti semitic, anti bhuddist, anti whatever supports freedom. Jihad has been going on for many years, Islamo Fcaists
have killed and beheaded Jews, catholics, Bhudists, gays, women, non virgins, women whom they dreamed had sex,
we are at war with the critics as well as al qaida, there are amny brits/americans who speak falsehoods that aid and abet Al Qaida. They want people to be slaves and these activist hate the ten comamndments and hate the Holy Bible
the real citizens of the UK/USA stand together and demand the exposing of the oil for food program, we demand freedom for Israel and condemn anti semites. We acnnot count on
JOCK STROP of France, a contributer to the corruption of the Oil For Food Program.
We will be victorous, we will destroy our enemy!
Don Iarussi MFA
07.07.2005 20:08
You'll destroy yourselves.
07.07.2005 20:19
General protection fault
07.07.2005 20:21
In Amerika, both the war on drugs and the war on crime have done nothing against what they were meant to combat. They were nothing more then a public reason to divert more funds to (insert government body here) - in fact we have seen more crime and more drugs on our streets. Now our great leaders have the war or terrorism, does this mean that now we will also have more terrorist attacks? Looking at the current track records of the American "wars on" it's seems pretty clear to me that the answer is YES.
If the world continues on the path it's taking thanks to our leaders, Einstein will be right about world war 4.
insert name here
Identificational "Hit et Nunc"
07.07.2005 20:34
Unhappily, a breakthrough to technocratical solutions of socio-political complexity most of western people and intellectuals find in organicism applying the same qualities to society as are observed in natural life, identifying society as it is a perfectly functioning robot - thus bumping at technocrats excatly there where these appreaciate the most - rewarding them by serving utilitarian causes with a feeling of being consequentialy useful for those who govern, stimulating to have expessed ultimate loyality to the top of hierarchical structure, those who speak, but can always be doubted if they whenever have thought too.
We have seen massive killings already defined as genocydes explained as being causes of democratical interventions in Europe and Asia, it is a question what these anglo-saxons know, tend to know and understand. The war on terror has been lasting rather some decades already. Only, the technocratical solutions have not appeard to be the most practical ones. Let's hope that the crowd behaves as leaders command. Leaders? If we don't like them, we may swap them, cannot we? While this is democracy, isn't it?
no ta!
07.07.2005 22:24
I am sure you are full of the best intentions but why not read up about the issues a bit and try to take an objective overview instead of just brainhaling all the shit you are fed in your media..the internet is a fantastic forum for unbaised, genuine, uncensored information
Has it occurred to you that maybe - just maybe - the US isn't alway INNOCENT let alone correct?
Sorry for that guy down in Texas
07.07.2005 23:52
Let's all stand together and make sure Bush and Blair get imprisoned for war crimes, get to the bottom of what really happened on 9-11, and stop bombing and torturing people who should be considered innocent until proven guilty of terrorism.
They hate us for our freedom? Since the end of the Great War when the Allies betrayed the promises made by Lawrence of Arabia and embraced Zionism through the Balfour Declaration, we've been screwing the people of the Middle East. NYTex needs to look back beyond 9-11 about 100 years if he really wants to understand the problem.
Ted in Portland, Oregon
08.07.2005 04:16
Soon, and perhaps a little later, we will all learn to be honest about every situation, and we will think honestly, write honestly, speak honestly and act honestly, in our everyday dealings with other people and so forth. This honesty will make us better people. However, I have no such belief that governments, especially powerful governments full of people drunk on wealth and (absolute) power will ever trade in any kind of honesty; all governments deal with half-truths, half-lies, disinformation, propaganda, and blatant distortion and complete fabrications. Even the clued-up seem naive to this; all power seems only to have one reality, and that reality is a continual justification for its own survival and holding onto the reins of power, no matter what is needed to do just that. Poor ol' Don Larussi is either a naive dupe, or another propaganda-robot, and only he knows the truth of that, perhaps he even doesn't know himself!
America wants oil! The Western nations started the colonial practise of stealing land and goods from everywhere else! All our western civilisation (certainly a lot of it) is based on this unpleasant, and well airbrushed, history! The ordinary person does not want war, death, etc but perhaps we want cheap goods, and high salaries, and etc! The world has always been cruel and unjust, are you all so blind to that?
08.07.2005 09:55
Is he intending to get some kind of hymn into my mind, i. e. to de-programme me? He might have better relied on an idea there is a mere person against all what he affirms. And the rest is all arround just not in his head.
What a hero of American time, this Don Iarussi! From Bronx, a vegetarian with an earring pittying Monica Levinsky.
08.07.2005 13:33
Now see I've re-read this a few times. I've been through the further education system. I've shown it to the wife. And sorry, mate, we just can't understand it. It doesn't make sense.
So ask yourself - why the hell the post it? You'rfe not doing yourself, or your cause (whatever it may be) any good. Hell post it in French, or German, or whatever. At least that way it'll make sense to someone. But don't waste your time with this.
My sorrows
08.07.2005 16:15
A Brit not understanding "industrial society"? That appears to be one of the splited minded ones. Have by an accident steam machines stopped functioning?
08.07.2005 17:01
Antithesis: Obviously, now you see it, next moment it is gone.
Sinthesis: Mama, we diminished ! ! !
08.07.2005 19:48
And I'm not English, hell its not even my first language.
divided by an uncommon language
08.07.2005 20:53
09.07.2005 07:58
Come back? What a come back? Haven't you educated yourself enough, yet? No, you were not so confused if not trying to keep the self turned on. Too many is bad. You better become selective, but I believe you have learnt finally otherwise there was no this bitterness in your language. And the mistress too! Two forgers at one bite.
Then Again
09.07.2005 10:57
Mate, I don't know how to tell you this...BUT YOU'RE NOT MAKING SENSE! Its not a political point. You're just talking gibberish.
You can have that in French, German, or Gaelic if it helps.
Can I have fries with that please?
09.07.2005 11:34
He'll fit right in!
For your pleasure, Confused!
09.07.2005 11:50
If nationality matters ...
09.07.2005 13:28
And I am the least from Belgium!!!
Laugh? I nearly paid my poll tax....
09.07.2005 15:16
Although I hope that's not how he/she really speaks English.... it is unfair to mock the afflicted.
No-body (p.s. there's no hyphen there, mate) I think you should consider the position Humbolt suggests, you know.
10.07.2005 13:24
Does "No Body" please you better, sire?
Afflicted? So, you are not!?
And ...
11.07.2005 08:08
NOW! Babes, LET'S GO and grasp few tasks!
11.07.2005 09:49
By the way, I recommend that you buy a beginner's English book that has guidance in your native tongue (assuming that is isn't gibberish) and then once you are comfortable with that level buy:
Then try IRC to start putting the language into practice. It's rather difficult to appear threatening in broken (carpet bombed) English.
The matter of believing
11.07.2005 19:42
Excuse me, honestly, I am a continental woman. Just stop, Humboldt, your recommendations are WICKED and English language is not your possession. Chatting? The only true beloved in beloving of mine is ... I am leaving an opened LINE to you, so that you may excercise your idea. I am exhaustd, this is what you seeked for. You won.
aAmong methodist christian converts I am not a mild sheep.
11.07.2005 20:19
I must indeed thank you for one of the most humorous tramplings I have ever received. It would be fair to say that I have never encountered such an individual arguing technique, and the effectiveness of your own grasp of the English language in completely defeating your own position is a unique strategy. Can I suggest, however, that you consider the following assistance:
All the Best, and Still Chortling
Confused but Chortling
How to keep the spirit up?
12.07.2005 08:58
Now, me and my babes have to utilize the talents. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Steve3742 is spelling police
26.02.2006 00:01
what, are you the spelling police?
You sounding like a english nationalist
05.08.2006 17:43
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