London Blasts Boost Bush & Blair
Foreign Press Foundation | 07.07.2005 15:04 | Repression
'Red Alert' all over Europe: Either MI5, MI6, Scotland Yard, the London Metropolitan police and the rest of their law enforcers are incompetent, or something else is going on. It's 9/11 revisited: including all the phrases, the overused expressions.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Europe - July 7th 2005 - The question Who Profits? concerning the Madrid-like 9/11 scenes in London, where bomb blasts tore apart a bus and rocked five subways - will not be heard for a while. And also not heard nor seen for a while in all mainstream media - will be the valid protests against the US government's lies surrounding the 9/11 disaster and the illegal neocon wars fomented by many of the criminal heads of state, which also are present at the G8 meeting in Gleneagles.
The explosions have silenced many more than intended, and from that point of view the criminals who did this must be the stupidest terrorists around; boosting Bush and Blair's bad image at a time when opinion polls in all countries outside the US had them in the gutter, and when they needed a boost most. Because that is the immediate effect, apart from some hundreds of millions of profit in blood money made in the stock markets.
But also the protest movement has partly been wounded and is blasted away for a while, meaning the G8's Bilderberg-agenda with it's fake 'help' for Africa* can be accepted without further criticism or ado. And again for some time nobody will dare to criticize the permanent crimes against humanity in the neocon's War of Terror by the US and it's criminal allies, which is one of the main reasons for global resistance which is called terror.
Bush backing Dutch PM Balkenende - who is a 'christian' neocon shame for the country, said on dutch State TV during a press conference: ''that attention was heightened, especially at the borders'', like in other European countries and even in the US. The spineless Netherlands government is an abject, sorry example of an American 'Lapdog of War'.*
When this is written, some hours after the blasts, according to the BBC and of course CNN, there is a new 'arab' group with a 'terror claim': 'on a web site which also is used by al Qaida'. The terror in London is thus said to be claimed by 'a secret European branch of Al Qaida' nobody ever heard about before. Have a look: What's Al Qaida? -

As everybody reading this knows: anybody can set up a web site, and Donald Rumsfeld's 'Truth Ministry' in Washington and surroundings - the Lie Factory - as it's called, has spend hundreds of millions of american tax dollars, globally spreading 'fake news' already for years. Rumsfeld himself has confirmed it. A huge US neocon 'deception industry' fights the 'media war'; fervently brainwashing as many as is possible for as long as is possible, via their mainstream media too.
So, and again as usual, all major global mainstream media immediately followed in the tracks of the disgusting propaganda mills CNN and BBC, declaring the dreadful bombing to be 'an act of terror' by al Qaida, the 'Red Pimpernel' of the US neocon War of Terror.
A London police chief said that they had found traces of explosives at the scene of one of the blasts. One hopes it will be the task of an independent laboratory - and not a state one - to examine eventual evidence, making the test results acceptable.
At the same time avoiding the now ill famous fraudulent behavior before the illegal Iraq war started, when Bush and Blair with their crooked cronies decided long before that: "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."
As stated in the uncovered famous Downing Street Memos* from mr. Dearlove, the head of the UK intelligence services.
It is known that those - 'their' law enforcing groups - have all possible ultra-modern electronic possibilities, which are used to track everybody, including - they hope - all presumptive terrorists. Now it's said bombings or other terror acts can not be prevented, so apparently all the hundreds of millions invested could not find nor trace the whereabouts or movements of the barbarians, as Blair called them.
It must be quite a professional group again which planned and executed this horrible bombing, which - like in Madrid - must have taken a long time of planning and coordination, and that while anything 'arab' is under heavy scrutiny in all countries like England or Holland - slavishly following the scaring US neocon blueprint.
Metropolitan police Chief - Ian Blair - in his first statement via de state's BBC 2, hours after the blasts, said there was no need to worry about help: "This is something we have planned and prepared for", he confirmed, while in the meantime Sky TV reported that the army already was in the center of the City 'to maintain Law and Order'.
The immediate conclusion however must be, that all agents and other people responsible at MI5, MI6, Scotland Yard, the London Metropolitan Police, the 'Bobbies' in the street and all the locally 'spooking' secret and intelligence services like the CIA, the Mossad and others have been asleep again. Like they were asleep in the US when 9/11 was set up.
Condolences and sympathy of course should overwhelmingly go out to the families of the dead, and all people which have been wounded in 'England's 9/11'.
The perpetrators must absolutely be found and punished, without them disappearing in the American Gulag.*
Henk Ruyssenaars
Google News - latest on London bombings - Url.:

The American 'Gulag' - Amnesty International - Url.:

What's Al Qaida? -

The Downing St. Memos - Url.:

FPF - Geldof's Live Shame Show - Url.:

The Netherlands: an American 'Lapdog of War': Url.:


Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

* is mobilizing a massive impeachment contingent at the huge September 24, 2005 anti-war March on Washington. Assemble at 12 noon at the White House. Sign up here to learn about the plans of the impeachment movement in the next month - Url.:

*Help the troops come home! Url.:

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