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resist in solidarity

tacho | 07.07.2005 12:34 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

what is happening in london can't stop us

what happen in london shpoulden put people out of the demostration which are taking place in scotland. we well know who the terrorist are and why we are against them. let's why we are here we have to carry on in respect of the people who are dead now, for the one who has bneen kill in the past in irak, afganistan, latin america all over the world by the neoliberal sistem. for the one who are not born yet.
today solidarity with the prisoner, tomorrow during the street party in glasgow.



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07.07.2005 13:54

"and in these days of rememberance, let us not kneel and pray for the dead. But let us stand and activate for the living, to rescue those about to die at the hands of politicians"

someone wiser than me

more wise words

07.07.2005 14:36

Don't mourn, organise!
