One day closer to a better world
king mobster | 06.07.2005 18:38 | G8 2005
A little message of solidarity for all those who have had to face this ugly excuse for a human being and his friends today. Take care of each other, we are all one day closer to a better world.
Take a good look at this. A grown man, an adult reduced to shouting, screaming and threatening everyone around him. Reduced to a bully, lashing out at innocent bystanders, a psychopath full of self loathing, fear and hatred of other people. Can you see the pain and rejection etched on his face, shunned by most people, his family, his neighbours he finds solice in small groups of his own kind, where he can obliterate the pain and the emptiness of his sad empty life, drown it out with alcohol, drown it out with the screams of his wife as he punches and kicks her, drown it out by beating up people on the streets and in the cells.
But the day will come when we will have to try to reintroduce this wreck of a human being back in to the land of the living, back into humanity, either that or put him out of his evident misery as quickly as possible.
A little message of solidarity for all those who have had to face this ugly excuse for a human being and his friends today. Take care of each other, we are all one day closer to a better world.
"Doesn't it give you a certain sense of pleasure to think how, some day soon, you will be able to treat like human beings those cops whom it will not have been necessary to kill on the spot? In that case you have come to appreciate that:
a) The cop is the guard dog of the commodity system. Where the lie of the commodity is not enough to impose order, the ruling bureaucratic class or caste sends in the cop to impose it for them.
b) Quite apart from the contempt which he stands for, the cop is despised as a hired killer, the lackey of every regime, a professional slave, a dealer in protection, the repressive clause in the economic and social contract which the State foists upon its citizens.
c) Everywhere that the State is to be found, there are cops. Everywhere that cops are to be found — (starting from the stewards and marshals at opposition demonstrations) — there too, is the State or its ghosts.
d) All hierarchy depends on the police.
e) Killing cops is a pastime for would-be suicides. The only way to resolve the police problem is through self-defense within the general context of liquidation of all hierarchical power.
f) Happiness is possible only when the State ceases to exist: and where the complete absence of hierarchy excludes the possibility of its re-emergence.
So you see, you have had your fill of controls and constraints, and of the cop who is a living reminder that you are nothing and the State everything, and a bellyful of the system that creates the conditions for illegal crime and legalizes the crimes of the magistrates who repress it. And already you are fighting for a harmonization of passions and interests (through the elimination of the interests of the spectacle and its economy) and for the reorganization of relations between individuals through abundant intercourse and the free diffusion of desires."
Raoul Vaneigem
But the day will come when we will have to try to reintroduce this wreck of a human being back in to the land of the living, back into humanity, either that or put him out of his evident misery as quickly as possible.
A little message of solidarity for all those who have had to face this ugly excuse for a human being and his friends today. Take care of each other, we are all one day closer to a better world.
"Doesn't it give you a certain sense of pleasure to think how, some day soon, you will be able to treat like human beings those cops whom it will not have been necessary to kill on the spot? In that case you have come to appreciate that:
a) The cop is the guard dog of the commodity system. Where the lie of the commodity is not enough to impose order, the ruling bureaucratic class or caste sends in the cop to impose it for them.
b) Quite apart from the contempt which he stands for, the cop is despised as a hired killer, the lackey of every regime, a professional slave, a dealer in protection, the repressive clause in the economic and social contract which the State foists upon its citizens.
c) Everywhere that the State is to be found, there are cops. Everywhere that cops are to be found — (starting from the stewards and marshals at opposition demonstrations) — there too, is the State or its ghosts.
d) All hierarchy depends on the police.
e) Killing cops is a pastime for would-be suicides. The only way to resolve the police problem is through self-defense within the general context of liquidation of all hierarchical power.
f) Happiness is possible only when the State ceases to exist: and where the complete absence of hierarchy excludes the possibility of its re-emergence.
So you see, you have had your fill of controls and constraints, and of the cop who is a living reminder that you are nothing and the State everything, and a bellyful of the system that creates the conditions for illegal crime and legalizes the crimes of the magistrates who repress it. And already you are fighting for a harmonization of passions and interests (through the elimination of the interests of the spectacle and its economy) and for the reorganization of relations between individuals through abundant intercourse and the free diffusion of desires."
Raoul Vaneigem

king mobster
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