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"Peaceful protest"?

Neil Stewart | 06.07.2005 18:37 | G8 2005

Police getting heavy handed with protesters as they chant "peaceful protest" police start the fight but protesters dont fight back, police dont stop either.

Police getting heavy handed with protesters as they chant "peaceful protest" police start the fight but protesters dont fight back, police dont stop either.

Neil Stewart
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you have it backwards

06.07.2005 18:48

That's not violent. Breaking an inanimate object is violent -- breaking someone's skull is not violent.


Biased reporting yet again

06.07.2005 20:17

I am outraged that once again a so-called independent reporter has attempted to file such a biased report. "Protestors chanting 'Peaceful Protest'". They were chanting this in a very aggressive manner and also chanting 'Scum' repeatedly. "Police getting heavy handed with protesters". No, it was the protesters getting heavy handed, shoving up against the police. "Police start the fight". Wrong again, no agressive moves whatsoever by the police shown here. "Protestors don't fight back". Oh dear wrong again, the protestors refuse to disperse when asked politely and continue there pathetic abuse. "Police don't stop either". Police don't stop what? Doing their job? Trying to stop mindless thugs from smashing the place up and intimidating the decent citizens of Edinburgh? Neil, you're not a journalist. You're an idiot.

Fed up local

decent citizens of Edinburgh

06.07.2005 21:47

>>Trying to stop mindless thugs from smashing the place up and intimidating the decent citizens of Edinburgh?

edinburgh has no shortage of rich arseholes who benefit from capitalism.... while some of the poorest people in europe subsist on its marginal suburban estates well out of sight of the tourists. who do you represent i wonder?
and i'm fed up of hearing of young protesters referred to as middle class trustifarians.... if they're students on their summer holidays, doing something they feel is more important and productive than some menial summer job, does that make them middle class? remember post-war socialism extended access to higher education in the UK to working class families and this continues despite having been seriously clawed back under thatcher, major and blair.



06.07.2005 23:23

Sorry to ask, but why is the quality of the videos which I get from indymedia UK always that bad? A better quality would be welcomed as I like to use indymedia videos (mostly from indymedia Germany) for presentations in school. So a better quality would be great!


biased? accurate

06.07.2005 23:45

i'm intrigued to know if you were actually there because it certainly wasn' t the protestors being heavy handed. everything was good mannered and jovial on the whole, until the police decided to step in and try and break the group of protestors up by pushing, shoving and generally forcefully moving people. it was utterly unnecessary. if the protestors were chanting in an agressive manner it was only in response to the aggressive behaviour of the police

am outraged that once again a so-called independent reporter has attempted to file such a biased report. "Protestors chanting 'Peaceful Protest'". They were chanting this in a very aggressive manner and also chanting 'Scum' repeatedly. "Police gyuoetting heavy handed with protesters". No, it was the protesters getting heavy handed, shovin'm intrigg up against the police. "Police start the fight". Wrong again, no agressive moves whatsoever by the police shown here. "Protestors don't fight back". Oh dear wrong again, the protestors refuse to disperse when asked politely and continue there pathetic abuse. "Police don't stop either". Police don't stop what? Doing their job? Trying to stop mindless thugs from smashing the place up and intimidating the decent citizens of Edinburgh? Neil, you're not a journalist. You're an idiot.
