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EcoVillage - Update 9.15am

relayer | 07.07.2005 08:25

people are being allowed in but they have to comply with section 60. Slimebag corporate media is ammased at the entrance.

so, section 60: name, date and location of birth, occupation, home address and search of body and bags. slimebag corporate media is ammased at the entrance, probably about 20-25 corporate journos waiting for something to happen. there is zero tension in camp, apart from frusturation from being denied free movement.



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Not allowed under section 60

07.07.2005 09:08

Section 60 only allows a search for weapons. Under this section, police is not allowed to read any documents or open pockets that are too small to contain a weapon. Also, under this section, you are not obliged to give your name, address and date of birth.

Of course, the situation changes when you become detained or arrested.


Proud of my son

07.07.2005 09:34

My son is at the camp site in Sterling and we have not heard from him for a day or two. He has more sense than to be destructive and has no less right to demonstrate than I have or anyone else, yet his freedoms are seriously restricted. Joe makes me so proud, when I was little older than him I was able to meet Thatcher, when she was PM, telling her to her face what I thought about her policies. My son will not get within 100 metres of Blair. How things have changed - and how much better for him to be fighting for his rights on a world stage with so much more than employment prospects at stake. I had the chance to speak about Thatcher in the press, Joe will be lucky to post his views on a web site. I expect if he has kids they may be lucky to chat about government behaving badly or world politics in the privacy of a locked room. Or perhaps the room will have been locked by others and the conversations listened to. Keep yourself safe Joe.
