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in solidarity with the antig8 in Buenos AIres

maruls (indymedia Buenos Aires) | 06.07.2005 19:34 | G8 2005

Hi, in solidarity with the super indymedia team that is working a lot and really wonderfull, covering everything that the mass media dont, here in Buenos Aires we want to send to you girls and guys our solidarity, and we are also starting the preparation for the cumbres de las AMericas (Bush will be here) but we are everywere...



In solidarity with the super covering from the alternative media "indymedia´s team" that is working a lot and really wonderfull, covering everything that the mass media dont, here in Buenos Aires we want to send to you our solidarity, and we are also starting the preparation for the Cumbre de las AMericas (Bush will be here) but we are everywere...
excelent work mediactivism, activism, everything.

Ah, and this is a wall papper for one activity that we are doing here, in solidarity with you guys and girls!

maruls (indymedia Buenos Aires)
- e-mail: maruls (A)
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Solidarity from Canada

06.07.2005 19:48

Best wishes from Vancouver Island, BC to my Scottish brothers and sisters! Down with Bush, Blair and their coterie of limousine liberals. Keep up the good fight.

another anarchist