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g8 fence breach video

imc ireland | 07.07.2005 09:38 | G8 2005

video of fence breach in gleneagles, g8. not so good quality but protesters can be clearley seen at50sec in to video behind the fence.

video fence breach at gleneagles see 50secin to video

imc ireland


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say cheese!

07.07.2005 15:14

so that was, what..the camera bloc?


A violent rampage?

08.07.2005 10:13

Shows just what rubbish it is that the media spread about the fence breach being 'led by violent black-clad anarchists': it's all fluffy hats, hippy jumpers and drumming up there by the ring of steel...

a spectator

the real problems....

16.07.2005 01:25

The big problem at the fence was..... A few idiots who wanted to pull the fence down and try to start trouble...They were the ones who were throwing stuff at the police... Then there were the photographers who wanted to stay at the front line to catch the top pictures of confrontation. This was odd considering the photographers were the ones who were right at the front an wouldn't move back! here were no 'rubber bullets' fired. No tasar (dont know if thats legal in scotland tho)... No CS spray... And certainly not the scenes we have seen in other countries. Am glad I live i the UK.... Shame about those 'British' people who decide to kill their own.... I think it's time for Britain to sort itself out before looking at other countries.. We need to remain united and if that means getting rid, then we should, or at the very least, cleansing our country of crap.... If only Bob and others cared as much for this country who already gives so much to corrupt countries for them to waste.... I the money was kept in this country then it could be spent on our own security.

God bless the family and friends of those who lost their lives to outsiders... My prayers are with them all.

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