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Sheritan Hotel Blockaded! (by cops)

Guido | 06.07.2005 19:59 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Globalisation

Today Edinburghs good citizens had their worst fears realised as hundreds of masked, black clad troublemakers surrounded the Sheriton hotel in the town centre. Terrified locals looked on as the gang who were thought to be behind mondays violence took control of the area and surrounding streets.


Outrage!! Armed, Masked, Black clad extremists take to our streets.
Outrage!! Armed, Masked, Black clad extremists take to our streets.

Sinister!!! Terrified locals fall victim to gang members.
Sinister!!! Terrified locals fall victim to gang members.

Hoodie Horror!!!! Blockader conceals his identity.
Hoodie Horror!!!! Blockader conceals his identity.

Cowardly!!!!+! Innocent passerby is harassed by organised extremists.
Cowardly!!!!+! Innocent passerby is harassed by organised extremists.

A spokesman for dissent said:

"It is clear that these people are not interested in dialogue. They just want confrontation with anything and anyone. We believe that these people were from the secretive 'Police Bloc' who attacked peaceful anarchists on monday. Today they showed their true colours by aggressively taking to the streets to allow another gang (thought to holed up in the hotel) to travel to a secret counrtyside location to plan yet more violence and enviromental chaos."

It was also clear that many of the blockaders had travelled from outside of the area to cause trouble. Intellingence sources believe that many had come from as far afield and Newcastle, Liverpool, The Midlands and Sussex. One notorious group from London who call themselves The Met are believed to be coordinating the chaos. The spokesman finished with this advice:
"Everyone needs to be vigilant against these lunatics until they have left Edinburgh and things can return to normal'".

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06.07.2005 20:18

Yup, that's exactly what it felt like at the time.


this is why anarchists should lose the black

06.07.2005 20:28

LOL good stuff.



06.07.2005 20:31

i'm glad i'm not at the protest..
but would you belive it? those thugs are everywhere- here in switzerland they seem to have a different dress, but you recognise them immediately by their behaviour..
extremists? I knew it!
