video: testemonies from Kneya, Brazil and Poland on the effects of the G8
imcuk vid | 07.07.2005 11:59 | Social Struggles
Firoze talks about Live 8 and his opinion of the questionable impact it has on Africa.
Marcello states they he doesnt want the G8 model of development, and that the G8 means more problems and more poor people in the world.
Ewa talks about the effects of the G8 influence on Polish policies, like taking part in the Iraq war with Polish ground troops.
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Marcello states they he doesnt want the G8 model of development, and that the G8 means more problems and more poor people in the world.
Ewa talks about the effects of the G8 influence on Polish policies, like taking part in the Iraq war with Polish ground troops.
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imcuk vid